What Do Corporate Insiders Know That We Don’t?

The economy has completely fallen off a cliff.

The Atlanta Fed’s GDP Now metric which tracks economic growth in real-time has collapsed to 0.2%… as in barely above zero.

This is why the Fed panicked in December and began desperately trying to prop the markets up. It’s also why corporate insiders, the people who know more about their company’s prospects than anyone, sold their stock in record amounts over the last few months.


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This is why the Fed panicked in December and began desperately trying to prop the markets up. It’s also why corporate insiders, the people who know more about their company’s prospects than anyone, sold their stock in record amounts over the last few months.

Indeed, the stock market telling us that the bull market is OVER.

The fact is that the long-term monthly S&P 500 chart shows a CLEAR rejection at its former bull market trendline. There’s really not much but air between here and 2,050 or so on the S&P 500.

That’s a 25% drop from here… so we’re talking about a literal CRASH.

If you aren’t actively taking steps to prepare for this, you need to start NOW.

On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.

It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research