Four Economic Records… None of Them Good

The US economy continues to be a disaster.

Last week’s jobs report was just plain awful. The media is trumpeting the fact that the unemployment percentage fell, but they forgot to mention that this is because over 500,000 people left the labor force.

Indeed, the actual number of folks who left the labor force (516,000) was a RECORD. And the number of people not in the labor force is another record at 90.47 million.

This is not because these people found jobs, nor is it because the economy is improving. It’s because the Feds don’t count you as “unemployed” if you stop looking for work.

On top of this, the labor participation rate (total number of those employed divided by those of working age) fell to 63.2%. This is the lowest level since the late ‘70s. As a segment, men have an employment ratio of 69.5%. This is the single lowest reading in the history of this metric (going back to 1948).

So that’s three economic records. None of them good.

Add to this the new record of people on food stamps and you have an economic disaster.

This is an economic disaster. It shows us point blank that the economy has not recovered and that all talk of recovery is based on either phony data or outright fraud.

The fact of the matter is that we are on the cusp of a market correction if not something more.

On that note, I’ve already prepared readers of my Private Wealth Advisory newsletter with a number of targeted investment strategies designed to help them not only manage risk, but produce outsized profits during the economic slowdown.

Already we’ve locked in 14 straight winners over the last two months including gains of 11%, 14% and 25%. More are coming.

Indeed, during the first round of the Euro Crisis we locked in 73 straight winning trades and not one single closed loser. That was during a time when the market went nowhere.

So we’re getting ready for another similar winning streak during this next round of economic contraction. You can make money during times of slow growth, but you need the right investment strategies.

If these sound like the kind of investment strategies you could use for your portfolio, I suggest taking out a trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory. You’ll immediately begin receiving my bi-weekly investment reports outlining the most important developments in the market.

You’ll also receive my real-time trade alerts, telling you the minute it’s time to open or sell a trade.

All just for $299 a year.

You get:

  • 26 bi-weekly investment reports (ranging from 15-30 pages in length)
  • Six Special Reports outlining unique opportunities and risks in the markets that 99% of investors don’t know about.
  • 30-50 trades per year provided to you in real time
  • The sense of calm in knowing that you’ve got your financial house in order.

To sign up for Private Wealth Advisory

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Yours in Profits,

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research






Posted by Phoenix Capital Research