The newsletter/ research industry is rife with bold claims of expert predictions and forecasts. Everyone says he or she is an expert who can predict every move in the market. You and I both know that this is a lie. No one, not even the investing legends gets it right every single time.
The reality is that real wealth is generated when you anticipate major trends by focusing on the “unquantifiable” elements of the market and taking steps to insure your portfolio catches those moves. This is where we at Phoenix Capital Research excel.
Below are our major calls and the times we made them. As these attest, we are often months if not years ahead of our competitors and the mainstream financial media.
1. The Sub-prime housing bust (July 2006)
2. The Collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (August 2006)
3. The 2007-09 Recession (November 2007)
4. The Autumn Crash of 2008 (July 2008)
5. The Gold bull market with Gold to eventually hit $2000 per ounce… we’re stilling waiting on this one (November 2008)
6. The Global Sovereign Debt Default Crisis (December 2009)
7. The breakup of the Euro-zone (December 2010)
8. France losing its AAA status and entering a sovereign debt crisis… we’re waiting on the second one of these (September 2011)
9. Europe to face a systemic collapse (October 2011)
10. The Spanish and Greek bailouts (November 2011)