Phoenix Capital Research

Breaking Down Trump’s Strategic Bitcoin Stockpile…

Let’s dive into the latest development that has the financial community buzzing – Donald Trump’s proposal for a Strategic Bitcoin Stockpile. This proposition is stirring quite a bit of excitement and curiosity, so let’s unpack what it could mean for you and your investment strategy.

Trump’s Bold Move: A Strategic Bitcoin StockpileIn a recent announcement, Trump unveiled his plans to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Stockpile, a move that underscores his shifting view on the cryptocurrency market. This Stockpile is designed to hold the U.S.’s bitcoin, leveraging its potential as a digital asset class and a hedge against traditional market fluctuations.Trump put it simply at a conference in Nashville in July of this year, “NEVER sell your bitcoin… If elected, it will be the policy of my administration to keep 100% of all the bitcoin the U.S. government currently holds or acquires into the future.”Now that Trump is President, this proposal can become a reality.Why It Matters: Potential Impact on the MarketThis isn’t just another fund – it’s a statement. By proposing a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, Trump is signaling a significant shift in how influential figures understand and utilize digital currencies.Here are a few key takeaways on why this proposition matters:

  1. Legitimacy Boost: Trump’s endorsement provides a significant vote of confidence for Bitcoin and could help cement its place as a mainstream investment vehicle. This might encourage other prominent investors and institutions to follow suit, driving further adoption and integration into traditional finance.Investor Confidence: For savvy investors like yourself, greater institutional involvement can translate to more confidence in the market. With influential figures backing Bitcoin, the perceived risk may diminish, making it a more attractive option for a diversified portfolio.

So, what can we expect if Trump’s Strategic Bitcoin Stockpile gets off the ground? Here are a few predictions based on current trends and insights:

  1. Increased Institutional Interest: Following Trump’s lead, we might see more institutional investors entering the Bitcoin market. This could drive significant growth and potentially more stable price movements.Regulatory Advances: With more high-profile figures betting on Bitcoin, there may be a push toward clearer and more supportive regulatory frameworks. This can provide a more secure environment for all investors.Mainstream Adoption: As Bitcoin becomes more integrated into traditional finance through such strategic Stockpiles, we could see broader adoption and everyday use cases emerging, further solidifying its role in the financial landscape.

Final ThoughtsTrump’s proposed Strategic Bitcoin Reserve is more than just a bold move; it’s a pivotal moment for the cryptocurrency market. For investors, it presents new opportunities to consider Bitcoin within a diversified, forward-looking investment strategy.Smart investors are already positioning themselves to profit from this.We just published a Special Investment Report, The Bitcoin ETF You NEED To Know About that details a unique investment through which you can buy bitcoin via the stock market, like a regular stock (instead of with a crypto-based brokerage account).We are selling this report as a standalone item for $499… but you can pick up a copy FREE simply by joining our daily market commentary, Gains Pains & Capital.We are making only 99 copies available to the public.To pick up yours…CLICK HERE NOW!Best RegardsGraham Summers, MBAChief Market StrategistPhoenix Capital Research 

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in crypto

How Trump Will Engineer a MAJOR Bull Market

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Let’s grab a cup of coffee and talk about something that’s intrigued many of us over the past few years – Donald Trump’s impact on the stock market.

Whether you loved him, hated him, or found yourself somewhere in between, it’s undeniable that Trump’s presidency had a significant impact on the markets. And as investors, our goal is on making money, NOT choosing political sides. So, let’s break down how and why this happened, without getting caught in the political weeds.

Let’s start with Trump’s 2016 policies, and what they meant for stocks…

Key Policies and Their Impacts

Corporate Tax Cuts:

One of the cornerstone policies of Trump’s administration was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. This piece of legislation slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Lower taxes meant higher net profits for companies, and subsequently, higher dividends for shareholders. This injection of optimism contributed to a bullish market.


Trump’s administration took significant steps to roll back regulations, particularly in the financial and energy sectors. By reducing regulatory burdens, companies found it easier to do business and increase profitability. As a result, the market reacted positively, favoring sectors directly impacted by deregulation.

Trade Policies and Tariffs:

Perhaps the most contentious aspect of Trump’s economic policy was his approach to trade, particularly with China. The imposition of tariffs led to increased costs for businesses reliant on global supply chains and created uncertainty in the markets. However, many investors saw these moves as part of a broader strategy to level the playing field for American businesses.

Add it all up, and this mix of lower taxes, lower regulatory burden, and America-first dynamics were a boon for corporate profits, which drive stocks. The market roared higher during Trump’s 1st term. Even when the pandemic hit, Trump’s combination of aggressive stimulus along with the Fed’s extraordinary actions resulted in a rapid recovery. 

Stocks finished Trump’s term up over 85% for average annual gains of over 20%. This was an EXTRAORDINARY period to be a stock investor.

Now Donald Trump is President once again. And by the look of things, he’s going to be even more stock market obsessed with a specific focus on controlling the Fed top insure stocks go higher.

This is going to have a profound impact on the economy and stock markets. Our Chief Market Strategist, Graham Summers, MBA will be hosting a webinar addressing this situation next Friday, November 22nd at 1PM.

During this webinar, Graham will detail Trump’s proposals for reorganizing the Fed, who are the likely candidates for the next Fed chair, and what this will mean for the financial system and stock markets including specific investment strategies to profit from these developments.

This webinar will available to the general public for $49.99…

However, as a Gains Pains & Capital subscriber, you can reserve a place for just $9.99.

To do so… please use the button below.

For those investors looking fror specific investment strategies to profit from Trump’s 2nd term, we just released a Special Investment Report detailing what we consider to be the #1 investment to own during Trump’s 2nd Term. It rose 2,000% during his first term… and it’s already up 32% since election night!

We are selling this report as a standalone item for $499… but you can pick up a copy FREE simply by joining our daily market commentary, Gains Pains & Capital.

We are making only 99 copies available to the public.

As I write this, there are only 56 left…

To pick up yours…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Trump 2nd Term

Three Things Serious Investors Should Know About This Week

The Fed claims to be politically independent, but that’s largely a myth. And no one is more aware of that than the new President of the United States, Donald Tump.

This week our host, Graham Summers, MBA, delves into the history of the Fed’s political interference, outlining clear examples in which the Fed has “tipped the scales” in favor of the establishment.

Graham also outlines some of the proposals the Trump administration has floated to address this situation, including handicapping the Fed’s autonomy with interest rate policy and more.

Put simply, a Trump 2nd Term could very well revolutionize the financial system. And this week, Graham breaks it all down into easy to understand terms as only he can.

To access this week’s episode of Bulls Bears and BS…

TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT, we are DOUBLING the price of Private Wealth Advisory from $249 per six months to $499 per six months.

To join Private Wealth Advisory at the soon to be discontinued price of $249 per six months…

Finally, our crypto trading service Crypto Pro is already MAKING BANK for traders looking to see rapid fire gains from the markets. 

The below trades are just from the last five weeks alone.

There are only a handful of slots left for this product. The coins we will be trading are not always super liquid. So we need to keep this product’s subscriber base SMALL.

You can take out a 60-day trial subscription to Crypto Pro today.

Every subscription comes with:

-A copy of our Introduction to Crypto Currencies Special Report outlining what they are, how to trade them, and which broker to use ($249 value)

-Three (3) client-only trading guides that show you how to profit lock in life-changing profits and avoid major losses from crypto ($999 value)

-TWENTY (20)  weekly trades (our team has maintained win rates of 75% since 2015)

– A copy of our The Bitcoin ETF You NEED to Know About Special Report ($249 value)

-A Signed copy of Graham’s best-selling book “Into the Abyss”

-Our Weekly Investment Podcast detailing the most important developments in the economy and financial markets.

If you decide Crypto Pro is not for you anytime during the first 60 days, just drop us a note and we’ll issue a full refund .

To grab one of the last remaining slots to Crypto Pro while they’re still available…

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in 2024 Election, crypto

Ignore the Donations, the Fed Has Been Political For DECADES, Part 1

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The Federal Reserve (or “the Fed” for short) is supposed to be a politically independent entity.

Political commentators are outraged that Federal Reserve employees donated $10 to Democrats for every $1 to Republicans during this latest election cycle. As you can imagine, this has resulted in numerous accusations of the Fed being a left-leaning or Democrat controlled entity.

Those accusations are true.

However, the reality is that the Fed’s political actions are far greater than the mere $552,000 Fed employees donated to the left in the last four years. Indeed, in the last 15 years alone, there have been at least FOUR occasions during which the Fed engaged in monetary policies that were questionable at best, given the political context.

For those of us who track these things, the Fed:

  1. Influenced the 2012 Presidential race to aid the Obama Administration’s re-election bid.
  2. Damaged the economy/ financial system on purpose in 2017-2018 as an act of defiance against President Trump
  3. Claimed inflation was “transitory” despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, only to then abandon this claim as soon as Fed Chair Jerome Powell was reappointed by President Biden.
  4. Announced a new focus on climate change/ DEI/ leftist political interests despite those issues being outside the scope of the Fed’s mandates.

Let’s dive in.

First and foremost, consider that in 2012, the Bernanke-led Fed announced QE 3, its largest QE program in history at the time (an $80 billion per month, open-ended program), a mere THREE MONTHS before the U.S. Presidential election.

Bear in mind that the U.S. economy was growing, and the U.S. financial system wasn’t under significant duress at the time. Also bear in mind that the Fed did this within 90 days of a Presidential election.

In this context the decision to launch the largest QE program to date was blatant political interference to aid the Obama Administration’s re-election bid by boosting the stock market and economy. Even if you’re inclined to give the Fed a pass for this, you can’t argue that given the data and the timing, the move was suspect.

A second example of Fed political bias concerns its major shift in monetary policy once Donald Trump became President in 2017. To fully grasp this, we need to provide a little historical context.

Between 2008 and 2016, the Fed engaged in eight years of extraordinary monetary easing, maintaining interest rates of 0.25% (zero), and engaging in over $3 trillion worth of QE. Bear in mind that throughout this time, the U.S. economy was technically NOT in recession. Economic growth was steady:

And the unemployment rate was in a clear downtrend:

Once the Fed actually ended easing, it embarked on one of the feeblest campaigns of tightening monetary policy in history, raising rates only one time in 2015 and 2016 each. To put this into context, during a normal cycle, the Fed raises rates by three or four times per year.

Then Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election, and suddenly the Fed “got religion” about normalizing monetary policy. It raised rates three times in 2017 and another four times in 2018. In 2018, it also began shrinking its balance sheet via a process called Quantitative Tightening or QT. It would ultimately drain $500 billion in liquidity from the financial system via QT in 12 months.

All the above represent quite a shift considering the Fed had maintained rates at or close to ZERO for eight years prior to this. And this shift ended up damaging the economy and stock market.

Throughout 2016-2018, the Fed ignored numerous signals that this pace of tightening was placing the financial system under duress, right up until the junk bond market froze and the U.S. stock market crashed 20% during the holidays in December 2018.

For those who would argue that the Fed’s sudden shift from maintaining easy monetary policy for the better part of a decade to aggressively normalizing policy in the span of 20 months had nothing to do with Donald Trump being President, consider that former Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fisher admitted in an interview that the Fed’s raising rates in December 2018 was done specifically to hurt the economy because the Fed was annoyed with President Trump’s constant tweeting about them.

We’ll detail the final two politically egregious Fed actions in tomorrow’s article. But for now, the above examples alone are enough to definitively show the Fed IS a political entity and it DOES lean to the left.

Now Donald Trump is President once again. And he is going to exact vengeance on the Fed.

This is going to have a profound impact on the economy and stock markets. Our Chief Market Strategist, Graham Summers, MBA will be hosting a webinar addressing this situation next Friday, November 22nd at 1PM.

During this webinar, Graham will detail Trump’s proposals for reorganizing the Fed, who are the likely candidates for the next Fed chair, and what this will mean for the financial system and stock markets including specific investment strategies to profit from these developments.

This webinar will available to the general public for $49.99…

However, as a Gains Pains & Capital subscriber, you can reserve a place for just $9.99.

To do so…

Click Here Now!

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Banana Republic Corruption, Trump 2nd Term

The Greatest Crypto Bull Market Has Just Begun

by Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Crypto is about to enter its “iTunes” phase.

All technological revolutions follow two phases:

  1. The initial breakthrough phase, which occurs before social/legal frameworks are in place.
  2. The “normalization” phase during which social/legal frameworks are implemented giving the technology a societal and financial legitimacy.

If you need a real-world example of this, think of the electronic music file or MP3 revolution.

The first phase was Napster in 1999, which featured the sharing of music in what was later deemed as illegal activity (the legal framework was not yet ready for the technology). During this initial phase Napster exploded in popularity particularly among young people.  At its peak Napster had tens of millions of users.

Then came the lawsuits, Napster went bankrupt, and social/ legal frameworks were introduced for this new technology. During this time Apple introduced iTunes: a version of MP3 technology in which MP3s could be bought and sold in a legally acceptable form. 

Napster is still around. Its marketing promotes the fact it is “100% legal.” And it has about five million users. At its peak, iTunes hit 500+ million users and accounted for 63% of all digital music sales. It is now in the process of being converted over to Apple Music, a new service that also offers music streaming and other services in order to compete with Spotify which is the new market leader. So once again, the technology has changed and requires adaption. And streaming music is now $46 billion market.

So, what does this all have to do with crypto currencies? Under the new Trump administration, bitcoin and crypto currencies will shift from their Napster phase to their iTunes phase.

Bitcoin was invented in 2009. Since that time, the crypto currency market has grown to over 5,000 coins with a total market cap of $3 trillion. It’s unregulated, messy, and highly volatile. Put simply, since 2009, the crypto market has been in its Napster phase,

All of that is about to change. The Trump administration is going to oversee a massive widespread adoption of crypto currencies, particularly Bitcoin.

For starters, Trump himself is a huge proponent of crypto currencies.

How do we know this?

For one thing, Trump spoke at a Bitcoin Conference in Nashville on July 27th. Bear in mind, he was shot a mere two  weeks prior. The fact he did NOT cancel his appearance despite being shot tells us this conference and its subject matter were of personal significance to Trump.

Indeed, Trump sees crypto currencies, particularly Bitcoin as a part of his agenda. He has stated he wants to make the U.S. the “crypto capital of the world” and that crypto mining of strategic importance to the U.S..

Trump is not the only one in his administration to favor Bitcoin. 

Trump isn’t the only member of his administration who is pro-Bitcoin. His  Vice President is J.D. Vance, who personally owns between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of Bitcoin as detailed by financial filings.

And finally, Elon Musk, who has established himself as one of Trump’s most trust advisors, is a big proponent of crypto currencies, including Bitcoin. Indeed, Tesla (TSLA) itself owns nearly $1 billion in Bitcoin.

Put simply, the President, the Vice President, and one of their biggest economic advisors are all involved in Bitcoin in some fashion. And during Trump’s 2nd term, crypto currencies will enter their “iTunes phase”: the phase during which the legal/ social framework is implemented amidst widespread adoption. 

This is when the largest gains/ profits will be made from the crypto markets. Indeed, I fully believe the greatest crypto bull market has just begun.

Smart investors are already positioning themselves to profit from this.

We just published a Special Investment Report, The Bitcoin ETF You NEED To Know About that details a unique investment through which you can buy bitcoin via the stock market, like a regular stock (instead of with a crypto-based brokerage account).

We are selling this report as a standalone item for $499… but you can pick up a copy FREE simply by joining our daily market commentary, Gains Pains & Capital.

We are making only 99 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours…

Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in crypto

Trump Will Win… If You Don’t Believe Me… Maybe You’ll Listen to These Two!

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

As I keep stating, Donald Trump will win the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.

The first major signal (aside from the betting markets) was Meta (formerly Facebook) founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg pivoting politically in August 2024.

Zuckerberg has been left-leaning for most of his career. But he is also a pragmatist. And with Meta, he has access to what is perhaps the largest dataset of voter sentiment in the world. We’re talking about what voters really think as opposed to what they tell a pollster.

Zuckerberg pivoted politically in August 2024, writing a letter to Congress in which he stated that the Biden administration had pressured him and Meta to limit free speech.

That is one heck of a statement by one of the most powerful, connected elites in the world. Do you think Zuckerberg would do this if he didn’t see the writing on the wall via Meta’s massive collection of voter sentiment?

Zuckerberg isn’t the only one who’s figured out that Trump will win either.

Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy outlined the steps he would take to make sign a peace treaty with Russia. This comes after 2+ years of armed conflict between the two countries… conflict that was financed by the Biden administration/ congress to the tune of $175+ BILLION.

Zelenskyy has had countless opportunities to end this conflict since it began in early 2022. Indeed, there was a full peace deal prepared as early as April 2022 that the U.S. and U.K. rejected. The only reason Zelenskyy is looking to make a deal now is because he knows Trump will soon be the next President and the U.S. will no longer be funding this conflict.

Again, Donald Trump will win the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. The most connected tech and political elites are already preparing for it.

You should too…

We just published a Special Investment Report detailing that, as well as the #1 investment to own during Trump’s 2nd Term.

We are selling this report as a standalone item for $499… but you can pick up a copy FREE simply by joining our daily market commentary, Gains Pains & Capital.

We are making only 99 copies available to the public.

As I write this, there are only 67 left…

To pick up yours…

Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market, Trump 2nd Term, We called it...

What Does a Trump 2nd Term Mean For Stocks?

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

I hate politics. 

Politics are a full contact sport that brings out the ugliest aspects of human nature. And the political environment today is more toxic than at any other time in my lifetime.

Unfortunately for investors, the President and his/her agenda for the economy has a MAJOR impact on the markets. For those of us who want to make money  from our investments, we have to address recent political events.

With that in mind, it is clear that Donald Trump will be the next U.S. President. That is not an opinion, it’s a fact: the betting markets give Trump a ~60% chance of winning. 

This will have clear implications for risk assets, specifically stocks.


Trump is the Ultimate Stock Market Cheerleader

First and foremost, former President Trump LOVES the stock market.

During President Trump’s first term, then-Treasury Secretary Mnuchin stated that the Trump administration viewed the stock market as a “barometer” for the economy. Put another way, with stocks, President Trump had a real-time measure he could point to when claiming that his agenda was benefiting Americans’ net worth.

Indeed, between 2016 and 2020, President Trump posted 256 tweets mentioning the term “market”, 162 tweets mentioning the terms “stock market” another 26 tweets mentioning “stocks,” 23 tweets mentioning “highs” in relation to stocks, and finally 15 tweets mentioning the “S&P 500” all on X (formerly Twitter).

All told, we’re talking about ~500 tweets touting the stock market in a four-year span. That comes to at least TWO tweets per week during Trump’s first term!

I do not anticipate this focus on stocks to change during Trump’s 2nd Term. Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he loves wealth. And the stock market is the 2nd most-owned asset class in America behind housing: 56% of American households have exposure to stocks vs. 65% who own real estate.

Moreover, President Trump has already figured out that the stock market is a segment of the economy that he can rapidly and dramatically influence via social media. To wit, dozens of times during the trade war with China during Trump’s 1st Term he tweeted positive news about negotiations (oftentimes extremely vague) and stocks would rip higher.

The only thing Trump might love more than wealth is power. And the power to push stocks higher is one that I doubt he’ll forgo during his 2nd term.

With that in mind, it is very likely the stock market will push after Trump’s November win in 2024. This is particularly true when you consider the macro environment President Trump will inherit and create.

The Fed has already started cutting interest rates. So, Trump will inherit a stock market driven by Fed initiating a new easing cycle, at a time when the economy is still growing.

This is as close to a “goldilocks” environment for stocks you can get. And Trump will inherit this without lifting a finger.

Moreover, Team Trump has already leaked that they intend to pressure and potentially even assume partial control of the Fed via the Treasury.

This is what’s known as a “trial” balloon through which politicians gauge the public’s response to a potential policy.

I’ve posted a blurb from CNBC on the policy below…

This proposal is not surprising. From 2018-2019 Trump routinely harassed the Fed on social media, emphasizing that the Fed’s decision to raise rates and drain liquidity via Quantitative Tightening (QT) were harming his beloved stock market.

The below tweets are two such examples.

To recap…

1) The Fed was already talking about cutting rates before Trump took the lead in the polls. There is no way the Fed can reverse this intended policy path without drawing President Trump’s ire.

2) During his first term, Trump was extremely combative with the Fed, particularly any attempt by the latter to tighten monetary policy.

3) Team Trump has already leaked a document proposing several policies including

A) allowing the President to fire the Fed Chair prior to the end of the latter’s term,

B) giving the White House greater control over the Fed’s interest rate decisions, and C) using the Treasury to influence the Fed’s bond buying activities.

Considering the above items, it is clear that President Trump will have an even greater influence over the stock market during his second term.

Put simply, you could almost argue that “stocks going up” will be a Presidential Mandate!

How high could stocks go on a Trump win?

We just published a Special Investment Report detailing that, as well as the #1 investment to own during Trump’s 2nd Term.

We are selling this report as a standalone item for $499… but you can pick up a copy FREE simply by joining our daily market commentary, Gains Pains & Capital.

We are making only 99 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours…

Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market, Trump 2nd Term

Do NOT Let the Pullback Shake You Out

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Upon observing the current movement in the stock market, it’s evident that stocks have recently crossed a critical resistance point on a weekly timeline. The market is now backtesting this breakout, which is to be expected. The key issue is whether or not this breakout holds. The line to watch is 5,675 on a weekly chart.

High yield credit often guides stock movements. Currently, high yield credit is strong, signaling continued momentum and a potential S&P 500 hit 5,750 soon.

Pay attention to high yield credit’s strength – it could lead to a significant S&P 500 breakthrough to 5,750 in the near term.

The market breadth is on the rise, signaling a strengthening bull market rally that is expanding, not constricting. Once again, we see no indications of an imminent collapse. In fact, the current scenario presents a prime opportunity to ‘buy the dip’ in stocks.”

I bring all of this up because a LOT of analysts have gotten bearish. Their clients have MISSED out on these gains! Don’t be one of them!

To avoid making the mistake of panicking during a garden variety pullback, I’d refer you to our special investment report, How to Predict a Crash which details a quantifiable tool that has accurately predicted Black Swan market crashes. It caught the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis, to name a few.

With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d charge $499 for this report as a standalone item. But I’m giving it away FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To pick up your copy now (it doesn’t cost a dime)…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market

Three Charts Investors Need to See Today

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Stocks have broken above critical resistance on a weekly basis. Historically, this has lead to several months’ worth of gains. As I write this, the S&P 500 is backtesting the breakout.

High yield credit, which typically leads stocks is showing no signs of slowing down. It has turned up again and anticipates the S&P 500 breaking above 5,750 in the near future.

Breadth is also strengthening. This bull market rally is getting broader, NOT narrower. And here again, there are no signs of a collapse about to begin. This is a “buy the dip” moment for stocks.

I bring all of this up because a LOT of analysts have gotten bearish. Their clients have MISSED out on these gains! Don’t be one of them!

To avoid making the mistake of panicking during a garden variety pullback, I’d refer you to our special investment report, How to Predict a Crash which details a quantifiable tool that has accurately predicted Black Swan market crashes. It caught the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis, to name a few.

With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d charge $499 for this report as a standalone item. But I’m giving it away FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To pick up your copy now (it doesn’t cost a dime)…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market, stock collapse?

Rate Cuts Are Here, Stocks Hit New All Time Highs, But What’s Going on With Gold?

This week’s episode of Bulls Bears and BS is available now.

The Fed cut rates by 0.5% last week. Many commentators are seeing this as a signal that the economy is in recession. We completely disagree. In this week’s episode, Chief Market Strategist Graham Summers, MBA outlines why this time “is different” and what it means for risk assets, particularly stocks. Graham also provides a macro framework for the next 18 months, as well as where he sees stocks going before this bull market ends.

Finally, Graham dives into gold’s recent price spike, placing it in the context of two potential outcomes for what is happening in the financial system today. If you’re concerned that inflation might be returning, and want to learn about some of the potential warning signs Graham sees that this might be the case, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode!

To access this week’s episode of Bulls Bears and BS…


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation, It IS different this time.

Can Uncle Sam Stop the World Sliding Into Recession?

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Outside of the U.S., the world economy is in serious trouble. Europe is teetering on the verge of recession with its collective economy barely growing for three quarters in a row.

Germany, the largest most dynamic economy in the EU has only just established a new high in its stock market. This is shocking when you consider the European Central Bank (ECB) has already cut interest rates by nearly 1%! Put another way, European stocks are struggling despite that region’s central bank already aggressively easing monetary policy!

Elsewhere in the world, China just “blinked” by cutting rates on reverse repos and injecting liquidity into its financial system. The problem here is similar to in Europe: economic weakness.

Chinese equities have gone nowhere since late 2022. In a financial system that relies heavily on asset prices for political stability, this has been a disaster. Chinese policymakers are finally acting in the hopes of breaking the downtrend.

Japan has a strong stock market… at the expense of a collapsing currency. The Yen is trading at levels not seen since the early ’90s. The global financial system experienced its first “ripple” from this situation in early August when stocks nose-dived as the Yen erupted higher on an intervention.

This leaves the the U.S. as the sole major economy chugging along with GDP growth of ~3% and a stock market that hit new all-time highs on a regular basis for six months.

A lot is riding on Uncle Sam’s shoulders. Does he have what it takes to keep the world from rolling over into recession?

To answer that question, I’d refer you to our special investment report, How to Predict a Crash which details a quantifiable tool that has accurately predicted Black Swan market crashes. It caught the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis, to name a few.

With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d charge $499 for this report as a standalone item. But I’m giving it away FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To pick up your copy now (it doesn’t cost a dime)…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The Fed began an easing cycle yesterday.

You are going to hear a LOT of people talking about this, saying it’s a sign that the economy is in recession. 

It’s not.

This business cycle, is unlike any other. If you’re comparing what’s happening now to what happened in 2000 or 2007, then you’re comparing apples to oranges.

Was the economy shut down prior to the Fed cutting rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Did the Fed and Federal Government pump $11 trillion into the financial system in the years preceding the Fed’s decision to cut rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Did the U.S. experience an inflationary storm prior to the Fed cutting rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Comparing the Fed rate cuts and their implications today to the last two times the Fed cut rates by 0.5% without accounting for these differences is not just bad thinking… it’s actually BAD for your portfolio.


Because in 2024, the economy is NOT rolling over into recession, nor is the financial system showing any signs of duress.  GDP growth is clocking in at 2%+. 

As far as the financial system is concerned, stocks are outperforming junk bonds in dramatic fashion. Every time the financial system has been under duress during the last 17 years, this ratio has gone UP, breaking above its 10 month moving average (blue line in the chart below). Today there are ZERO signs of duress in this ratio.

As far as the financial system is concerned, stocks are outperforming junk bonds in dramatic fashion. Every time the financial system has been under duress during the last 17 years, this ratio has gone UP, breaking above its 10 month moving average (blue line in the chart below). Today there are ZERO signs of duress in this ratio.

Again, what’s happening today is NOTHING like what happened in 2000 or 2007. If your guru or strategist is telling you to sell the farm and prepare for a crisis, you need to FIRE THEM and get a copy of my How to Predict a Crash investment report, instead.

How to Predict a Crash uses a quantifiable tool that has accurately predicted Black Swan market crashes. It caught the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis, to name a few.

With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d charge $499 for this report as a standalone item. But I’m giving it away FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To pick up your copy now (it doesn’t cost a dime)…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market, stock collapse?

Why Does This Economy Feel So Weird?!

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Why isn’t the economy rolling over into recession?

Every other week, an economic metric that has historically predicted multiple recessions goes off. Between this and the stock market’s volatility, stock market bears have plenty of ammunition for arguments that a crash or bear market is about to hit.

On the flip-side of this, stocks simply refuse to break down. Every time the market appears to be on the verge of a significant collapse, stocks erupt higher. And other economic data appears to be quite strong.

As a result of this, analysts trying to make sense of this situation end up either flip flopping on their forecasts… or appearing to be perma-bears or perma-bulls: investors who simply maintain the same perspective no matter what is happening.

What’s the deal here?

The deal is that this economic cycle is unlike any other in history. In the last five years the U.S. has experienced…

1) A voluntary economic shut down (2020-2021).

2) The Federal Reserve printing and funneling $5 trillion into the financial system in the span of 20 months (2020-2022).

3) The Federal Government spending $6 trillion in stimulus/ interventions in the span of two years (2020-2022).

4) The  Federal Government running the largest deficit as a percentage of GDP outside of World War II (2020-today).

This is why everything feels so messy: investors are trying to navigate not just one Black Swan (a previously never seen before phenomenon), but FOUR Black Swans. The end result is a business cycle that is truly unlike any other. 

So what are investors to do? 

The answer is actually simple: invest in those stocks that will benefit from this unique environment, until a quantitative market trigger signals that a bear market is about to begin.

I’m not talking about a trigger that ONLY works during normal business cycles. I’m talking about a trigger that can in fact predict Black Swan events.

And I’ve developed PRECISELY such a tool.

It signaled before legitimate Black Swans: it fired before the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis.

I detail this investing tool, how it works, and what it’s saying about the markets today in a special investment report How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d sell this report as a standalone item for $499. But I’m giving it away for FREE for the next 30 days, to anyone who joins our daily investment commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

Again, this report will ONLY be available to the general public for the next 30 days.

To pick up your copy…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., stock collapse?

A “Mystery” Buyer is Propping Up the Markets

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

This is BLATANT manipulation!

Stocks suffered a mini crash in early August when the Bank of Japan blew up the carry trade. Peak to trough, the S&P 500 lost 10% in a matter of three days.

Then “someone” stepped in, buying stocks hand over fist, and the market erupted higher, erasing all of those losses in less than two weeks.

This was blatant manipulation. No REAL buyer panic buys stocks. In fact, the traders running books for large financial institutions are graded based on their ability to acquire shares without moving the market.

Again, this was clear manipulation. Someone was trying to force stocks higher no matter what. 

Fast forward to last week, and the same mystery buyer was at it again.

The S&P 500 was rejected by critical resistance at 5,650 (red line in the chart below). Stocks began to roll over, taking out the all-important 50-day moving average (the blue line in the chart below). Note that breaking below the 50-DMA was what precipitated the minicrash in early August.

Then the mystery buyer showed up again, PANIC BUYING stocks. Sending them straight up with every single dip being bought aggressively. Once again, the entire decline was erased in a matter of days.

Again, this is blatant manipulation. No REAL buyer with deep pockets does this stuff. This was someone who was CLEARLY intent on propping up the stock market at all costs.

Who is doing this?

It has to be the Fed… or the Fed courtesy of a proxy.

No other investor has bottomless pockets and PANIC BUYS stocks like this. Again, this is not some investor who’s trying to make money… this is someone who wants stocks higher no matter what.

Again, this has to be the Fed. In fact, I believe that at some point in the next few months, the Fed will openly admit to buying stocks with a new QE program.

I’m putting together a special report detailing precisely why this is… and which stocks I believe the Fed is buying.

This report, titled Chapter X will be sold as a standalone item for $499.

But readers of our free daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital will have a copy delivered to their inboxes FREE of charge.

To join Gains Pains & Capital and have your copy of Chapter X delivered to your inbox later this week…

Best Regards,

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Banana Republic Corruption, Central Bank Insanity

Warning: This Hasn’t Been Wrong in 40 Years…

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

One of our proprietary measures for the economy is signaling a recession is at hand.

That measure is the Target (TGT): Walmart (WMT) ratio.

Target and Walmart are big box retailers with distinctively different brands/ price points. Target tends to be more consumer discretionary-oriented while Walmart tends to be more consumer staple-centric.

As a result of this, comparing the performance of the two companies’ stocks is a handy way of seeing if consumers are spending more money on discretionary items or if they are cutting back and focusing on  lower price goods/ staples.

Put simply, when the TGT:WMT ratio rises, the consumer is strong. And when it collapses, it usually signals that an economic contraction is underway.

See for yourself. This ratio collapsed during the recession of 1990-1992, the Tech Crash/ recession, the Great Financial Crisis and the “close-call” of 2016-2017.

So what is this metric showing us today?

Hint: it’s UGLY.

Sure, this might be a fluke… but given the accuracy of this measure over the last 40 years, I wouldn’t bet on it. Indeed, my proprietary Crash trigger is on the verge of registering a “SELL” for the first time in four years.

This signal went off before the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and even the Great Financial Crisis. And right now, it’s flashing its first MAJOR warning sign in years.

To find out about this trigger, and what it’s saying about stocks today…

Click Here Now…

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Recession Watch

This Hasn’t Happened Since the 2020 Crash!

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Deflation and recession fears are on the rise.

Economically sensitive commodities like copper and oil have erased all of their 2024 gains and are now declining rapidly.

Defensive sectors like utilities are soaring… while growth-oriented sectors like Tech are struggling to move higher.

And worst of all, the ratio between stocks and long-term Treasuries has broken its 40-week moving average (the same as the 200-day moving average) for the first time since the pandemic crash!

All of this is EXTREMELY bearish and poses a major warning sign that additional downside could be here soon. Indeed, my proprietary Crash trigger is on the verge of registering a “SELL” for the first time in four years.

This signal went off before the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and even the Great Financial Crisis. And right now, it’s flashing its first MAJOR warning sign in years.

To find out about this trigger, and what it’s saying about stocks today…

Click Here Now…

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Recession Watch, stock collapse?

The Truth About What’s Happening In the Markets Today

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

Stocks have experienced a great deal of volatility in the last week.

However, when you take a step back and look at the big picture for the equity markets, it’s clear that stocks have been in a consolidation phase since mid-May. That consolidation has been between 5,200 and 5,600 on the S&P 500.

Why is this happening?

There are two critical issues the market is trying to determine:

  1. When and how aggressively the Fed will start cutting rates.
  2. Who will win the Presidential election in November.

Regarding #1, three factors have “muddied the waters” in terms of figuring out when and how aggressively the Fed will cut rates this year.

Those three factors are the inflation data, unemployment data, and GDP data.

With the economy not yet contracting, unemployment spiking due to immigration NOT job losses, and inflation trending down, albeit in a noisy fashion, the Fed has suffered from institutional inertia as it opts to focus on the data as opposed to cutting rates.

However, at the end of the day, the Fed tends to take its cues from the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury. And the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury is telling us the Fed is WAAAAAY behind the curve. The Fed needs to take action and soon or it risks a recession.

Regarding #2, the Presidential election has also provided a great deal of confusion for stocks. Some of the more critical items of note include A) the Democrat candidate was replaced in July when President Biden opted to not continue with his campaign, B) Kamala Harris has yet to debate Donald Trump, and C) the economic agenda of the two current candidates couldn’t be more different when it comes to specific policies.

However, at the end of the day, both candidates have proven to be big on social spending. In this sense, whoever wins the election, we can assume the government will continue to run significant deficits. And this will provide stimulus to the economy, which will benefit stocks.

You can see this in the monthly chart of the S&P 500. Sure, it’s experiencing a down month thus far in September, but the uptrend is clearly intact. For this reason, we view the current pullback as an opportunity to “buy the dip” not “sell the farm.”

As investors, our job is to make money, not look for any excuse to dump stocks and panic about something bad happening. And as I’ve outlined in recent articles, this means riding bull markets for as long as possible, and then side-stepping bear markets when they eventually hit.

In the very simplest of terms, you need to be invested in stocks, until an objective, verifiable tool (not your feelings or limiting beliefs) tells you it’s time to “get out.”

I’ve developed a tool that takes ALL of the guessing work out of this problem. With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in a Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.

To pick up a free copy, swing by


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Dark Investing Secret the Bears Won’t Tell You

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The crash callers and bears just got a major lesson.

It’s a lesson that all investors have to learn at some point. Indeed, the only investors who actually make money from the markets are those who have learned that lesson and integrated its outcomes to their investing strategies.

The lesson?

Bears don’t make money.

The reality is that being a bear provides you with endless material to write or complain about. After all, at any point in time there are a million things that can go wrong in the markets. But most of the time, as in over 95% of the time, those terrible things don’t actually play out.

Even when bad things do play out, few if any investors actually make money from them.

Consider the Great Financial Crisis of 2008: arguably the greatest bear market/ crisis of our lifetimes.

In 2008, there were roughly 216 million American adults over the age of 18. Roughly 60% of them had exposure to the stock market via brokerage accounts or retirements accounts (401Ks, IRAs, etc.) So, we’re talking about roughly 130 MILLION people who were involved in the stock market in one way or another.

The number of investors who got rich betting on a crash at that time is under 30. So, we’re talking about 30 people out of 130 MILLION succeeding. That’s roughly one ten millionth of one percent (0.00001%).

To put that into perspective, you are TEN TIMES more likely to be struck by lightning (the odds of that happening are one in one million).

Moreover, those few investors who DID get rich from the Great Financial Crises were all in highly unusual circumstances, none of which apply to the typical trader/ individual investor.

John Paulson is a famous hedge fund manager who became a billionaire betting on the housing crash. What you might not know is that the only reason this happened was because he personally had Goldman Sachs build securities that were chock full of garbage mortgages, which Goldman Sachs then sold to other clients… so Paulson could bet against them.

This was unethical and borderline illegal. And individual investors like you or I would NEVER have this opportunity (when was the last time you told Goldman Sachs to create something for you to bet against?)

Michael Burry is another hedge fund manager who got rich from betting on the housing crash. He had to LOSE money for two years before his bets worked out. And even once things went in his favor, the investment banks who sold him the securities he used to bet against the housing market refused to value his trades as profitable. Then his investors tried to withdraw their funds. When Burry refused to give the money back, they sued him. What followed was years of legal hell as well as an investigation by the FBI.

So let us consider this…

  1. The odds of making a fortune betting on a crisis or some other Black Swan even are less than those of being struck by lightning.
  1. The small handful of people who DO get rich from these situations do so either because they have A) a ridiculously unethical set up like John Paulson B) are willing to experience a nightmarish scenario for months, or even years like Michael Burry.

Again, being a bear is great if you want something to complain about… but it’s terrible if you want to make money from the markets.

If you’re tired of listening to bears who do nothing but lose you money, come join our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital. It focuses on proven investment strategies that can boost you portfolio returns.

Indeed, we just published a special investment report that details proprietary triggers that register before every bear market or crash. Unless these triggers go off, we’re putting our money to work, profiting from the markets.

I detail them, along with what they’re currently saying about the market today in our Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.

To pick up a free copy, swing by


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market, stock collapse?

I’ve Got A Message For the Crash Callers

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The Crash Callers are out in full force once again.

The problem with calling for a Crash is that you’re wrong 99% of the time. Then, once every few years, you’re correct. The whole process reminds me of a broken clock which is “correct” two times a day… but wrong the other 23 hours 58 minutes.

Remember, the purpose of investing is to make money. The easiest way to do that is to ride bull markets for as long as possible… and then get out before a bear market/ crash hits.

But what about the investors who make huge fortunes during Crashes like the Great Financial Crisis of 2008?

Let me bring you in on a dirty little secret…

Almost NO ONE made money during the market crashing in 2008. And the people who did were in situations that you or I will NEVER be in.

In 2008, there were roughly 216 million American adults over the age of 18. Roughly 60% of them had exposure to the stock market via brokerage accounts or retirements accounts (401Ks, IRAs, etc.) So, we’re talking about roughly 130 MILLION people who were involved in the stock market in one way or another.

The number of investors who got rich betting on a crash at that time is under 30. So, we’re talking about 30 people out of 130 MILLION succeeding. That’s roughly one ten millionth of one percent (0.00001%).

To put that into perspective, you are TEN TIMES more likely to be struck by lightning (the odds of that happening are one in one million).

Moreover, those few investors who DID get rich from the Great Financial Crises were all in highly unusual circumstances, none of which apply to the typical trader/ individual investor.

John Paulson is a famous hedge fund manager who became a billionaire betting on the housing crash. What you might not know is that the only reason he succeeded was because he personally had Goldman Sachs build securities that were chock full of garbage mortgages, which Goldman Sachs then sold to other clients… so Paulson could bet against them.

This was unethical and borderline illegal. And individual investors like you or I would NEVER have this opportunity (when was the last time you told Goldman Sachs to create something for you to bet against?)

Michael Burry is another hedge fund manager who got rich from betting on the housing crash. He had to LOSE money for two years before his bets worked out. And even once things went in his favor, the investment banks who sold him the securities he used to bet against the housing market refused to value his trades as profitable.

To top it off, his investors tried to withdraw their funds. When Burry refused to give the money back, they sued him. What followed was years of legal hell as well as an investigation by the FBI.

So, let us consider this…

  1. The odds of making a fortune betting on a crisis or some other Black Swan are less than those of being struck by lightning.
  1. The small handful of people who DO get rich from these situations do so either because they have A) a ridiculously unethical set up like John Paulson B) are willing to experience a nightmarish scenario for months, or even years like Michael Burry.

Which brings me back to my original point: the purpose of investing is to make money. The easiest way to do that is to ride bull markets for as long as possible… and then get out before a bear market/ crash hits.

Put another way, the Crash Callers have investing totally backwards: you need to focus on the 99% of times stocks don’t Crash, NOT the 1% of the time they do.

So obviously, investors need a tool for determining whether stocks are simply correcting in the context of a bull market… or if a legitimate crash/ bear market is about to unfold. 

I’ve developed a tool that takes ALL of the guessing work out of this problem. With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in a Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.

To pick up a free copy, swing by


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market, stock collapse?

Are the Lows In? 

By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The Bank of Japan (BoJ) just “blinked.”

This mini-crisis was triggered by the BoJ raising rates for the first time since 2007, which in turn, blew up the Yen carry trade.

I realize that sounds as if I’m speaking in code, so let me break this down.

As I outlined in my most recent bestseller, Into The Abyss, Japan is the grandfather of monetary insanity. The Fed first introduced Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) and Quantitative Easing (QE) in 2008. Japan’s central bank, the Bank of Japan, or BoJ for short, introduced ZIRP in 1999 and QE in 2001, respectively.

Over the course of the last 20+ years, the BoJ has engaged in a slow-motion nationalization of Japan’s financial system. Today it owns over 50% of all Japanese Government bonds and is the single largest shareholder of Japanese stocks in the world.

All of this worked relatively well until inflation entered the financial system in 2020-2021 and the BoJ refused to address the situation.

The Fed and the European Central Bank (ECB) started raising rates and shrinking their balance sheets in early/ mid-2022. The BoJ only started tightening monetary policy in 2023. And it finally started raising rates at the end of July (as in a week ago).

That’s when all hell broke loose.

The Japanese Yen has been in a free-fall for the last four years as the BoJ refused to tighten monetary policy while every other major central bank was raising rates and draining liquidity. Indeed, going into the BoJ’s rate hike decision a week ago, the Yen was trading at levels not seen since the late 1980s.

Once the BoJ started talking about raising rates, the Yen started moving higher. And last week, when the BoJ actually raised rates, the Yen EXPLODED higher.

This is a globally systemic issue because the Yen is one of the largest carry trades in the world. If you’re unfamiliar with a carry trade, it consists of borrowing money in one currency (at a low interest rate) to invest in other assets.

Since the Yen has been yielding more or less ZERO for the last 20+ years, hedge funds and other institutional investors have been borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Yen to invest in other assets with EXTREME leverage.

The problem with this is that leverage works both positively and negatively.

Imagine you have $1 million to invest and you borrow $10 million in Yen at 0.1%. Your annual interest payments on the Yen are ~$10,000. Meanwhile, you invest that $10 million in stocks, which then rally 10%.

You’ve just made $1.1 million in profits (10% of your $11 million). And since your actual capital is just $1 million, you’ve more than doubled your money with this trade courtesy of leverage.

However, this process ALSO works to the downside when things go wrong. If the currency you are borrowing in (the Yen) skyrockets relative to the currency in which the assets you are buying are denominated (the $USD), your trade will BLOW up quite badly.

In the last month, the Yen/ $USD pair has ripped 12% higher. This, combined with the higher interest rate on the Yen (the BoJ raised rates from 0.1% to 2.5% last week) is BLOWING UP hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of the Yen carry trade.

When a carry trade blows up, investors are forced to panic liquidate their holdings. That is why the market melted down over the last few weeks with companies like Apple and Nvidia collapsing in share price despite being OBSCENELY profitable.

Which brings us to today.

The BoJ announced a previously unscheduled meeting with Japan’s Ministry of Finance and its Financial Services Agency on Tuesday. This was a signal to the markets that an intervention of sorts was coming.

Soon after that, the deputy head of the BoJ, Shinichi Uchida announced that the BoJ won’t “raise rates if the markets are unstable.” This is akin to the BoJ telling the markets, “we got the message and are standing down.”

The big question now is if the lows are in… or is another round of selling coming?  Put another way, was this simply a correction in the context of a bull market… or is a legitimate crash/ bear market is about to unfold.  

One the one hand, corrections are common events in which you should “buy the dip.” But on the other hand, once every 10 years or so, a REAL crash/ bear market will hit that will wipe out years’ worth of gains!

So obviously, investors need a tool for determining whether stocks are simply correcting in the context of a bull market… or if a legitimate crash/ bear market is about to unfold.  

I’ve developed a tool that takes ALL of the guessing work out of this problem. With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in a Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.

To pick up a free copy, swing by


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Recession Watch, stock collapse?