Day: September 29, 2021

The Market is in Serious Trouble

The Market is in Serious Trouble

The markets are bouncing today, but nothing has been resolved.

The technical damage from the last few weeks has been horrific. The two most heavily weighted sectors in the S&P 500 (Tech and Healthcare) are in confirmed downtrends.

Tech (XLK) has broken below its 50-DMA. It also as a sell on its weekly MACD.


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It’s the same story for Healthcare (XLV).

Chart, histogram

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These two sectors alone count for 40% of the S&P 500’s weighting. With both breaking down like this, the market is under significant duress. Throw in the fact that all but three sectors are in a similar situation, and we have some 85% of the market’s weighting in DOWNTRENDS.

This is the kind of environment in which fireworks can hit.

But is a crash about to hit?

To figure this out, I rely on certain key signals that flash before every market crash.

I detail them, along with what they’re currently saying about the market today in a Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.

To pick up a free copy, swing by

Best Regards

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in stock collapse?