As we’ve been outlining over the last few weeks, the auto-loan industry is increasingly looking like Subprime 2.0: the needle that will pop the credit bubble.

Since 2009, roughly 1/3 of all new auto-loans have been subprime. That in of itself is bad, but we are now discovering that the industry in general has a problem with fraud (shades of the Housing Bubble) as well.

As many as 1 percent of U.S. car loan applications include some type of material misrepresentation, executives at data analytics firm Point Predictive estimated based on reports from banks, finance companies and others. Lenders’ losses from deception may double this year to $6 billion from 2015, the firm forecast.

Source: Bloomberg

Obviously, the auto-loan bubble is nowhere near as large as the housing bubble ($1.2 trillion vs. $14 trillion).

But I’m not saying auto-loans will be the crisis… I’m saying auto-loans will be the needle that triggers the crisis.

Since 2009, the Fed has created a massive bubble in debt securities.

This includes:

1)   Municipal Bonds

2)   Corporate Bonds

3)   Mortgages

4)   Consumer credit debt

5)   Auto-loans

Here it is in all its glory.


Just as housing was a small percentage of the debt build up to the 2008 crisis, auto-loans are a small percentage of the post-2008 debt buildup.

But both asset classes had fraud and subprime lending as an underpinning.

This is Subprime 2.0: the needle that will burst the debt bubble.

A Crash is coming… it’s going to horrific.

And smart investors will use it to make literal fortunes from it.

If you’re looking for a means to profit from this we’ve already alerted our Private Wealth Advisory subscribers to FIVE trades that could produce triple digit winners as the market plunges.

As I write this, ALL of them are up.

And we’re just getting started.

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Yes, this includes all losers and every trade we make. If you followed our investment recommendations, you’d have beaten the market by a MASSIVE margin.

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Best Regards

Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research