The Everything Bubble has officially burst.
We have now reached the point at which systemically important debt instruments are collapsing. It is one thing is a relatively small debt bubble (say, subprime auto loans) goes bust… it is an entirely DIFFERENT matter if a more senior debt instruments such as leveraged loans or corporate debt goes bust.
As of last week, they have.
The leveraged loan market bas officially blown up. The bull market here is OVER. Things are actually so bad that banks are pulling deals because they are unable to sell loans to investors anymore.
This collapse is not reserved to just leveraged loans. The ENTIRE investment grade corporate bond market has broken its bull market trendline running back to 2010.
If you think stocks are immune to this, you’re mistaken. The bull market there is ALSO over. The financial media is polishing the brass on the titanic. This whole mess is going DOWN.
Guess what’s coming next?
On that note we just published a 21-page investment report titled Stock Market Crash Survival Guide.
In it, we outline precisely how the crash will unfold as well as which investments will perform best during a stock market crash.
Today is the last day this report will be available to the public. We extended the deadline based on yesterday’s sucker rally, but this it IT… no more extensions.
To pick up yours, swing by:
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research