The markets are tracking the same pattern that played out in 2015.
Most market action (more than 80%) today is driven by computer algorithms. These programs look for an asset class that is moving, and then buy based on the momentum.
From March through May, the moving asset class is Oil, which historically tends to rally during this period. In 2015, Oil bottomed in March and rallied hard into June.
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This year, the same pattern played out. However, the pattern hit a month early as traders and computers tried to front-run each other. Oil bottomed in February and has risen to $50 per barrel.
Anyone who is buying into this rally in the belief that it represents the start of a new bull market needs to consider what happened in 2015 when the seasonal trend ended: Oil crashed, pulling stock down with it.
We’re currently preparing for a similar situation today.
Indeed, subscribers of my Private Wealth Advisory newsletter just closed out THREE more winners last week: gains of 10%, 12% and 15% produced in just a few weeks’ time.
This brings our winning trade streak to 81 straight winning trades.
Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.
81 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 18 months.
However, I cannot maintain this kind of track record with thousands of investors following our recommendations.
So we are going to be raising the price on a Private Wealth Advisory subscription from $199 to $249 at the end of the month.
However, you can try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days today, for just 98 cents.
If you find that Private Wealth Advisory is not for you, just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.
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Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
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