Stock investing is ultimately based on risk.
The global risk-free rate is the Us 10-Year Treasury. Again, this is the “risk-free” rate for the world. Stocks trade relative to this rate.
The ENTIRE move in the market from the early 2016 lows was predicated on bon yields falling (or bond prices rising). As this occurred, risk became cheaper, forcing stocks higher.
See for yourself. The 10-Year Treasury lead stocks higher throughout 2016.
With that in mind, look at what is happening now. Treasuries are rolling over rapidly and crashing. Stocks have yet to “get it” but they will soon.
When they do, the S&P 500 could literally crash. Yes, I mean crash as in collapse over 100 points in a single day.
And if yields REALLY begin to rise, and the European banking crisis accelerates, we could drop below 1,800 on the S&P 500 in a heartbeat.
Seriously at this point, if you’re not taking out a trial subscription to our Private Wealth Advisory newsletter, I don’t know what else to tell you.
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Indeed, less than 10% of subscribers choose NOT to stay with us. And the ones that DO cancel do so because they’re simply not active investors and prefer owning a single mutual fund.
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Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
PS. I almost forgot, a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just 98 cents comes with SIX SPECIAL INVESTMENT REPORTS.
- The Crash Trigger: The Signal That Flashed Before 1987, 2000, and 2008
- The War on Cash: the Fed’s Secret Plan to Outlaw Cash
- Protect Your Portfolio From a Crash
- Protect Your Savings from a Bank Failure
- The Inflation Secrets Your Broker Won’t Tell You About
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