Day: May 23, 2011

Graham Summers’ Free Weekly Market Forecast (Stocks are Last To Get It Edition)

For months now the commodities sector has been leading stocks. Of the commodities agricultural commodities were the market leaders: they began this rally back in June 2010, a month before Gold and two months Oil hit lift off:

With that in mind, the first warning we got of trouble in the markets came from the agri space which began to roll over in February 2011. They fell hard, forming a domed top and are now bouncing off support to retest their descending trendline since the Feb 2011 top:

If we break the descending trendline, we’re likely to re-test the Feb 2011 highs. Alternatively, if we break support, we’re going to $9.50 if not $8.50 in short order.

IF this happens, then expect stocks to take a BIG hit. So far they’re held up relatively well although as we all know by now, stocks are ALWAYS the last to “get it.” So the fact that stocks have held up while commodities (especially the economically sensitive ones like copper and oil) have taken a dive could in fact be a BAD thing as it predicts some serious pain for stocks.

On that note, the primary line to watch here is support at 1,325. If  we take out that line with conviction, stocks are going to 1,300 if not 1,250.

Indeed, the S&P 500 has formed a triangle pattern that predicts a potential breakdown to 1,260 if not lower. So be on the lookout for a potential SERIOUS correction coming shortly.

On that note, I’ve already got subscribers of my Private Wealth Advisory newsletter prepared for this with three quick trades to profit from a market meltdown. Already all three of them are up in the last few weeks and we’re just getting started.

To find out what they are… and get in on the gains….

Click Here Now!!!

Those who think stocks can’t collapse need to consider that the Fed actually WANTS this to happen: they need oil and other commodities to cool so the inflationary pressure drops. The Fed also need some kind of incentive to keep printing money. And a market collapse would serve as the perfect “SEE? We NEED to keep QE going to hold the system together” argument for later this year.

So expect stocks and the market to tank in the coming weeks. After that, QE 3 will be announced. And when that happens, inflation hedges will EXPLODE.

Which is why I’m ALSO preparing Private Wealth Advisory subscribers with a SIX-PART Special Report How to Survive Hyperinflation that details HOW and WHEN hyperinflation will hit the US as well as the names symbols and how to buy FIVE INCREDIBLE inflation hedges that will outperform even Gold and Silver when this happens.

I’m talking about inflation hedges that 99% of the investment world doesn’t know about: companies that own INCREDIBLE assets that the market is currently pricing at RIDICULOUS valuations.

The kind of assets larger firms will buy at a MASSIVE premium.

I’ve unveiling the first of these FIVE incredible inflation hedges tomorrow after the markets closes. After that the other four will be released over the next two weeks.

If you’d like to get in on these investments on the ground-floor the time to buy is NOW before inflation explodes in the US.

To take out a subscription to Private Wealth Advisory and get on board for our three “market collapse” trades as well as the FIVE incredible inflation hedges detailed in the How to Survive Hyperinflation Special Reports…

Click Here Now!!!

Good Investing!

Graham Summers

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Why the “Is QE 3 Coming?” Debate is a Moot Point Pt 2

This is a continuation of an essay I wrote yesterday concerning the Fed’s moves during the financial crisis. As a recap, here are those moves again:

  • The Federal Reserve cutting interest rates from 5.25-0.25% (Sept ’07-today)
  • The Bear Stearns deal/ Fed taking on $30 billion in junk mortgages (March ’08)
  • The Fed opens up various lending windows to investment banks (March ’08)
  • The SEC proposes banning short-selling on financial stocks (July ’08)
  • Hank Paulson gets a blank check for Fannie/Freddie but promises not to use it (July ’08)
  • Hank Paulson uses the blank check with Fannie/ Freddie spending $400 billion in the process (Sept ’08).
  • The Fed takes over insurance company AIG (Sept ’08) for $85 billion.
  • The Fed doles out $25 billion for the auto makers (Sept ’08)
  • The Feds kick off the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) with the Government taking stakes in private banks (Oct ’08)
  • The Fed offers to buy commercial paper (non-bank debt) from non-financial firms (Oct ’08)
  • The Fed offers $540 billion to backstop money market funds (Oct ’08)
  • The Feds agree to back up to $280 billion of Citigroup’s liabilities (Oct ’08).
  • $40 billion more to AIG (Nov ’08)
  • Feds agree to back up $140 billion of Bank of America’s liabilities (Jan ’09)
  • Obama’s $787 Billion Stimulus (Jan ’09)
  • QE lite (August ’10)
  • QE 2 (November ’10)

I’m sure I left something out. But the above make it clear just how Ben Bernanke likes to tackle financial problems: printing money. On that note, we need to keep in mind just WHY the Fed did all of this: propping up the Big Banks and their gaping balance sheets.

The global derivatives market is completely unregulated and frankly no one knows how big it is. However, we DO know that US commercial banks alone have over $230 TRILLION in notional value derivatives on their balance sheets. Of this $230 trillion, 94%+ sits on just four banks’ balance sheets. They are:

The above chart reveals the derivatives exposure (in $ TRILLIONS) of the Fed’s darlings: the four banks that the Fed favored above all others during the 2008 disaster. As I wrote in the April 6 2011:

The Fed not only insured that they didn’t go under during 2008, but in fact allowed these firms to INCREASE their control of the US financial system.

Consider that JP Morgan took over Bear Stears. Bank of America took over CountryWide Financial and Merrill Lynch. Citibank and Bank of America were the only two banks to have their liabilities directly backed by the Fed ($280 billion for Citi and $180 billion for BofA).

Then there’s Goldman Sachs which was made whole from all AIG liabilities, received $13 billion in direct funding from the Fed, and was supported while ALL of its investment bank competitors either went under or were consumed by other entities, granting Goldman a virtual monopoly over the investment banking business (the firms that were merged with larger firms all laid off large portions of their employees and closed down whole segments of their business).

The ENTIRE 2008 episode was the result of the Credit Default Swap (CDS) market imploding (CDS, a type of derivatives, comprised about $50-60 trillion in value). And to claim that the Fed didn’t know why the Financial Crisis happened is a lie.

Indeed, as early as 1998, Ben Bernanke’s predecessor, Alan Greenspan, tol , soon to be chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Brooksley Born, that if she pushed for regulation of the derivatives market it would implode the financial system.

Again, the Fed knew for over 10 years (possibly longer) that the derivatives market was a disaster waiting to happen. So believe me when I tell you than Ben Bernanke knew exactly what caused 2008.

Indeed, his actions make it clear just what he was fighting (a derivatives collapse) as 90% of his major moves were meant to prop up the four banks with the largest derivatives exposure.

Now, as stated before, 2008 was caused by the CDS market, which was $50-60 trillion in size. In contrast, the derivative market based on interest rates is $196 TRILLION in size.

In fact, derivatives based on interest rates represent 84% of ALL derivatives in the US.

So with that in mind, it is clear the Fed will be engaging in QE 3 and QE 4 and on and on for as long as it can. The reason? Because if the Fed loses control of the interest rate curve, it could trigger a systemic collapse that is FOUR TIMES as large as that of 2008.

So more money printing is coming. There’s no question of that.

On that note, if you’ve yet to take steps to prepare your portfolio for the coming inflationary disaster, our FREE Special Report, The Inflationary Disaster explains not only why inflation is here now, why the Fed is powerless to stop it, and three investments that absolutely EXPLODE as a result of this.

All in all its 14 pages contain a literal treasure trove of information on how to take steps to prepare AND profit from what’s to come. And it’s all 100% FREE.

To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.

Good Investing!

Graham Summers.

PS. We also offer a FREE Special Report specifying exactly how to prepare for the coming collapse in the US stock market (inflation will NOT be positive for stocks for much longer).

I call it The Financial Crisis “Round Two” Survival Kit. And its 17 pages contain a wealth of information about portfolio protection, which investments to own and how to take out Catastrophe Insurance on the stock market (this “insurance” paid out triple digit gains in the Autumn of 2008).

Again, this is all 100% FREE. To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Why the “Is QE 3 Coming?” Debate is a Moot Point

The QE 3 debate has been raging ever since the Fed announced QE 2 in November 2010. However, this debate is moot. The reason is because the Fed HAS to perform QE 3 in some form or another.

Indeed, the market has not operated without money pumps around $30 billion each. By June 2008, the Fed had done this 14 times to the tune of $200+ billion. Then came the $700 billion bailout in November 2008.

After this came QE 1 from March 2009-April 2010. This entailed roughly $50-80 billion in money pumps per month hitting the market. Even after QE 1 ended the Fed continued supplying the juice to the tune of $30 billion or so per month (though most commentators completely missed this).

Then we get QE lite, which results in another $50 billion per month, then QE 2 which brings it to $100 billion per month, and finally, at the beginning of 2011, the Fed starts pumping another $100 billion per month behind the scenes.

So, in the last two years, the Fed has gone from making monthly money pumps of $30 billion to monthly money pumps of $200 billion.

THIS is why I am certain QE 3 is coming. The Fed has done nothing but pumped money into the market since July 2007. Even during periods when it had no formal QE program in place it was STILL pumping money into the system.

However, the Fed has got itself in a bind. Having pumped so much money into the system, the Fed has created mini-bubbles in Silver and a few other commodities. Add to this the growing public outrage over the rising cost of living in the US and the Fed is finding itself the center of unwanted attention.

Consequently, Bernanke toned down his money printing talk and hinted at even worrying about inflation in the most recent Fed FOMC announcement. As a result of this, Silver and the other “bubbly” commodities have collapsed in a free-fall.

However, all of this is just idle posturing. Ben Bernanke has done only one thing since taking the helm of the Fed in 2006. And that’s monetary EASING.

During every part of his tenure as Fed Chairman, Bernanke has responded to all issues by loosening his monetary policy. Here’s just a brief recap of the moves he’s made since the Financial Crisis began:

  • The Federal Reserve cutting interest rates from 5.25-0.25% (Sept ’07-today)
  • The Bear Stearns deal/ Fed taking on $30 billion in junk mortgages (March ’08)
  • The Fed opens up various lending windows to investment banks (March ’08)
  • The SEC proposes banning short-selling on financial stocks (July ’08)
  • Hank Paulson gets a blank check for Fannie/Freddie but promises not to use it (July ’08)
  • Hank Paulson uses the blank check with Fannie/ Freddie spending $400 billion in the process (Sept ’08).
  • The Fed takes over insurance company AIG (Sept ’08) for $85 billion.
  • The Fed doles out $25 billion for the auto makers (Sept ’08)
  • The Feds kick off the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) with the Government taking stakes in private banks (Oct ’08)
  • The Fed offers to buy commercial paper (non-bank debt) from non-financial firms (Oct ’08)
  • The Fed offers $540 billion to backstop money market funds (Oct ’08)
  • The Feds agree to back up to $280 billion of Citigroup’s liabilities (Oct ’08).
  • $40 billion more to AIG (Nov ’08)
  • Feds agree to back up $140 billion of Bank of America’s liabilities (Jan ’09)
  • Obama’s $787 Billion Stimulus (Jan ’09)
  • QE lite (August ’10)
  • QE 2 (November ’10)

I’m sure I left something out. But the above make it clear just how Ben Bernanke likes to tackle financial problems: printing money.

So make no mistake…BIG inflation is coming. The Fed knows only one thing: printing money. On that note, if you’ve yet to take steps to prepare your portfolio for the coming inflationary disaster, our FREE Special Report, The Inflationary Holocaust explains not only why inflation is here now, why the Fed is powerless to stop it, and three investments that absolutely EXPLODE as a result of this.

All in all its 14 pages contain a literal treasure trove of information on how to take steps to prepare AND profit from what’s to come. And it’s all 100% FREE.

To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.

Good Investing!

Graham Summers.


PS. We also offer a FREE Special Report specifying exactly how to prepare for the coming collapse in the US stock market (inflation will NOT be positive for stocks for much longer).

I call it The Financial Crisis “Round Two” Survival Kit. And its 17 pages contain a wealth of information about portfolio protection, which investments to own and how to take out Catastrophe Insurance on the stock market (this “insurance” paid out triple digit gains in the Autumn of 2008).

Again, this is all 100% FREE. To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.









Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Time to Prepare for Hyper-Inflation is BEFORE It EXPLODES

This is a continuation of a series of essays I wrote concerning the global shift away from the US Dollar as reserve currency. If you missed those essays, a brief recap of the items listed were:

1)   China and Russia dropping the US Dollar for trade

2)   China ramping up trade with Brazil

3)   Saudi Arabia moving to strengthen trade with China and Russia

4)   China, Russia, Brazil, India, and now South Africa are moving to trade more in their own currencies (not the US Dollar)

5)   Singapore (major financial center in Asia) starting to trade yuan


All of these items are real and documented. And the pace of the move away from the Dollar as reserve currency is not slowing.

Indeed, it was just revealed that ASEAN+3 countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, and South Korea) are researching the prospect of a “common currency” similar to the Euro.

The significance of this development cannot be overstated. The primary question those who do not believe the US Dollar could lose its reserve currency status ask is: what will be the replacement?

For certain there is no one currency that could fit the bill. The Chinese yuan could not do it as China is not ready and in fact ready to suffer a housing and banking collapse. Russia’s economy is a disaster aside from a few key areas (Moscow, St Petersburg, etc), the Euro in its current form won’t even exist in a few years, and Japan is both an ecological and financial disaster (they’ve just announced a 1 QUADRILLION stimulus plan.

Thus, the idea that any one of these currencies could replace the US Dollar as reserve currency of the world at this time is absurd.

However, a common currency comprised of most Asian countries (the primary creditor nations and manufacturing base of the world) is a completely different story.

Understand, I am aware that common currencies in general are flawed (especially when you’re uniting a bunch of bankrupt aging countries like Europe). However, a common currency comprised of Asian countries would overcome be a much more viable alternative to the US Dollar as reserve currency of the world.

The reason for this is that a common currency in Asia would get past the individual risks of any one Asian nation’s currency (Thailand and Japan in particular are a mess) at least in the beginning.

True, ultimately a common currency there would prove as futile as the Euro. However, it would serve as a “stepping stone” in the process of finding a replacement of the US Dollar as world reserve currency.

What I mean is that should a common currency be introduced in Asia, it would probably work for about 10-15 years. By then we’re well into the 2020s if not the 2030s at which point it is quite possible China will indeed be in a place to provide a world reserve currency on its own.

I wish to stress that even if Asia doesn’t implement a common currency and the US Dollar remains the world’s reserve currency (I put the odds of this at 20%), we are still facing a debt default in the US which will result in the US Dollar dropping dramatically in value and ushering in serious if not hyper-inflation.

Indeed, most commentators fail to understand the real reason Weimar Germany suffered hyperinflation. Niall Ferguson’s book, “The Ascent of Money” explains that it was in fact a political mistake that ushered in hyperinflation:

Yet it would be wrong to see the hyperinflation of 1923 as a simple consequence of the Versailles Treaty. That was how the Germans liked to see it, of course…All of this was to overlook the domestic political roots of the monetary crisis. The Weimar tax system was feeble, not least because the new regime lacked legitimacy among higher income groups who declined to pay the taxes imposed on them.

At the same time, public money was spent recklessly, particularly on generous wage settlements for public sector unions. The combination of insufficient taxation and excessive spending created enormous deficits in 1919 and 1920 (in excess of 10 per cent of net national product), before the victors had even presented their reparations bill… Moreover, those in charge of Weimar economic policy in the early 1920s felt they had little incentive to stabilize German fiscal and monetary policy, even when an opportunity presented itself in the middle of 1920.

A common calculation among Germany’s financial elites was that runaway currency depreciation would force the Allied powers into revision the reparations settlement, since the effect would be to cheapen German exports.

What the Germans overlooked was that the inflation induced boom of 1920-22, at a time when the US and UK economies were in the depths of a post-war recession, caused an even bigger surge in imports, thus negating the economic pressure they had hoped to exert. At the heart of the German hyperinflation was a miscalculation.

The similarities between the US today and Weimar pre-hyperinflation are striking. As in Weimar, US fiscal authorities are not taking any steps to rein in their loose money policies. Similarly, the US Fed, like Germany’s financial elites believes that currency depreciation is a good thing.

Thus we have a rather frightening set-up for hyperinflation in the US: the largest emerging market players are moving away from using the US Dollar at the same time that US monetary authorities are engaging in disastrous policies similar to those employed by the men who brought hyperinflation to Weimar Germany.

I firmly believe the US will see serious (‘70s style inflation) if not hyperinflation within the next 2-3 years. It could come sooner depending on how the Fed’s policies play out.

On that note, if you’ve yet to take steps to prepare your portfolio for the coming inflationary disaster, our FREE Special Report, The Inflationary Holocaust explains not only why inflation is here now, why the Fed is powerless to stop it, and three investments that absolutely EXPLODE as a result of this.

All in all its 14 pages contain a literal treasure trove of information on how to take steps to prepare AND profit from what’s to come. And it’s all 100% FREE.

To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.

Good Investing!

Graham Summers.


PS. We also offer a FREE Special Report specifying exactly how to prepare for the coming collapse in the US stock market (inflation will NOT be positive for stocks for much longer).

I call it The Financial Crisis “Round Two” Survival Kit. And its 17 pages contain a wealth of information about portfolio protection, which investments to own and how to take out Catastrophe Insurance on the stock market (this “insurance” paid out triple digit gains in the Autumn of 2008).

Again, this is all 100% FREE. To pick up your copy today, go to and click on FREE REPORTS.







Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market