The market is rallying today on August performance gaming. The talking heads will claim this move has something to do with fundamentals, but the reality is that the move up yesterday and today consists of fund managers doing whatever they can to end this month with their holdings as high as possible. Nothing else.
This is obvious in that volume is too low (the lowest since 1997) and there are simply too many awful things happening in the world to warrant any kind of bullishness. Indeed, if you believe war is good for the markets, consider the recent moves in Northrup Grumman and Raytheon: both of them weapons manufacturers.
Shouldn’t these companies be spiking higher now that the war drums are beating?
Behind this backdrop of things getting “better,” things are in fact getting worse for the markets. The primary driver or stock prices since 2009 has been liquidity from the world’s Central Banks.
That era is now ending.
China has said it sees no need for future Government stimulus. Japan’s Abenomics is failing miserably with July retail sales dropping -0.3% (compared to the 0.1% growth that was expected). Angela Merkel of Germany has said that Greece shouldn’t have been allowed in the Euro. The latest GDP print in the US further bolsters arguments that the Fed should taper its QE programs.
None of these are positive for the markets which are back in bubble mode.
The liquidity faucet for the markets is closing. Few investors have taken note but the Central banks are already moving to take them system off of life support.
We’ll see how that goes.
On that note, I’ve already prepared readers of my Private Wealth Advisory newsletter with a number of targeted investment strategies designed to help them not only manage risk, but produce outsized profits during the coming economic slowdown.
Already we’ve locked in 14 straight winners over the last two months. More are coming.
Indeed, during the first round of the Euro Crisis we locked in 73 straight winning trades and not one single closed loser. That was during a time when the market went nowhere.
So we’re getting ready for another similar winning streak during this next round of economic contraction. You can make money during times of slow growth, but you need the right investment strategies.
If these sound like the kind of investment strategies you could use for your portfolio, I suggest taking out a trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory. You’ll immediately begin receiving my bi-weekly investment reports outlining the most important developments in the market.
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Yours in Profits,
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research