One of the biggest mistakes investors make when it comes to dividend investing is assuming that BIG dividends= GREAT dividends.
Dividends are paid based on cash flow. A company can sometimes pay out a dividend through financial innovation (issuing shares as dividends, etc.), but if you are looking for REAL income from your investments, you NEED the company to be producing CASH.
No cash= no dividends= no yield.
This is why dividend investing is a tricky business. You cannot simply assume that because a company paid out a big dividend before, that it will continue to do so.
Moreover, you don’t just want the dividend to be constant, you want it to GROW!
This is why I focus on a particular type of dividend paying investments… investments that GROW their dividend consistently over time… which I call “Low Risk Dividend Growers” or LRDGs.
Consider Exxon for example.
Exxon has increased its dividend for over 30 YEARS. Indeed, if you bought Exxon as late as 2000, you would be collecting a 7-8% yield today based on DIVIDENDS alone (share price in 2000 was roughly $32, and dividends paid in 2013 were roughly $2.50).
At the same time, your initial position in Exxon’s stock would have risen 400%!
So you’d have made 400% in capital gains… and would continue collecting 7-8% per year in dividends.
And the best part is… the dividend keeps growing!
This is how you get truly rich from investing. Find investments that are Low Risk Dividend Growers and HOLD ON for the long-term.
With my Big Dividends Investor newsletter, I show investors how to lock in BIG dividends for HUGE returns.
Already our two most recent picks are cranking out cash for our subscribers. One sports a massive 7% yield that is virtually tax free. The other pays out a whopping 12% dividend in monthly payments.
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If you’re an investor looking for a second stream of income to grow your wealth during retirement, you simply couldn’t ask for a better newsletter than Big Dividend Investor.
For just $99 a year, you get:
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To sign up for Big Dividend Investor… and take action to start receiving massive dividend payments as soon as this month…
Buck Wilson