A Special Invitation From Graham Summers

Dear Reader

Sometimes understanding how things work can be a bit lonely…
especially when it comes to knowledge of our current financial system.

Trust me, I know… if you want to talk about “banks” or
“the US Dollar” or “the Federal Reserve” to those around
you, they typically look at you as though you’re talking
about UFOs or some other crazy subject.

However, these issues affect all of us. There isn’t a person in
the United States (or the world for that matter) who is not
affected by the actions of the Central Bank one way or another.

This is a big reason why I chose to write my book
The Everything Bubble: The
Endgame For Central Bank Policy

to explain how the financial system was set up and how it truly works…
NOT in complicated terms, but in a language that ANYONE,
even those with ZERO experience in finance, could understand.

On that note, Amazon is currently running a special on The Everything Bubble
11% off on the
paperback and an astonishing 85% off on the Kindle version.

So if you’ve yet to pick up a copy… or would like to gift a copy
to family and friends, this is the single best opportunity all year to
do so.

To take advantage of these prices… and potentially change someone’s
life with the gift of knowledge and understanding of how our
financial system truly works…

Here Now!!!

Best Regards

Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research