Guru Interviews

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Stocks, Bonds, Currencies, Gold
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Dear Investor,

Hosted by myself (Phoenix Capital Research's Chief Market Strategist Graham Summers), Guru Interviews consists of no-nonsense,
uninterrupted market analysis and investing insights from professional traders, Wall Street veterans, and investing legends alike.

This is real investment research that you can use right away!

In plain terms, I give these folks 15-30 minutes to cut loose and say what they really think about how to invest in today's markets.

  • How to allocate capital effectively among stocks, bonds, currencies, gold and more during these volatile times
  • Where the value is today and how to spot it
  • How to size your positions and exit a position to maximize your gains

That's not all. I also get them to open up and tell us:

  • Their biggest personal concerns about the markets today
  • What they really think about the Government Interventions
  • Why the Fed and world central bankers are scared stiff though they publicly proclaim the Financial Crisis is over
  • How to prepare yourself and your loved ones for the next wave of the Crisis (we're talking food, cash, gold... the works)

To gain access to our latest interview, as well as the Guru Interviews archives, all you have to do is sign up for our FREE daily financial
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Graham Summers
Gains, Pains & Capital