The Biggest Mistake Most Investors Make (and It Costs Them Millions)

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

It’s very easy to be bearish about stocks today.

After all, there’s the prospect of a recession, the massive deficit ($1.6 trillion), conflict in the Middle East, the so-called AI bubble waiting to burst, and more.

However, despite all of these problems, stocks keep rising. In fact, they closed at new all-time highs just last week. Anyone who sold their holdings based on any of the above risks missed out on growing their portfolio. Anyone who panicked in April and sold their positions… or even worse DIDN’T take advantage of the drop to go long, has missed out on a LOT of money.

It’d be bad enough to do this once… but unfortunately many investors do this time and time again to the point of missing out on MILLIONS’ of dollars worth of gains.

It all stems from a lack of understanding about the stock market.

At any given time, the market’s action is determined by the decisions of millions of individuals, all of whom have “skin in the game” in the form of money. So, the market is processing literally billions, if not trillions, of pieces of information every day.

However, out of all these pieces of information, stocks usually only “care about” or focus on two or three items at any particular time. Sometimes it might be the economy. Other times it might be the Fed. Other times it might be a war, or a President’s actions (or tweets), or a hedge fund blowing up, or inflation, etc.

And until stocks start caring about a specific issue to the point of breaking down… all the hypothetical risks or issues that investors care about individually are unimportant (as far as stocks are concerned).

This is the single biggest mistake most investors make: worrying or panicking about risks to the point of missing out on bull markets. It’d be one thing if this was just a mistake… but it’s a costly mistake. As I mentioned earlier, investors miss out on MILLIONS of dollars’ worth of market gains when they don’t catch the big market rallies.

I realize the above words sound crazy coming from me. After all, two of the biggest calls of my career involved betting on bad things happening:  the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 and the EU Debt Crisis of 2011-2012.

So how can I act so carefree about stocks today when there are clearly so many issues in the world?

The answer is simple: I have proprietary triggers that hit before any major market break-down. Until one of them goes off, the market is telling me that stocks aren’t concerned about the issues/ risks.

I’ll detail one of the them in tomorrow’s article…  but in the meantime, if you’re looking for someone to guide your investing to make sure you’re NOT missing out on the biggest market gains, I can help.

Some quick facts about my track record.

I first recommended shares of Nvidia (NVDA) to clients in 2007 when it was trading at a split-adjusted price of $1 per share (it’s over $900 today).

I moved clients into Microsoft (MSFT) in 2014 when it was below $50 a share (it’s over $400 today).

We also bought AutoZone in 2012 when it was $422 a share (it’s over $2,700 today).

Simply put, when it comes to making BIG money from investing, I’ve done it time and again. Indeed, since 2015, subscribers of my Private Wealth Advisory have maintained a win rate of 74%.

Yes, we made money on three out of every four trades we closed… for EIGHT YEARS STRAIGHT!

And I believe 2024 is going to be our best year yet! We’ve already locked in gains of 10%, 15%, 27%, 30% and 67%… and the year isn’t even half over!

I’d love to have you join us. And you can do this today, for just $3.99 with a 30-day trial to Private Wealth Advisory!

Before proceeding I must warn you that this offer will expire this coming Friday at midnight!

A six month subscription comes with:

Again, the doors close on this offer this Friday at midnight.

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
This is How Successful Investors Think About Stocks (And You Can Too).

This is How Successful Investors Think About Stocks (And You Can Too).

By Graham Summers, MBA

Stocks hit new all time highs last week.

The reasoning here is quite simple: the economy is growing and the Fed has signaled it will start easing rates soon.

This is something of a goldilocks scenario. After all, what is a better environment for stocks than a growing economy (which means rising earnings) and lower rates (which mean investors paying a higher multiple for stocks’ higher rates of growth).

But what about the conflict in the Middle East, stocks being overvalued, inflation potentially turning back up, AI being in a bubble, and the dozens of other potential issues the market faces today?

There are ALWAYS problems in the world. And there are ALWAYS a multitude of things that can go wrong with the economy or the stock market. But until any one of those things becomes a big enough problem for the stock market to react… they remain hypotheticals.

I realize that sounds ludicrous, but think about your own health. The human body is comprised of ~36 trillion cells, 206 bones, 78 organs, and 11 organ systems.

The potential for something to go wrong is so large it’s incomprehensible. And yet, most days, we get up and function just fine. But if we sat down and chose to focus on the potential of something going wrong… we could easily convince ourselves that we were on the verge of a serious illness or worse.

The stock market is similar. There’s tremendous potential for something to go wrong… but we’re talking about potential not reality. Many of the potential issues never even materialize or if they do, they prove to be overblown as far as stocks are concerned.

This is why sophisticated investors don’t fret and panic about stocks every day. I’m not saying they don’t employ careful risk management protocols… but until a problem actually appears and becomes significant enough to impact stocks… they focus on MAKING MONEY, not worrying.

The end result is that while everyone else frets and worries, these people are growing their portfolios. The good news is that with the right guidance, you could EASILY do the same.

And if you’re looking for someone to guide your investments to insure you profit from it, I’m your guy.

Since 2015, subscribers of my Private Wealth Advisory have maintained a win rate of 74%.

Yes, we made money on three out of every four trades we closed… for EIGHT YEARS STRAIGHT!

And I believe 2024 is going to be our best year yet! We’ve already locked in gains of 10%, 15%, 27%, 30% and 67%… and the year isn’t even half over!

To join us in turning the markets into a source of life-changing profits, all you NEED to do is take out a 30-day $3.99 trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory.

A full SIX (6) MONTH subscription to Private Wealth Advisory includes:

This is a HECK of a lot of value for just $3.99.

Indeed, the book alone is worth $9.99 and you’re getting FREE shipping on it!

Don’t delay, this trial offer will end soon! And by then, you’ll have missed out on our latest winning trades!


Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in The Markets

Is This Major Country About to Default?

Japan is showing us the endgame for central bank insanity.

Ever since the Great Financial Crisis, the Fed has been following Japan’s playbook for propping up a financial system. Indeed, everything the Fed has done, Japan originally nearly a decade earlier.

The Fed first cut interest rates to zero in 2008. Japan did that in 1999. 

Similarly, the Fed first introduced large-scale Quantitative Easing (QE) programs in 2008. Japan first did that in 2001. 

My point is that Japan is the grandfather for central bank insanity. Because of this, the current situation in that country bears watching as it shows us the endgame for what will eventually unfold in the US.

I’m talking about the collapse of a currency.

Japan’s currency, the Yen, started collapsed in 2002. Since that time, Japan’s central bank, the Bank of Japan or BoJ for short, has begun intervening to prop up the currency.

As you can see in the below chart, every single one of these interventions has failed. The Yen is now hanging on to the edge of a cliff by its fingernails. If this last line of support gives way, it could enter a free-fall.

Put simply, the third largest economy in the world is on the verge of an outright currency collapse.  And if you think this couldn’t happen in the U.S., you are mistaken. The Fed has already signaled that it will be inflating away the U.S. debt in the coming years.

This means the $USD slowly entering a death spiral… and inflation trades making fortunes.

There is a LOT of money to be made here… and if you’re looking for a means to to insure you profit from it, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the Fed’s inflationary mistakes. As I write this, all three of them are exploding higher.

Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Bank Crisis, Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

The Fed Has Made a Crucial Mistake… What Does That Mean For Stocks?

by Graham Summers, MBA

As I outlined yesterday, the Fed is in a panic.

By quick way of review:

  1. The Fed stopped raising rates in June 2023.
  2. Since that time, the Fed has shifted to talking about easing monetary conditions.
  3. This has ignited a second wave of inflation.
    1. On an annualized basis, the 1-month change in inflation is 3.9%
    2. On an annualized basis, the 3-month change in inflation is 4.4%
  4. This resurgence in inflation has benefited former President Trump’s campaign as Americans by and large vote with their wallets.
  5. Former President Trump has set his sights on the Fed.

Regarding #5, Trump is convinced the Fed plays politics to benefit the establishment/ leftists. He believes the Fed intentionally sabotaged the economy during his first term by raising rates aggressively from 2017-2019. He also believes the Fed is actively juicing the markets to help the Biden administration today (he’s not wrong there).

And unlike his prior attacks on the Fed, which largely consisted of tweets and interviews in which he mocked Fed officials, this time around, Trump is planning to take action if elected.

Trump’s advisors recently leaked a proposal to overhaul the Fed completely should Trump win in 2024. Among the various proposals:

  1. Allowing Trump to fire Fed Chair Jerome Powell before the latter’s term is up.
  2. Revising the Fed’s leadership structure to include the White House in decisions concerning monetary policy (including cutting or raising interest rates).
  3. Using the Treasury to keep Fed policy “in check” 

Let me be clear here: I’m not saying that I agree with Trump’s proposals or that a Trump win in 2024 would be a good thing. I’m simply pointing out, as a statement of fact, what Trump plans to do if he wins.

This terrifies the Fed. If there’s one thing policymakers DON’T like, it’s being told what to do, or worse still, being fired.

And thus the Fed is in a pickle. On the one hand, it wants to do everything it can to juice the economy/ stock market to insure Trump doesn’t win.

But on the other hand… juicing the financial system is highly inflationary, which makes it more likely that Trump will win!

So what does this mean for stocks?

Increased volatility.

Stocks are being pulled in two directions shifting from focusing on potential Fed easing, to worrying about higher inflation resulting in the Fed having to tighten again.

We’ve already gotten a taste of this in  2024.

Stocks came into the year roaring higher on hopes of the Fed cutting rates. Then inflation began to tick upwards, resulting in stocks falling on fears that the Fed wouldn’t be able to cut rates any time soon.

We’re not talking about small price swings either as the below chart illustrates.

What does this mean for investors?

Your best bet is to ride the inflationary impulse into the election. After that, everything hinges on who wins.

What investments will profit the most from this situation?

To answer that, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the Fed’s inflationary mistakes. As I write this, all three of them are exploding higher.

Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

Has the Fed Unwittingly Guaranteed a Trump Win?

The Fed is panicking.


Because, its efforts to loosen monetary policy to juice stocks and real estate higher to aid the Biden administration with its re-election campaign have unleashed another round of inflation.

Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) bottomed right around the time the Fed stopped raising rates. It has since flat-lined and is now turning back up.

The same is true for the Fed’s preferred inflation measure, core-Personal Consumption Expenditures or core-PCE.

That little uptick doesn’t look like much, but as economist Jason Furman notes, if you annualize the 1-month and 3-month changes in core-PCE, the situation the second wave of inflation becomes clear.

Annualizing the 1-month MoM rate of change in Core-PCE gives you inflation of 3.9%.

Annualizing the 3-month MoM rate of change in Core-PCE gives you inflation of 4.4%.

Still not convinced? Take a look at what gold is doing.

As a general rule, Americans vote with their pocketbooks. And this spike in inflation is TOXIC for the Biden administration.

Former President Trump is one of the most unlikeable candidates in history… and yet, he’s been gaining on President Biden in the polls ever since inflation started ticking back up again in September 2023 (see for yourself)

So what will the Fed do? Its monetary easing boost stocks and real estate, but it also worsens inflation, which increases the odds of former-President Trump taking the White House. And what investments will profit the most from this situation?

To answer that, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the Fed’s inflationary mistakes. As I write this, all three of them are exploding higher.

Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

What’s Really Going On With Bidenomics?

By Graham Summers, MBA

The economy is showing a strange dichotomy.

On the one hand, the economic data ranges from good to great, with GDP growth clocking in at an annualized rate of 3.9%, and the economy adding ~300,000 jobs per month.

On the other hand, President Biden has the worst job approval rating in 70 years with just 38.7% of Americans approving of his efforts. And always remember, Americans vote with their wallets.

How are these two items possible? How can the economy be doing so well and President Biden be so unpopular?

The answer is quite simple: Bidenomics is actually Bubble-nomics through which the Federal Reserve juices the stock and real estate markets to levels that have no real connection to reality.

Those Americans who make up the top 20%, and especially the top 1% of the economy (the ones who own a lot of stocks and real estate) are doing GREAT. Everyone else? Not so much.

It all started in November of last year. At that time, the Fed announced that it was getting ready to start cutting interest rates despite the fact that inflation was still well above 3% and financial conditions were actually looser than they were before the Fed started tightening monetary policy to end inflation!

Stocks literally EXPLODED higher on the announcement and haven’t looked back.

As for real estate, the Fed effectively cornered the Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) market during the pandemic, sending home prices through the roof. Even with this market cooling in the last year or so, prices are WAY higher than they were before the Fed intervened.

By the way, once the Fed starts cutting rates, this market will also explode higher as two-years of pent up demand (mortgage rates were prohibitively high for most of the last two years) comes to market.

The top 20% of the country, particularly the top 1%, who own more assets that the entire Middle Class (the mid-60% in income brackets) have seen their net worth EXPLODE higher during President Biden’s first term.

These individuals comprise an extreme amount of the consumer spending/ economic drivers that are masking how the other 99% of the country are doing. 

What does this mean for the markets?

I’ll detail that in tomorrow’s article.

On that note, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the inflationary effects of Bidenomics. Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
Why Stocks Are Falling… and What Comes Next

Why Stocks Are Falling… and What Comes Next

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The stock market has finally woken up to what I’ve been warning about for weeks… namely that inflation is rebounding.

By quick way of review, the Fed stopped raising interest rates in July 2023. It then started talking about cutting interest rates in November. And it did this despite the clear evidence that Energy prices were the only part of the inflation data that had turned negative. Put another way, every other segment of the inflation data was still rising… albeit at a slower pace.

Fast forward to today, and the official inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index or CPI for short has bottomed and is beginning to rebound.

With inflation doing this, there is NO WAY the Fed can cut rates three times this year. The bond market has realized this and is now discounting maybe one rate cut of 0.25% this year.

Stocks didn’t like that. The S&P 500 has now dropped 4% and is below its 50-day moving average (DMA) for the first time since November 2023.

Bottomline: this move was entirely predictable, and those investors who were prepared for it are seeing EXTRAORDINARY returns in their portfolios.

On that note, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from this rampant government spending. Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

The Second Wave of Inflation Has Arrived

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

I warned time and again that the Fed was making a massive policy mistake that would unleash another round of inflation.

By quick way of review, the Fed stopped raising interest rates in July 2023. It then started talking about cutting interest rates in November. This was a MASSIVE mistake as inflation has NOT been defeated.

Indeed, ever since the Fed started talking about cutting rates, the official inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has bottomed and is now turning back up.

This trend continues. Yesterday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revealed that CPI rose 0.4% Month-over-Month (MoM) and 3.5% Year-over-Year (YoY) in March 2024.

 This represents the FOURTH straight month of CPI coming in hotter than expected. The fact it surprised Wall Street and most investment strategists confirms that NONE of these people are paying attention to the data.

The only part of the inflation data that is down is energy prices (and used cars which receives almost no weight). Every other segment of the CPI continues to rise.

See for yourself:

However, even Energy prices will begin turning up again… as are commodities in general. Both gasoline prices and copper prices are on the rise and about to break out of multi-year consolidation periods.

This is going to catch most investors offsides… but the good news is that with the right investments, you could see EXTRAORDINARY returns from what’s coming.

On that note, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from this rampant government spending. Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation, Recession Watch, The Markets

The Great Debt Crisis of Our Lifetimes is Coming!

Over the last week, we’ve warned investors that the Fed’s actions are unleashing another round of inflation in the U.S. financial system.

By quick way of review.

  1. The only part of the inflation data that is declining year over year is Energy prices. Every other segment of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) continues to rise.
  2. Financial conditions are as loose today as they were when the Fed first started raising interest rates in March 2022. And yet, the Fed is preparing to cut rates instead of raising them.
  3. The Fed is still providing hundreds of billions of dollars in liquidity to the financial system via credit facilities.
  4. The Fed’s own research indicates that food inflation is the best predictor of future inflation. And agricultural commodities are skyrocketing to new highs.

Unfortunately for Americans, the Fed isn’t the only entity that is engaged in inflationary policies. The Biden administration is currently engaged in truly extraordinary levels of money printing.

The Biden administration has added $6 trillion to the national debt since taking office.  Bear in mind, this is happening at a time when the U.S. is collecting a record amount in taxes. So, the Biden administration is not only spending all of the tax dollars collected, it’s spending so much money that the U.S. is having to issue record amounts of debt!

The below chart needs no explanation. This is simply not sustainable.

Indeed, the pace of debt issuance is speeding up not slowing. The Biden admin issued $3 trillion in new debt in between 2021 and 2023. It added another $4 trillion in new debt in 2023 alone. At this pace. the U.S. will hit $40 trillion in debt some time in mid-2025.

Indeed, the pace of debt issuance is speeding up not slowing. The Biden admin issued $3 trillion in new debt in between 2021 and 2023. It added another $4 trillion in new debt in 2023 alone. At this pace. the U.S. will hit $40 trillion in debt some time in mid-2025.

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to generate truly EXTRAORDINARY returns in the coming months.

On that note, we recently published a Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from this rampant government spending. Normally this report would cost $499, but we are giving copies FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary.

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation
The Fed’s Own Research Tells Us Another Round Inflation is Coming

The Fed’s Own Research Tells Us Another Round Inflation is Coming

by Graham Summers, MBA

As I keep emphasizing, another round of inflation is coming.

And the worst part?

The Fed knows it, but is playing political games to boost the economy/ stock market for the Biden Administration.

“But wait a minute, Graham,” you’re no doubt thinking, “the Fed’s preferred inflation measure is core-Personal Consumption Expenditures and that is trending down to the Fed’s 2% target.”

Let me let you in on a little secret… PCE  is a terrible predictor of future inflation… and the Fed knows it.

The Fed is the largest employer of economics PhDs in the world. All told, the Fed has over 400 economics PhDs and 150 research assistants on payroll. As a result of this, the Fed is constantly doing research on various issues.

Back in 2001, the Fed had several researchers dive into the subject of inflation. Their goal was the analyze whether the Fed’s preferred measures of inflation (the CPI and the Personal Consumption Expenditures or PCE) are decent predictors of future inflation. The Fed also investigated a whole slew of other inflation measures for comparison purposes.

The results?

The Fed found that food inflation, NOT CPI or PCE, is the best predictor of future inflation. Fed researchers wrote the following:

We see that past inflation in food prices has been a better forecaster of future inflation than has the popular core measure [CPI and PCE]…Comparing the past year’s inflation in food prices to the prices of other components that comprise the PCEPI (as in Table 1), we find that the food component still ranks the best among them all…

Source: St Louis Fed (emphasis added).

Now, food is derived from agricultural commodities. And what have agricultural commodities been doing in the last few months?

The first round of inflation is highlighted with a pink oval. The current price move is significantly larger. According to the Fed’s own research, this indicates a second wave of inflation is about to hit the US.

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to generate truly EXTRAORDINARY returns in the coming months.

On that note, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the next round of inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation
The Weekly Market Forecast for 4-8-24

The Weekly Market Forecast for 4-8-24

Stocks look due for a pullback.

Ever since the S&P 500 bottomed in late October/ early November 2023, the 21-day exponential moving average (EMA) has served a major “trend line.” Put simply, whenever stocks fell to test this line, they “bounced” soon after and the rally continued.

Last week’s price action featured a different dynamic. Stocks fell to test the 21-EMA and struggled to reclaim it for two sessions (blue oval in the chart below). The only other time this happened was during the brief market pullback in early January 2024. At that time, the market rebounded sharply on the third trading session (purple oval in the chart below).

In this context, today’s price action is key. If the S&P 500 rallies hard and reclaims the 21-EMA, then it’s likely stocks will rally to new highs. However, if stocks cannot reclaim the 21-EMA with conviction today, then we’re likely to see more downside for stocks.

I’ve illustrated the S&P 500’s support lines in the chart below.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of a unique situation in the stock market today, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that can profit from inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Are You Ready For the Second Wave of Inflation?

Our latest theme is that the U.S. Central Bank, called the Federal Reserve, or the Fed for short, is NOT politically independent, but is in fact a highly partisan organization that leans left.

The above items are not some conspiracy theory. The Fed’s own actions support this view.

By quick way of review…

1) The Bernanke-led Fed launched QE 3 just three months before the 2012 Presidential election. At the time, the economy was growing, unemployment was falling, and there were no signs of systemic duress in the financial system. So this was a clear intervention to aid the Obama Administration’s 2012 re-election bid.

2) The Fed kept rates at zero for seven of the eight years President Obama was in office.  Once it finally got around to raising rates, it engaged in one of the feeblest hiking schedules in history, raising them only once in 2015

and once in 2016.

3) Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election in a major upset to the political establishment. At that point the Fed suddenly began raising rates three to four times per year while simultaneously draining $500 billion in liquidity from the financial system.

4) Today, the Fed is actively juicing the stock market via multiple credit facilities designed to provide liquidity to help the Biden administration with its re-election bid. The Fed is also promising to cut rates despite the fact it’s an election year and inflation has not fallen to its 2% target.

I wish this was the end of this disturbing exercise, but it’s not: the Fed is also letting housing bubble up again. The reason? You guessed it, real estate is the single most owned asset class in the U.S. And boosting home prices during an election year is likely to sway voters.

TheS&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index rose 6% in January. This is up from 5.6% in December 2023. As HousingWire notes, this represents the seventh consecutive month of annual price growth. It’s also the biggest increase since November 2022. 

By the way, inflation was around 6% at that time!

So we’ve got both real estate and stocks bubbling up again, courtesy of the Fed playing political games. In the near-term this is fantastic for Americans, who will see their net worth rise as a result of this.

The bad news is that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. And the Fed’s political shenanigans are unleashing a second wave of inflation.

Gold has figured it out.  It recently exploded to new all-time highs.

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to generate truly EXTRAORDINARY returns in the coming months.

On that note, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the next round of inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Banana Republic Corruption, Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

How the Fed is Juicing Stocks to Help the Biden Administration

Yesterday, I detailed how the Fed is a political entity… and it leans left.

By quick way of review…

1) The Bernanke-led Fed launched QE 3 just three months before the 2012 Presidential election. At the time, the economy was growing, unemployment was falling, and there were no signs of systemic duress in the financial system. So this was a clear intervention to aid the Obama Administration’s 2012 re-election bid.

2) The Fed kept rates at zero for seven of the eight years President Obama was in office.  Once it finally got around to raising rates, it engaged in one of the feeblest hiking schedules in history, raising them only once in 2015

and once in 2016.

3) Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election in a major upset to the political establishment. At that point the Fed suddenly began raising rates three to four times per year while simultaneously draining $500 billion in liquidity from the financial system.

It is possible that the above items are all coincidence. It’s also possible that Bigfoot could actually be Elvis living in disguise in the woods.

So what is the Fed up to now?

It’s trying to help President Biden win the 2024 Presidential election by juicing the two asset classes that have the largest impact on Americans’ net worth (stocks and housing ).

Today we’ll be assessing the stock market. 

The Fed is supposed to be draining liquidity from the financial system via its Quantitive Tightening (QT) program. However, the Fed is ALSO providing $155 BILLION in liquidity via its overnight credit facilities. To put that into perspective, it’s more liquidity than the Fed was providing via this facility in MARCH 2009 right after the worst financial crisis in 80 years!

As if that’s not egregious enough, the Fed is ALSO providing nearly $500 billion in liquidity via a process called Reverse Repurchase Agreements. 

Small wonder then that the stock market has been roaring higher. The Fed is providing EMERGENCY levels of liquidity to the financial system at a time when the economy is growing! So much for QT!

In the very simplest of terms, the Fed is juicing stocks higher to boost the Biden Administration’s 2024 re-election bid. And rest assured, I’ll detail how the Fed is doing the same thing with housing in tomorrow’s article. 

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to see extraordinary gains.

On that note, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the next round of inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Banana Republic Corruption, Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

Here’s Proof the Fed is a Political Entity… and It Leans LEFT

By Graham Summers, MBA

It’s time to tell the truth when it comes to Fed political interventions.

One of the biggest myths concerning the Fed is that it is politically independent. This is laughably false to anyone who has paid attention during the last 25 years.

Consider that in 2012, the Bernanke-led Fed announced QE 3, its largest QE program in history at the time (an $80 billion per month, open-ended program), a mere THREE MONTHS before the U.S. Presidential election.

Bear in mind, the U.S. economy was growing and the U.S. financial system wasn’t under significant duress at the time. So this was blatant political interference to aid the Obama Administration’s re-election bid by boosting the stock market and economy.

A second major example of Fed political bias concerns its major shift in monetary policy once Donald Trump became President. To fully grasp this, we need to provide a little historical context.

Between 2008 and 2016, the Fed engaged in eight years of extraordinary monetary easing, maintaining interest rates of 0.25% (zero), and engaging in over $3 trillion worth of QE from 2008 to 2015. Bear in mind that throughout this time, the U.S. economy was technically NOT in recession. Economic growth was steady:

And the unemployment rate was in a clear downtrend:

Once the Fed actually ended easing, it embarked on one of the feeblest campaigns of tightening monetary policy in history, raising rates only one time in 2015 and 2016. I would note that all of this took place under the Obama administration.

Then Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election, and suddenly the Fed “got religion” about normalizing monetary policy. It raised rates three times in 2017 and another four times in 2018. In 2018 it also began shrinking its balance sheet via a process called Quantitative Tightening or QT. It would ultimately drain $500 billion in liquidity from the financial system via QT in 12 months. That is quite a shift considering the Fed had maintained rates at or close to ZERO for eight years prior to this.

Throughout 2016-2018, the Fed ignored numerous signals that this pace of tightening was placing the financial system under duress, right up until the junk bond market froze and the U.S. stock market crashed 20% during the holidays in December 2018.

For those who would argue that the Fed’s sudden shift from maintaining easy monetary policy for the better part of a decade to aggressively normalizing policy in the span of 20 months had nothing to do with Donald Trump being President, consider that former Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fisher admitted in an interview that the Fed’s raising rates in December 2018 was done specifically to hurt the economy because the Fed was annoyed with President Trump’s constant tweeting about them.

So again… the Fed IS a political entity… and it leans LEFT.

I’ll detail what this means investors as we head into the 2024 President election in tomorrow’s article. But for now, gold is giving us a clue.

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to see extraordinary gains.

On that note, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the next round of inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Banana Republic Corruption, Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

It’s Official: The Fed is a Political Entity

Last week, the Fed confirmed that it intends to cut rates three times this year, despite the fact inflation is NOT near its target of 2% and is in fact turning back up.

If you’re scratching your head on this, there’s a very simple answer:

It’s an election year. And the Powell Fed is stacked with political hacks.

It is clear that the Powell Fed is full committed to aiding the Biden administration in its re-election bid. After all, why else would the Fed talk about triggering an easing cycle when:

1) The stock market is at all-time highs.

2) Financial conditions are looser now than they were BEFORE the Fed starting raising rates in 2022.

3)  The economy is growing, NOT slowing down.

4) Inflation is turning back up.

These are the sorts of conditions in which the Fed usually RAISES rates. Instead, the Fed is going to start cutting rates AND reducing the pace of its Quantitative Tightening (QT) program.

Both of those are HIGHLY inflationary. 

In this context, it is clear the Fed has become a political entity. There is no credible economic/ financial reason for the Fed to commit to these policies. At the very least, the Fed should remove one rate cut from its forecast for 2024.

Instead, it is clear that the Fed is committed to pushing stocks and housing  as high as possible going into the 2024 Presidential election. This will be a boon for Americans in the short-term, but the consequences will be devastating in the coming months as inflation eviscerates incomes and investment portfolios.

The good news is that those investors who are properly positioned for this stand to see extraordinary gains.

On that note, the FREE copies of our Special Investment Report detailing three investments that will profit from the next round of inflation are rapidly being reserved. So if you want reserve one, you better move fast!

To pick up your copy, go to:

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

How We Know the Inflation Data is Fiction

I’ve previously explained in great detail that the official inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index or CPI, is massaged to the point of being a work of fiction.

Among the more egregious gimmicks employed by the BLS:

  1. Data collection consists of surveys with low response rates.
  2. Those being surveyed are asked to remember what they paid for goods and services (as if anyone keeps an excel spreadsheet of that stuff).
  3. The CPI doesn’t consider food or energy prices. 
  4. The CPI doesn’t use real world measures for shelter, instead relying on carefully crafted artificial metrics that have no connection to reality.

And so on.

However, if you’re looking for one simple explanation that the CPI is fiction, you need look no further than the Biden administration’s poll numbers.

President Biden is an historically unpopular President.  This is truly astonishing when you consider that his opponent for the 2024 election (former President Trump) is one of the most polarizing and unappealing candidates in history.

Why are Biden’s polls so bad?


Americans vote based on many factors, but ultimately, they tend to vote with their pocket books. And inflation is a MAJOR problem for the bottom four quintiles (lower 80%) of Americans based on net worth/ income.

The media shills and hacks like to argue that Biden is unpopular because Americans are “wrong” or “misguided” due to “disinformation.” But we have to remember that these are the same people who told us inflation was “transitory” for most of 2021 and 2022. Their track record is truly abysmal when it comes to accurately assessing reality.

Bottomline: inflation has NOT come down, no matter what the BLS and media tell you. And those investors who don’t prepare for what’s coming are in for a world of hurt.

I’ll detail what this means for the markets in tomorrow’s article.

If you’ve yet to position your portfolio to profit a resurgence in inflation, we just published a Special Investment Report outlining the clear signals that inflation is back as well as THREE unique investments that could EXPLODE higher as inflation takes hold of the financial system later in 2024.

This report went live just four days ago. And already two of these investments are up.

To pick up your copy, go to:

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research, MBA

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

Will Your Portfolio Be Crushed by the Fed’s Screw Up?

The Fed is screwing up… again. And investors who don’t prepare for what’s coming are in for a NASTY surprise in the coming months.

To understand what I mean by this, let me provide some context.

Starting in November of 2023, Fed officials began proclaiming that inflation had been tamed. The argument, at the time, was that inflation data was clearly trending down, while rates were much higher, so the Fed would need to start cutting rates soon to avoid crushing the economy.

I realize this is difficult to picture, so I’ve included the below image for you. The Fed Funds Rate is the red line. The official inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index, or CPI for short, is the blue line. As you can see, starting in mid-2023, the red line was much higher than the blue line.

During the last 25 years, any time the Fed Funds Rate has been much higher than inflation for long, something BAD has happened (a recession or crisis). I’ve illustrated this on the below chart with red rectangles.

This is why the Fed started talking about cutting interest rates in November 2023, despite the fact inflation was still well above 3%, while the Fed’s target for inflation was 2%. In the very simplest of terms, the Fed was “betting” that inflation would continue to trend down, therefore giving the Fed the excuse to cut rates.

However, since that time, the CPI has stopped declining as rapidly. The trend, while still down, isn’t nearly as strong.

Indeed, the situation looks much uglier when we include food and energy prices to inflation. As I noted in yesterday’s article, the ONLY reason inflation appears to have declined as much as it has is because energy prices have collapsed year over year. Once you include energy data in the inflation measure, things look like this:

Put simply, the Fed has screwed up… again. The Fed promised it would cut rates base on an assumption that has proven false. This opens the door to a serious upset for the markets in the coming weeks.

If you’ve yet to take action to profit a resurgence in inflation, we just published a Special Investment Report outlining the clear signals that inflation is back as well as THREE unique investments that could EXPLODE higher as inflation takes hold of the financial system later in 2024.

To pick up your copy, go to:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

Warning: Inflation is Going the WRONG Way Again!

By Graham Summers, MBA

Well, it’s finally happening!

Throughout 2023, I warned that inflation was not really disappearing from the financial system. Time and again I noted that the ONLY data in the inflation measure that had declined was energy prices. 

This trend continues to this day, by the way. See for yourself.

Take out energy prices (and used cars) and the inflationary data is still RISING in every category.

And things are going to get worse soon.


Energy prices will soon no longer be DOWN year over year. For 12 months, the CPI has been calculated by comparing the prices in the blue rectangle to prices in the purple rectangle. However, in 2024, prices will be compared to the blue rectangle for inflation calculations.

We’ve now had two months of the CPI surprising to the upside. And this is while Energy prices are HELPING the inflation data. What happens when Energy is no longer down on a year over year basis?

Hint: gold has already figured it out. Other asset classes will soon.

If you’ve yet to take action to profit a resurgence in inflation, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning THREE investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled How to Profit from Inflation: Three Investments to Make Money”And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

A Deep Dive Into What AI Means For Corporate America Pt 3.

By Graham Summers, MBA

We’re picking up where we left off our A Deep Dive Into What AI Means For Corporate America investment series. If you missed the first two parts from this series, you can access them here and here.

By brief way of review:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the dominant theme in the investing world today.
  2. Currently AI is capable of accessing vast swathes of available information and integrating it in such a way that AI appears to be creating something from scratch.
  3. Current AI models are being deployed in practically every sector of the economy from entertainment to marketing, operations and more.
  4. While the areas of the economy that AI is impacting are different, the implications are all the same:
    1. Improving productivity (getting more results for less effort).
    2. Cutting costs (salaries, benefits, office space, etc.).

This is why AI is so exciting for the economy and investors. In a best-case scenario, AI will lead to a massive increase in profitability as revenues grow and costs decrease. And that is what has triggered a kind of mania for AI-related stocks.

The flipside of this is that AI is currently a kind of Wild West in which “anything goes.” There are no legal, legislative, or societal frameworks for this technology. As a result, advances are being made with few if any ethical considerations.

In this sense, AI is following a pattern we’ve seen with other technological revolutions in the past. That pattern consists of two phases is:

  1. The initial breakthrough phase, which occurs before social/legal frameworks are in place.
  2. The “normalization” phase during which social/legal frameworks are implemented, giving the technology a societal and financial legitimacy.

If you need a real-world example of this, think of the electronic music file or MP3 revolution. 

The first phase was Napster in 1999, which featured the sharing of music in what was later deemed as illegal activity (the legal framework was not yet ready for the technology). During this initial phase Napster exploded in popularity particularly among young people. At its peak Napster had tens of millions of users. Then came the lawsuits, Napster went bankrupt, and social/ legal frameworks were introduced for this new technology. During this time Apple introduced iTunes: a version of MP3 technology in which MP3s could be bought and sold in a legally acceptable form.

Napster is still around. Its marketing promotes the fact it is “100% legal.” And it has about five million users. By way of contrast, at its peak, iTunes had 500+ million users and accounted for 63% of all digital music sales. It is now in the process of being converted over to Apple Music, a new service that also offers music streaming and other services in order to compete with Spotify which is the new market leader. So once again, the technology has changed and requires adaption.

AI as it stands today, is in its “Napster” phase. As investors we can profit from this by riding key players in the space, but we need to do so with our eyes open to risks, in particular the risk that at some point, the threat of a regulatory framework for AI will appear. And when it does, much of the “froth” in AI stocks will disappear as hot money/ momentum investors leave the space out of fear.

This doesn’t mean that AI will be “dead” at that time. Indeed, the BIG money will be made as market leaders emerge from the ashes of that collapse.

We’ll delve deeper into this in tomorrow’s article…

In the meantime, if you’re interested in profiting from this technological revolution, we are currently putting the finishing touches on a special investment reporting that outlines some of the larger implications for AI as well as several of the most likely market leaders.

To receive this special report when it’s published later this week, all you need to do is sign up for our FREE daily investment commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To do so, go to:

Good Investing!

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in AI, It's a Bull Market

A Deep Dive Into What AI Means For Corporate America Pt 2.

By Graham Summers, MBA

We’re picking up where we left off our A Deep Dive Into What AI Means For Corporate America investment series. If you missed the first part from this series last week, you can access it here.

By brief way of review:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the dominant theme in the investing world today.
  2. Currently AI is capable of accessing vast swathes of available information and integrating it in such a way that AI appears to be creating something from scratch.

We’ve already detailed the impact this technology will have on the entertainment industry: creating videos/ movies/ commercials used to require  dozens of people (directors, actors, lighting technicians, sound technicians, editors, etc.) Courtesy of AI, ONE person can serve all of those functions.

Today, we’re going to assess the impact AI can have on other industries.

In the corporate world, AI can perform many tasks that previously required several people if not entire departments. AI can write an entire marketing piece and even create a visual advertisement for a product using a few words/ phrases entered by one user.

Interactive Investor recently used to AI to develop an entire online marketing campaign including thousands of ads and keywords. The results saw an increase in account creation and decrease in acquisition costs.

AI can do legal work as well, performing document review, analyzing contracts, and even preparing a deposition. There are now several examples of AI “legal assistants” located online.

AI can even alter business operations. Whole Foods has begun introducing “Just Walk Out” stores in which you simply walk in, take whatever you want from the shelves, and walk out. Sensors and cameras take care of the payment side of things.

The above examples of AI technology pertain to very different areas of the economy: making movies, performing legal diligence, shopping for groceries, etc. However, for investors, the implications of AI all boil down to just two items:

  1. Improving productivity (getting more results for less effort).
  2. Cutting costs (salaries, benefits, office space, etc.).

This is why AI is so exciting for the economy and investors. In a best-case scenario, AI will lead to a massive increase in profitability as revenues grow and costs decrease. And that is what has triggered a kind of mania for AI-related stocks: Nvidia, Super Micro Computers, etc.

The flipside of this is that AI is currently a kind of Wild West in which “anything goes.” There are no legal, legislative, or societal frameworks for this technology. As a result, advances are being made with few if any ethical considerations. 

We’ll be assessing those in tomorrow’s article.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in profiting from this technological revolution, we are currently putting the finishing touches on a special investment reporting that outlines some of the larger implications for AI as well as several of the most likely market leaders.

To receive this special report when it’s published later this week, all you need to do is sign up for our FREE daily investment commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To do so, go to:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in AI, It's a Bull Market