By the time CNBC starts raving about a trend, that trend is ending.

Case in point, CNBC has been ragingly bullish on Tech stocks for the last month. Ironically they’re telling viewers to pile in right as Tech stocks peak. The below chart is already flashing a major warning.


That trendline will probably go this week. And over the next six weeks, Tech stocks will be working their way down to the red line.

Meanwhile, the next big market move is elsewhere. As money flows out of Tech it’s going to pour into another key sector.

Which one?

We just told readers of our Private Wealth Advisory last week. And they’ve now got FOUR trades on to profit from it.

As I write this, all of them are already up. And by the time CNBC starts talking about this trend… we’ll be up double digits.

Paying attention to sentiment via the financial media is just ONE of the ways we monitor risk to protect our downside with Private Wealth Advisory.

By doing this, the upside takes care of itself. Often times by a LOT.

Case in point…

Last year, Private Wealth Advisory subscribers saw a 40% return on their invested capital.

Yes, 40% in a year in which the S&P 500 returned just 9%.

We didn’t use fancy investments we did this by trading ETFs and stocks without any leverage.

The out-performance continues in 2017…

Year to date, we’ve locked in 32 trades. Of that 27 have been winners, for a success rate of 84%.

Yes, we are making money on more than EIGHT out of every 10 positions we open.

You could be seeing a similar success rate with your investments by following our investment recommendations. And it will only cost you $199 per year.

Of course, not everyone wants to really succeed with their investments. Most people would rather sound smart than see their portfolios grow dramatically.

For that reason we offer a 30 day trial period for potential Private Wealth Advisory subscribers.

Put simply, you can try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

If you decide Private Wealth Advisory is not for you, just send us an email and we’ll cancel your subscription and you won’t be charged another cent.

But I know you’ll want to stay with us once you start seeing the gains for yourself.

In the last 30 days alone we’ve locked in ELEVEN winners including gains of 6%, 8%, 14% and more.

To take out a 30 day $0.98 trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory…

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Best Regards

Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research




Posted by Phoenix Capital Research