This is the Biggest Load of BS I’ve Seen in Years… and That’s Saying Something.

By Graham Summers, MBA

Yesterday I wrote to you about the complete and utter BS that was the January jobs report.

By quick way of review…

1) The reason the U.S. economy supposedly “added” 500,000+ jobs in January was due to an accounting gimmick, NOT because those jobs were actually created.

2) The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) openly admits this, citing that without its “population control effect” the economy added… 84,000 jobs.

Today I’d like to talk to you about a different type of economic BS… this time concerning inflation.

The prevailing myth in the media is that inflation is coming down. 

This is complete and utter BS. The only data that has fallen has been in energy prices (well, that and used cars). And the reason energy has fallen is because the Biden administration dumped over 250 MILLION barrels of oil in the last two years.

If you don’t believe me, here’s the data straight from the inflation report announced yesterday. Where in this table are there any negative numbers (meaning inflation is turning down) for the months of November and December outside of energy (and used cars)?

“Yeah Graham, but the pace of inflation is slowing, this is a big win!” some media stooges might be saying. 

Let me be blunt here…

The Fed raised rates from 0.25% to 4.75% in less than a year… while also draining $500 BILLION in liquidity from the system… and all it did was SLOW the pace at which prices are still RISING?

And that is a big win?

Oh and by the way, the BLS just changed its methodology for how it calculates inflation this year for some odd reason (hint: political pressure from the White House). If we calculated January’s inflation numbers using the methodology that was applied in December (a mere 30 days before) inflation would be rising at an annualized rated of…



Again, the inflation problem is NOT going away. What’s happening is that the government is spewing out complete and utter BS and pretending that the BS is reality.

It’s not. It’s BS. I know it. You know it. And yes, they know it… but it doesn’t look good if you keep spending trillions of dollars while inflation remains at a 40 year high, does it?

And once again, the most disturbing aspect of all of this is that Americans are investing their hard earned dollars based on this BS. 

On that note, we published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research