Day: February 24, 2016

The Fed is Working to Implement NIRP

The Fed Vice-Chair has begun laying the groundwork for NIRP.

The US Federal Reserve is obsessed with market reactions to its policies. Because of this, anytime the Fed plans to announce a major change in policy, it preps the markets via numerous leaks and hints… oftentimes for months in advance.

An excellent example of this concerns the Fed’s decision to taper QE back in 2013.

At that time, the Fed had been engaging in two open ended-QE programs… programs that had been running for over six months.

Rather than simply beginning to taper the programs, then-Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, hinted that the Fed was contemplating a taper in June.

The markets reacted sharply with bond yields rising.

The Fed then spent six months allowing the market to get used to the idea of a taper, before the actual taper finally began in December 2013.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

Our options service THE CRISIS TRADER is absolutely KILLING it.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades.

Even if you include ALL of our losers, we are up 17% year to date.

Over the same time period, the S&P 500 DOWN 8%.

That’s correct, with minimal risk, we are outperforming the S&P 500 by 25%… and the year only just started!

Our next goes out tomorrow morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

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Put another way, the Fed gave the markets a full six months to adjust to a change in policy, before actually implementing said change. This only highlights just how focused the Fed is on market reactions to its policies.

In the simplest of terms: the Fed will NEVER surprise the market. This is particularly true now that the Fed is in the political cross hairs due to ample evidence showing its policies have increased wealth inequality.

If the Fed is planning on something new, particularly something that might have political repercussions, we’ll see numerous hints and suggestions well before the actual policy is unveiled.

With that in mind, we need to consider that the Fed is now actively engaged in a campaign to prep the markets for Negative Interest Rate Policy or NIRP.

  1. First we find that a Fed official hinted at NIRP during the Fed’s September 2015 meeting.
  1. Then, in early October 2015, NY Fed President Bill Dudley stating that negative rates were “an option” though not a “relevant conversation” right now.
  1. This statement was followed up by former Minneapolis Fed President Narayana Kocherlakota stating point blank that the Fed should “consider negative rates.”

Kocherlakota is a former Fed President and so is more aggressive with his campaign.

Fast forward to yesterday and…

  1. Now Fed Vice-Chair Stanley Fischer stated in a Bloomberg interview that NIRP is working “more than I expected.”

Carefully note the word choice here. Fischer didn’t say he was “surprised” to see NIRP working; his phrasing implies that he “expected” NIRP to work. The surprise element is just how well it’s working.

It is one thing for Fed uber-doves or former Fed President to promote an extremely aggressive scheme; it’s entirely something else for the Fed VICE-CHAIR to do so.

Fischer is the current Vice-Chair for the Fed (formerly this position was held by Janet Yellen). As such, he is the most likely candidate for future Fed Chair when Yellen’s term ends in February 2018.

Previously, the Fed had never once hinted at or discussed NIRP during its policy meetings. Then, in the span of three weeks, an anonymous Fed official state that he or she believes NIRP is coming to the US, followed by two highly visible Presidents suggesting NIRP for consideration, and now the current Fed Vice Chair (and most likely candidate for future Fed Chair) has stated that NIRP is “working more than I expected.”


This is simply part of the Fed’s larger War on Cash.

For six years straight, the Fed has been trying to “trash” cash.

First it cut interest rates to zero… making it so that savings deposits produced almost nothing in the way of interest income. Consider that at current rates, a retiree with $1 million in savings earns a measly $2,500 per year in interest income.

The Fed’s hope was that by making it painful for savers to sit in cash, said savers would move into risk assets such as bonds and stocks. This has worked in that stocks are now in one of, if not THE biggest bubbles in history… while bonds are trading at yields never before seen outside of wartime.

However, the Fed overlooked two outlets for investors who didn’t want to be forced into risk. They are: Gold bullion and physical cash.

The Fed has been dealing with bullion via clear manipulation of prices for years (that’s an article for another time). And now it is moving to make physical cash obsolete.

If you’re an investor who wants to increase your wealth dramatically, then you NEED to take out a trial subscription to our paid premium investment newsletter Private Wealth Advisory.

Private Wealth Advisory is a WEEKLY investment newsletter with an incredible track record.

Last week we closed three more winners including gains of 36%, 69% and a whopping 118% bringing us to 75 straight winning trades.

And throughout the last 14 months, we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

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If you have not seen significant returns from Private Wealth Advisory during those 30 days, just drop us a line and we’ll cancel your subscription with no additional charges.

All the reports you download are yours to keep, free of charge.

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Best Regards

Graham Summers

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Gold Has Been a Better Investment Than Stocks For 50 Years

Almost every other day I read an article telling me that owning Gold is dumb or that Gold is doomed as an investment.

These articles would be useful or insightful if they weren’t based on “analysis” that is either misleading or downright wrong.

To whit…

Gold has absolutely CRUSHED stocks since 2000. During this period we’ve had two of the biggest stock market bubbles in history. Yet Gold’s performance has made stocks’ performance look like a flat-line.


H/T Bill King.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

Our options service THE CRISIS TRADER is absolutely KILLING it.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades.

Even if you include ALL of our losers, we are up 17% year to date.

Over the same time period, the S&P 500 DOWN 8%.

That’s correct, with minimal risk, we are outperforming the S&P 500 by 25%… and the year only just started!

Our next goes out tomorrow morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

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Put another way, Gold has demolished stocks during a period in which the Fed was printing money by the trillions of Dollars. The Fed and other Central Banks may want to boost stocks, but Gold is the biggest beneficiary from their insanity.

However, Gold’s long-term outperformance of stocks is even more incredible.

Most “analysis” of Gold as an investment runs back for 100 years or so. However, this analysis is deceptive as Gold was pegged to major currencies up until 1967.

Of course, the geniuses in the media overlook this little tidbit because once major countries began to de-peg their currencies from Gold in 1967, the precious metal has absolutely DEMOLISHED stocks in terms of performance.


H/T Bill King

Since 1967, Gold has risen 33 fold. The S&P 500 is up just 21 Fold. Had you ignored stocks completely and simply bought Gold you would be significantly RICHER.

If you’re an investor who wants to increase your wealth dramatically, then you NEED to take out a trial subscription to our paid premium investment newsletter Private Wealth Advisory.

Private Wealth Advisory is a WEEKLY investment newsletter with an incredible track record.

Last week we closed three more winners including gains of 36%, 69% and a whopping 118% bringing us to 75 straight winning trades.

And throughout the last 14 months, we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

In fact, I’m so confident in my ability to pick winning investments that I’ll give you 30 days to try out Private Wealth Advisory for just 98 CENTS

If you have not seen significant returns from Private Wealth Advisory during those 30 days, just drop us a line and we’ll cancel your subscription with no additional charges.

All the reports you download are yours to keep, free of charge.

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Best Regards

Graham Summers

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Expect ALL Assets to Follow Oil’s Lead= 60% Drop or More

It would be a lot easier to be bullish today if the entire financial system wasn’t based on fraud and BS.

Every explanation we see regarding the bull market in stocks is really just a cover for the fact that Central Banks spent $14 trillion propping up the bond bubble.

All claims that stocks went up because of the “recovery” or because of “expansion” or whatever really translate to “stocks went up because TRILLIONS in liquidity went into the system and a lot of it ended up in stocks.”

Here’s the reality of things.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

Our options service THE CRISIS TRADER is absolutely KILLING it.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades.

Even if you include ALL of our losers, we are up 17% year to date.

Over the same time period, the S&P 500 DOWN 8%.

That’s correct, with minimal risk, we are outperforming the S&P 500 by 25%… and the year only just started!

Our next goes out tomorrow morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30 day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…


Bonds, particularly sovereign bonds, are the bedrock of the financial system. US Treasuries are considered the “risk free” rate of return. Every other asset in the world is valued based on its perceived risk relative to Treasuries.

However, Treasuries have become horribly mispriced because the Fed and other Central Banks have tried to corner the global sovereign bond market.

When sovereign bonds are mispriced, EVERYTHING is mispriced. This includes US stocks, emerging market stocks, commodities, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, etc.

This worked for about five to six years until the dark economic realities that Central Banks attempted to paper over began to appear.

In this particular instance, the economic realities concerned the fact that China, which was thought to have pulled the world out of recession in 2009, (courtesy of trillions of Dollars in credit expansion), was in fact an enormous debt Ponzi scheme dressed up as a “miracle.”

Indeed, you can think of China as the poster child for the Keynesian believe that you can print your way to growth. The only way China pulled off the fraud for so long was by publishing fictitious economic numbers.

Speaking of which, as far back as 2007, current First Vice Premiere of China, Li Keqiang, admitted to the US ambassador to China that ALL Chinese data, outside of electricity consumption, railroad cargo, and bank lending is for “reference only.”

However, it took until 2014 for a critical mass of investors to discover this for themselves. When they did, economically sensitive commodities such as Oil and Copper imploded.

Indeed, looking at the chart, one could argue that the “recovery” ended in 2011. But it wasn’t really until 2014 or so that the economic realities of NO growth (particularly in China) became obvious and both commodities collapsed.


Anyone who claims that the carnage is isolated to Energy is not paying attention. We will repeat what we said earlier: when sovereign bonds are mispriced, EVERYTHING is mispriced. This includes US stocks, emerging market stocks, commodities, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, etc.

Oil and Copper are just the tip of the iceberg, Globally, the financial system is 30% more leveraged than it was in 2008. And this time around Central Banks have already used up 90%+ of their ammo papering over the 2008 mess.

Another Crisis is brewing…

If you’re an investor who wants to increase your wealth dramatically, then you NEED to take out a trial subscription to our paid premium investment newsletter Private Wealth Advisory.

Private Wealth Advisory is a WEEKLY investment newsletter with an incredible track record.

Last week we closed three more winners including gains of 36%, 69% and a whopping 118% bringing us to 75 straight winning trades.

And throughout the last 14 months, we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

In fact, I’m so confident in my ability to pick winning investments that I’ll give you 30 days to try out Private Wealth Advisory for just 98 CENTS

If you have not seen significant returns from Private Wealth Advisory during those 30 days, just drop us a line and we’ll cancel your subscription with no additional charges.

All the reports you download are yours to keep, free of charge.

To take out a $0.98, 30-day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

NIRP Was a Dud. Are Central Banks Out of Ammo?

A growing number of investors are beginning to realize that Central Banks are effectively out of ammo (for now).

Last week I noted that the Bank of Japan’s implementation of NIRP only generated a brief rally in Japanese stocks. That rally has since been obliterated as Japanese stocks collapsed 10%.


This collapse has finally prompted the mainstream financial media to question NIRP. It’s a shame no one bothered to question NIRP, ZIRP, and QE when the markets were still rallying!


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We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades.

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Over the same time period, the S&P 500 was DOWN.

This continues this year. Already we’ve closed out FIVE double digit winners in 2016. Including a 43% gain closed within 24 hours of us opening it!

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

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HSBC: Sweden’s Experience Shows Negative Rates Haven’t Worked

The ‘Monetary Madness’ That’s Pushing Japanese Bonds Negative

Negative Interest Rates Can Hurt Global Stocks

COLUMN-Banks drink from NIRP’s poisoned well: James Saft

H/T Bill King for noting the change in media tone.

I point this out because it indicates that we are at a critical turning point. Between 2009 and last week, the financial media rarely questioned Central Bank policy, if ever.

The fact that we are now seeing numerous articles criticizing NIRP and Central Banks, tells us that psychologically a significant shift has taken place. That shift will see growing criticism of Central Banks along with an increase in bearish sentiment amongst investors.

This shift was also evident in today’s Q&A session between Fed Chair Janet Yellen and Congress. For the first time in recent memory, a Fed Chair was grilled on the legality and legitimacy of Fed Policy by members of Congress (with the exception of former Congressman Ron Paul).

Does this mean that Central Banks will simply “give up and go home?”

Yes and No.

For certain, the bar has been set much higher for Central Bank monetary policy. Interest rate cuts alone won’t cut it anymore. The ECB has cut rates into NIRP three times. None of these cuts produced a significant stock rally. Only QE did.


Similarly, the Bank of Japan has obtained its best results with QE programs. As I noted previously NIRP barely even bought 24 hours’ worth of market gains.


In simple terms, unless a new large-scale QE program or direct money printing is announced, markets are unlikely to react strongly to new monetary policy from Central Banks.

Another Crisis is coming. Smart investors are preparing now.

If you’re an investor who wants to increase your wealth dramatically, then you NEED to take out a trial subscription to our paid premium investment newsletter Private Wealth Advisory.

Private Wealth Advisory is a WEEKLY investment newsletter with an incredible track record.

Last week we closed three more winners including gains of 36%, 69% and a whopping 118% bringing us to 75 straight winning trades. 

And throughout the last 14 months, we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

With a track record like this, we’re getting a LOT of attention, so we’re going to be raising the price of a Private Wealth Advisory in the next few weeks.

However, you can try it right now for 30 days for just 98 cents… but you better move fast, because these slots are selling out!!!

To lock in a $0.98, 30-day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Phoenix Capital Research





Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market