
By Graham Summers, MBA | Chief Market Strategist

The Fed began an easing cycle yesterday.

You are going to hear a LOT of people talking about this, saying it’s a sign that the economy is in recession. 

It’s not.

This business cycle, is unlike any other. If you’re comparing what’s happening now to what happened in 2000 or 2007, then you’re comparing apples to oranges.

Was the economy shut down prior to the Fed cutting rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Did the Fed and Federal Government pump $11 trillion into the financial system in the years preceding the Fed’s decision to cut rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Did the U.S. experience an inflationary storm prior to the Fed cutting rates by 0.5% in 2000 or 2007?


Comparing the Fed rate cuts and their implications today to the last two times the Fed cut rates by 0.5% without accounting for these differences is not just bad thinking… it’s actually BAD for your portfolio.


Because in 2024, the economy is NOT rolling over into recession, nor is the financial system showing any signs of duress.  GDP growth is clocking in at 2%+. 

As far as the financial system is concerned, stocks are outperforming junk bonds in dramatic fashion. Every time the financial system has been under duress during the last 17 years, this ratio has gone UP, breaking above its 10 month moving average (blue line in the chart below). Today there are ZERO signs of duress in this ratio.

As far as the financial system is concerned, stocks are outperforming junk bonds in dramatic fashion. Every time the financial system has been under duress during the last 17 years, this ratio has gone UP, breaking above its 10 month moving average (blue line in the chart below). Today there are ZERO signs of duress in this ratio.

Again, what’s happening today is NOTHING like what happened in 2000 or 2007. If your guru or strategist is telling you to sell the farm and prepare for a crisis, you need to FIRE THEM and get a copy of my How to Predict a Crash investment report, instead.

How to Predict a Crash uses a quantifiable tool that has accurately predicted Black Swan market crashes. It caught the 1987 Crash, the Tech Crash, and the Great Financial Crisis, to name a few.

With just one look at this tool, you can tell whether it’s a good time to buy stocks or not. I detail it, along with what it’s currently saying about the market today in How to Predict a Crash.

Normally, I’d charge $499 for this report as a standalone item. But I’m giving it away FREE to anyone who joins our daily market commentary Gains Pains & Capital.

To pick up your copy now (it doesn’t cost a dime)…


Best Regards

Graham Summers, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It IS different this time., It's a Bull Market, stock collapse?

By Graham Summers, MBA

The fate of the stock market is in the hands of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this week.

Every quarter the Treasury announces its financing needs via its Quarterly Refunding Announcement (QRA). In the QRA, the Treasury announces:

1) How much debt it will need to issue total to fund the government for the coming quarter.

2) The amount of new debt the Treasury will need to issue as opposed to simply rolling over old debt.

3) The breakdown of the debt issuance: short-term T-bills versus longer-term Treasury Bonds.

These three items are the MOST IMPORTANT issues for the markets today.

If you think I’m exaggerating this, consider that the last time the Treasury made its QRA was July 31st 2023. That was THE day that stocks topped and bond yields began to skyrocket.

The Treasury will announce the basics of the #1 and #2 in the list above today. But we won’t get the full breakdown of debt (#3) until Wednesday. 

Historically, the Treasury tries to keep the amount of short-term debt issuance to just 20% of total issuance. The reason for this is that if the Treasury relies too heavily on short-term debt to fund spending, it opens the door to a rate shock.

Consider what would have happened if the Treasury had issued 80% of total debt in short-term T-bills in 2021 when rates were at 0.25%. At the time, the move would have looked quite clever as the Treasury would be taking advantage of the fact that rates were so low. However, fast forward a year to 2022, and the Treasury would need to roll over that same debt at a time when rates were now ABOVE 4%! Interest payments would have been EXPONENTIALLY higher and a debt crisis would arrive.

So again, the Treasury usually keeps T-bill issuance to just 20% of total issuance… unless it’s intentionally trying to calm the markets and juice stocks higher for political purposes.

Which brings us to today.

Janet Yellen is ACUTELY aware of the impact that her decisions will have on the stock market. Indeed, the hallmark of her tenure as Fed Chair from 2014-2018 was to implement monetary policy that benefitted stocks, even if the economic data didn’t warrant it.

So the odds favor her doing something to prop the markets up… especially as we enter an election year in 2024.

However, doing this only sets the stage for a debt crisis down the road. If the Treasury relies extensively on T-bills to finance the budget now, that same debt will come due in a year… which opens the door to a MAJOR rate shock at that time, especially if inflation rebounds.

Again, the fate of the stock market is in Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s hands today. If she chooses to game the debt markets for political purposes it only delays the inevitable debt crisis… and not by much.

As I keep warning, the Great Debt Crisis of our lifetimes is fast approaching. 

In 2000, the Tech Bubble burst.

In 2007, the Housing Bubble burst.

The Great Debt Bubble burst in 2022. And the crisis is now approaching. 

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for what’s coming, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

Normally this report would be sold for $249. But we are making it FREE to anyone who joins our Daily Market Commentary Gains Pains & Capital.To pick up your copy, swing by:

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Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Debt Bomb

By Graham Summers, MBA

As I noted yesterday, the great debt crisis of out lifetimes is approaching.

The U.S. is now adding debt at an exponential rate. The U.S. racked up its first $10 trillion in debt over the course of 232 years. Following the Great Financial Crisis, it added another $10 trillion in just nine years. The next $10 trillion took only four years.

And by the look of things, the next $10 trillion will take even less than that. The U.S. has added $2 trillion in debt in the last four months. We’re now adding $1.2 billion in debt per hour.

How will this play out?

Well there are three ways to deal with a major debt problem.

1) Pay it back.

2) Inflate it away.

Guess which one policymakers have opted for? 

Why did they spend $8 TRILLION in the span of just 24 months from 2020

Why else is the U.S. running its largest fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP outside of WWII… despite the fact the economy is still growing!?!

Why else is the Fed providing over $1 TRILLION in reverse repo liquidity schemes to the financial system every single night… despite the fact the financial system isn’t in a crisis?!?

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for what’s coming, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.Normally this report would be sold for $249. But we are making it FREE to anyone who joins our Daily Market Commentary Gains Pains & Capital.To pick up your copy, swing by:

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Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Debt Bomb

By Graham Summers, MBA

The Great Debt Crisis of our lifetimes is approaching.

As S&P Global recently noted, global debt has just hit $300 TRILLION for the first time in history. As if that wasn’t jaw dropping enough, this amount of debt represents 349% of global GDP. If you were to spread out this debt across the world population each man woman and child would owe over $36,000.

Put simply, this is an incomprehensibly massive debt bomb. And inflation has lit the fuse.

You see, bond yields trade based on inflation among other things. So once inflation entered the financial system in 2021, it was only a matter of time before bonds yields began to rise.

Higher bond yields mean greater debt payments. And greater debt payments mean that it the debt becomes more difficult to service. At a yield of 0.25%, you can service $1,000,000 worth of debt for just $2,500. But at a yield of 5%, that same $1,000,000 in debt now costs $50,000 to service.

Again, inflation lit the fuse of our global debt bomb in 2021. And by the look of things, the fuse has almost burned completely away!

Take a look at the below chart and you’ll see what I mean. This is the Invesco 1-30 Laddered Treasury ETF (GOVI). It’s effectively a proxy for the entirety of the U.S. Treasury market. And as you can see, it is now trading at the same level it first hit in 2015, and just barely clinging to critical support.

Once that line gives way, the great debt crisis of our lifetimes will likely begin.

Smart investors are already taking steps to profit from this.

On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining how to invest when this Everything Bubble bursts.

It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in The Everything Bubble

Stocks are on the ledge of a VERY large cliff.

Anytime the S&P 500 has taken out its 50-week moving average (WMA), it usually falls to the middle of its Bollinger Band, if not the 200-WMA. In chart terms below, anytime the S&P 500 takes out the red line, it drops to the blue dotted line if not the green line.

If stocks hold right here and now, then we have escaped a bear market by the skin of our teeth. If stocks DON’T hold right here and now, it’s a bear market and stocks will eventually drop another 10% if not 20%.

I’m talking about this:

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What happens right now is key. If stocks hold these gains, then this recent drop was likely just a plain vanilla sell-off to take out the excess froth in the markets. 

However, if, instead of holding those gains, stocks roll over and begin falling again, then we are likely at the start of a more pronounced breakdown and possibly a new bear market.

For those looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guidecan show you how.

Within its 21 pages we outline which investments will perform best during a market meltdown as well as how to take out “Crash insurance” on your portfolio (these instruments returned TRIPLE digit gains during 2008).

To pick up your copy of this report, FREE, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in stock collapse?
The Fed is Now Cornered… and There’s Nothing It Can Do to Fix This!

The Fed is now cornered (to a degree).

This is not to say that the Fed cannot continue to print money, nor does it mean the Fed is “out of ammunition” as many bears like to claim.

The Fed is technically never out of ammunition as it can print money forever. Moreover, as the Fed’s policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, the Fed is more than willing to engage in policies that are technically illegal (buy corporate bonds, buy municipal bonds, etc.) by using loopholes (print the money and give it to the Treasury to buy these assets) when it’s necessary.

However, there are some problems that Fed policy simply cannot solve. And today, the markets are facing two of them.

They are:

  1. Supply-chain issues.
  2. The global energy crisis.

Printing money, Quantitative Easing (QE), maintaining low interest rates, even buying assets and securities that are technically outside the Fed’s legal mandate…. NONE of those policies can remedy supply-chain issues, or their inflationary effects.

The Fed can’t MAKE people return to work… or force them to give up their new careers and go back to unloading cargo ships or working in manufacturing facilities.

Similarly, for the Energy Crisis, the Fed can’t print oil or coal. QE doesn’t lower energy prices. And maintaining lower interest rates doesn’t make coal miners/ oil employees go back to work and start drilling or mining.

Meanwhile, inflation expectations are erupting higher. They’ve just taken out their May 2021 highs, which marked the PEAK for the last inflationary thrust.

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These problems (supply chain issues and an energy crisis) aren’t going away any time soon either… Copper has just hit an all-time high!

Meanwhile, Oil just broke out of a 13 year bear market!

With the right investments, we are talking about the opportunity to make literal fortunes here as inflation RIPS through the financial system igniting MASSIVE price spikes in key sectors.

I outline five investments that could explode higher as inflation rips through the financial system in a Special Investment Report titled Survive the Inflationary Storm.

To pick up a free copy, swing by

Best Regards

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

The media has officially called the election for Joe Biden, despite the fact he has yet to actually win anything.

As I’ve noted previously, unless President Trump formally concedes, Joe Biden is NOT the President elect until December 14th at the earliest (that’s when states formally cast their electoral college votes).

Note that the words “media” are not used anywhere in the above paragraph. The media has no say in how elections turn out. And similarly, they have no idea what they’re talking about in terms of who will ultimately win the election.

I say this because the media has begun to claim that every market rally is due to Joe Biden saying or doing something. The media is literally acting as though Biden is now directing the stock market as President of the United States.

But the global markets actually say otherwise.

Regardless of your political affiliation, I believe that practically everyone can agree that President Trump was the first anti-China President in the last 40 years. He most certainly was more anti-China than Joe Biden, who was openly critical of President Trump’s trade war and tariffs. 

And then of course, there is the fact that the Biden family has received millions if not billions of dollars in financing from Chinese business and government-linked entities over the years.

With that in mind, I want to point out that China’s stock market is struggling to make new highs. It initially exploded higher the day after the election when the media called the win for Joe Biden (blue circle), but since that time, it’s basically flatlined (red circle).

If Joe Biden was definitely winning the Presidency, which would mean an end to the Trade War between the U.S. and China, shouldn’t China’s stock market be exploding higher?

With that in mind, I stand by my original forecast that President Trump will end up winning this election. And our clients are already preparing for this with our new special report titled…

The MAGA Portfolio: Five Investments That Will Make Fortunes During Trump’s Second Term.

In it, we detail five unique investments that we expect will produce the most extraordinary gains during President Trump’s second term.

Each one of these investments is in a unique position to profit from the combination of Trump economic reforms and Fed monetary easing, combining high growth opportunities with extreme profitability.

We are offering this report exclusively to subscribers of our e-letter Gains Pains & Capital. To pick up your copy please swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

If you want to get your head around the ultimate outcome of the 2020 Presidential election, you should ignore the media, experts, pundits, and focus on one thing.

 The energy sector.

Unlike the pundits, experts and shills in the media, energy investors LOSE money if they’re wrong. They have “skin in the game” so to speak. And because of the distinct differences between the Biden and Trump campaign’s views on oil, the energy sector is an incredible barometer for how things are going with the election.

From a 20,000-foot perspective, this Presidential election is about globalism vs. nationalism.

Globalism, as represented by the Biden campaign, represents the dominant economic trend of the last 40 years. Its key features involve:

1)    The outsourcing of Americans jobs to cheaper, international labor markets.

2)    The U.S. relying extensively on other nations for its energy, commodity, and other needs.

3)    The U.S. as one of several key nations that set global policy via international bodies (the U.N. the G-7, etc.).

By way of contrast, Nationalism, as represented by the Trump administration, represents a complete refutation of Globalism. Its key features involve:

1)    That the domestic production of resources deemed critical to the U.S. economy is a matter of national security.

2)     That outsourcing weakens the U.S. economy from a strategic perspective as it shifts its industrial and manufacturing supply chains to other nations. 

3)    That the U.S. is THE dominant force in the world and as such can set global policy regardless of what other nations desire.

In far simpler words, a Biden win would be BAD for oil production in the U.S., while a Trump win would be GOOD for oil production in the U.S..

With that in mind, take a look at this chart.

Going into election night, the energy sector was in a decided downtrend (blue line) as it looked like Biden would be the presumed winner. However, on election day this trend began to end with energy stocks actually breaking out of this downtrend briefly (red circle).

This suggested that in point of fact, President Trump would potentially pull another historic upset.

We all know what has since happened: the media has declared Biden the winner despite a number of voting irregularities surfacing (and that’s putting it mildly). The media has made it clear that it believes Biden won.

But what is the energy sector telling us?

Energy stocks are up 15% since election night. That is an incredible move. And if you find that surprising, consider the following.

The energy sector is top performing sector since election night.

I don’t know about you, but it sure seems as if energy investors are predicting a Trump win. Nowhere in Joe Biden’s campaign platform does he advocate for the increased production of oil in the U.S.. In fact, on his website he actually endorses the Green New Deal, which advocates for the U.S. completely moving off of fossil fuels!

With that in mind, what do you think energy stocks are telling us today?

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The U.S. is in very serious trouble.

The integrity of the U.S. election has been damaged, possibly irreparably. There has been clear and obvious fraud. And everyone who isn’t a partisan hack knows it. Regardless of your political views, it is very clear that NONE of this looks appropriate.

In the last five days we’ve seen:

  1. Multiple states stop counting votes on election night.
  2. Multiple states find tens of thousands of votes that benefit Joe Biden to a degree that is statistically impossibly.
  3. Clear examples of dead people voting.
  4. Counties in which more people voted than were registered.
  5. States called for Biden when a ridiculously low percentage of votes were counties (Virginia 1%, Arizona 7%, etc.).

Regardless of whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, you cannot with a straight face say that this doesn’t look suspicious. And that’s putting it mildly.

The bigger issue, outside of who actually wins the election, is the fact that the election system has been compromised. That is a MAJOR problem for the Republic.

And the markets know it.

This is why the $USD is rolling over and plunging: capital is reacting to the discovery that the U.S. is now closer to a banana republic than a legitimate first world nation.

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That move doesn’t seem like a big deal, unless you understand the significance of the currency markets.

The financial media like to focus on stocks because they are an extremely volatile asset class. This volatility makes stocks seem “sexy” because entire fortunes can be made… or lost… within a matter of weeks.

However, the reality is that stocks are actually one of the smallest asset classes on the planet.

Globally, the stock market is around $80 trillion in size.

That sounds like a huge amount… until you realize that the bond market is more than THREE times this at $244 trillion.

And the currency markets dwarf even the bond markets!

While it’s impossible to know their full size (every currency trade involves two currencies, so the net size is impossible to measure), we do know that the currency markets trade an astonishing $6.6 trillion per day.

To put this into perspective, the New York Stock Exchange – the single largest stock market in the world – typically trades just $200 billion in volume per day.

Put simply, the currency market, based on volume alone, is 33 times larger than the stock market. The U.S. dollar ($USD) is the reserve currency of the world. And the $USD, is the 800-lb gorilla in this market, accounting for over 90% of all currency transactions.

It also accounts for over 60% of all central bank foreign exchange reserves, while nearly 40% of all global debt is denominated in the $USD.

Put simply, the $USD is THE single most important asset in the entire global financial system, the currency of choice for global central banks and global corporations looking to issue debt.

And the $USD is backed by the single largest economy in the world, representing ~25 of global GDP, along with the U.S. military which has a budget equal to that of China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil – combined.

Put simply, whatever happens to the $USD will have systemic implications for the world. So, if the $USD is breaking down because the U.S. Presidential election debacle is signaling that the largest economy in the world is becoming a banana republic, it is a VERY bad thing.

In this environment, everyone should have some exposure to gold. Indeed, it is not surprising that In this environment, everyone should have some exposure to gold. It is not coincidence that the precious metal is EXPLODING higher on this development.In this environment, everyone should have some exposure to gold. Indeed, it is not surprising that

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On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

As I write this there are just 9 left.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Fed now has a major problem on its hands.

That problem is the fact that gold is ripping higher.

Americans see gold as a measure of inflation. Food prices, car prices, home prices, stock prices, practically the price of anything can rise and the average American won’t think “inflation.”

It’s a different story with gold.

Once gold starts ripping higher to the point that the average American notices it… then everyone and their mother starts talking about inflation getting out of control.

We are at that point now. Gold is going absolutely vertical. And it has just hit new all-time highs, rising almost $500 from its March lows.

This is a signal that the market is “smelling” higher inflation. And because gold is now grabbing headlines, the average American is waking up to this fact.

Which means…

The Fed will now either be forced to confront inflation (hike rates or tighten policy) OR it will begin to lose control.

Tightening monetary policy would mean kicking the already weak economy just as it’s getting back on its feet. This is a guaranteed “depression” trigger and stock market crash.

On the flip side, ignoring gold’s move higher means letting inflation get out of control. Can the Fed afford to let the inflation genie out of the bottle? The last time it did this was in the 1970s, and it didn’t stop until the Fed had raised interest rates to 19%.

This is a literal “no win” situation for the Fed. One choice leads to a depression/ crash. The other leads to stag-flation at best.

Our money is on stag-flation.

We believe the Fed would rather risk letting inflation get out of control rather than triggering a depression. The Fed has always adopted a “kick the can” mentality when it comes to major problems.

Inflation will prove no different. Which is why we believe inflation will continue to spiral out of control in the coming months.

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE contrarian investments you can use to make precious metals pay you as inflation rips through the financial system in the months ahead.Paragraph

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU through care investing in the precious metals sector and precious metals mining.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

There are just 9 left.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation

There’s a saying that “in bull markets, stocks don’t sell off on bad news.”

I mention this because the latest jobs data is out and it’s horrific.

Another 4.4. million Americans have filed for unemployment bringing the total the number of unemployed to 26 million.

These are DE-pression type numbers.  And yet stocks are holding up despite these numbers.

The S&P 500 last peaked on April 17th 2020. Despite a rash of horrific economic data, the index has barely fallen 6%.

As investors, we have to trade the markets as they are… not as we wish they were. And the market is holding up shockingly well given what’s happening in the world.

Remember, “in bull markets, stocks don’t sell off on bad news.”

What’s even more shocking is the fact that ENERGY stocks are UP more than the broader market this month.

That’s not a typo, the Energy ETF (XLE) is up 16% while the S&P 500 is up 8% in April. And this is happening at a time when Oil prices dropped to NEGATIVE $40!

This again suggests we are entering a bull market. In bull markets, stocks don’t sell off on bad news. The news lately is horrific, and stocks aren’t selling off.

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Yesterday’s action was positive, but we’re not out of the woods by any stretch.

Stocks roared higher with the Dow closing up 11% for its largest single day gain since 1933. Across the board, the buying was extremely strong with 90% of trading volume being up by end of the day.

However, we are not out of the woods yet.

As Bill King recently noted, throughout history there are two only two other instances in which stocks crashed this rapidly. Those are the crash of 1929 and the crash of 1987.

Both of them featured a swift double-digit decline of over 20% in a matter of days.

Both of them featured a MASSIVE two-day rally that saw stocks rise 20%.

Both of them then saw stocks roll over to either retest the lows (1987) or fall to new lows (1929).


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An annual subscription to all of our current newsletters costs $1,500.

But today, you can get a LIFETIME subscription to ALL of them, along with every new product we ever launch, for just $2,500.

Today is the last day this offer is available.

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The crash of 1929 saw stocks lose 34% in the span of a few days before staging a massive two-day rally of 18%. Stocks then dropped to new lows.

The crash of 1987 saw stocks fall 22% in a single day. They then staged a massive two-day rally of nearly 20% before falling to retest the lows.

The point is that yesterday’s massive bounce doesn’t mean the lows are in. We are still in watch and wait mode for the markets.

On that note, high yield credit spreads have broken out of their downtrend. However, they have MAJOR resistance right overhead. That HAS to be broken for this rally to have any legs.

Investment grade credit spreads, which have lead credit during this bounce courtesy of the Fed announcing it will start buying investment grade corporate debt, have already slammed into resistance and rolled over.

My point with all of this is to NOT rush into stock right now. Do not worry about trying to catch a bottom or timing the exact low on the markets. You’re much better off waiting for clear signals that the market has DEFINITIVELY bottomed and THEN start buying.

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Startegist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in The Markets

As I warned two weeks ago, the Fed is going to start buying “everything”… AKA Weimar lite. 

The Fed has faced a choice… either let debt deflation clear the bad debts from the system, even if it means major corporations and banks failing, OR start buying “everything” in an effort to prop up the system (even if it induces raging inflation).

Well, the Fed officially crossed the Rubicon over the weekend. Going into the weekend the Fed had already…

1)    Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.

2)    Launched a $1.5 trillion repo program.

3)    Launched a $700 billion QE program.

4)    Begun buying commercial paper debt instruments.

5)    Opened the discount window to the eight largest banks in the US.

6)    Expanded the repo program to $1 trillion per day.

7)    Opened dollar swaps with international central banks.

8)    Opened credit windows to the money market funds market.

9)    Begin buying municipal bonds.

Well, buckle up, because over the weekend, the Fed announced it would make its QE program “open ended” meaning it would buy Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securities as needed.

Put another way, the Fed announced unlimited QE. And to top it off, the Fed ALSO added that it was expanding its QE mandate to buy corporate debt (for the first time in history).

Put another way, the Fed has announced it is going to effectively monetize “everything,”… Treasuries, Mortgage Backed Securities, Municipal debt, Corporate debt, etc. The only thing debt assets left are student debt, auto loans, and credit card debt.

In simple terms, the Everything Bubble burst… and now the Fed is dealing with it by buying EVERYTHING.


Get a LIFETIME Subscription to All Of Our Products For Just $2,500 

An annual subscription to all of our current newsletters costs $1,500.

But today, you can get a LIFETIME subscription to ALL of them, along with every new product we ever launch, for just $2,500.

Today is the last day this offer is available.

To lock in one of the remaining slots…



Whether or not this will work remains to be seen. But this is the NUCLEAR option. And if it doesn’t work, there is nothing left for the Fed to do. Remember, technically the Fed isn’t supposed to be able to buy municipal debt or corporate debt. So, it is moving FAR beyond its mandate with these actions.

The key chart to watch is the credit spread on Junk Bonds. While stocks tried to bounce time and again in the last few weeks, credit had continued to break down, warning that there was no bottom in sight.

If this chart breaks out to the upside, then we will finally get a bounce. We’re more than due for one…

The bigger issue… is if this works too well, and between the Fed pumping trillions into the financial system, and the federal government launching helicopter money, we begin to see roaring inflation.

Bond yields have begun rising, suggesting the bond market is beginning to discount inflation hitting the financial system. Moreover, the ratio between commodities and stocks has broken out of a multi-year falling wedge, which suggests commodities will be dramatically outperforming stocks going forward.

This too is signaling higher inflation is coming.

This is telling us that the first round of the crisis, the deflationary collapse, will be ending. But the second round, the INFLATIONARY tidal wave, is only just beginning.

We just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay ou as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

As I warned two weeks ago, the Fed is going to start buying “everything”… AKA Weimar lite. 

The Fed has faced a choice… either let debt deflation clear the bad debts from the system, even if it means major corporations and banks failing, OR start buying “everything” in an effort to prop up the system (even if it induces raging inflation).

Well, the Fed officially crossed the Rubicon over the weekend. Going into the weekend the Fed had already…

1)    Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.

2)    Launched a $1.5 trillion repo program.

3)    Launched a $700 billion QE program.

4)    Begun buying commercial paper debt instruments.

5)    Opened the discount window to the eight largest banks in the US.

6)    Expanded the repo program to $1 trillion per day.

7)    Opened dollar swaps with international central banks.

8)    Opened credit windows to the money market funds market.

9)    Begin buying municipal bonds.

Well, buckle up, because over the weekend, the Fed announced it would make its QE program “open ended” meaning it would buy Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securities as needed.

Put another way, the Fed announced unlimited QE. And to top it off, the Fed ALSO added that it was expanding its QE mandate to buy corporate debt (for the first time in history).

Put another way, the Fed has announced it is going to effectively monetize “everything,”… Treasuries, Mortgage Backed Securities, Municipal debt, Corporate debt, etc. The only thing debt assets left are student debt, auto loans, and credit card debt.

In simple terms, the Everything Bubble burst… and now the Fed is dealing with it by buying EVERYTHING.


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Whether or not this will work remains to be seen. But this is the NUCLEAR option. And if it doesn’t work, there is nothing left for the Fed to do. Remember, technically the Fed isn’t supposed to be able to buy municipal debt or corporate debt. So, it is moving FAR beyond its mandate with these actions.

The key chart to watch is the credit spread on Junk Bonds. While stocks tried to bounce time and again in the last few weeks, credit had continued to break down, warning that there was no bottom in sight.

If this chart breaks out to the upside, then we will finally get a bounce. We’re more than due for one…

The bigger issue… is if this works too well, and between the Fed pumping trillions into the financial system, and the federal government launching helicopter money, we begin to see roaring inflation.

Bond yields have begun rising, suggesting the bond market is beginning to discount inflation hitting the financial system. Moreover, the ratio between commodities and stocks has broken out of a multi-year falling wedge, which suggests commodities will be dramatically outperforming stocks going forward.

This too is signaling higher inflation is coming.

This is telling us that the first round of the crisis, the deflationary collapse, will be ending. But the second round, the INFLATIONARY tidal wave, is only just beginning.

We just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay ou as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
The Everything Bubble Has Burst… Now Comes the Inflationary Storm

The coronavirus has burst the Everything Bubble.

Regardless of what happens with the economy or the virus, the damage has been done to the massive debt bubble. Across the board, credit and debt markets have ended their bull markets.

To fight this situation, the Fed has gone NUCLEAR with monetary policy. In the last three weeks, the Fed has:

1)    Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.

2)    Launched a $1 5 trillion repo program.

3)    Launched a $700 billion QE program.

4)    Begun buying commercial paper debt instruments.

5)    Opened the discount window to the eight largest banks in the US.

6)    Opened dollar swaps with international central banks.

7)    Opened credit windows to the money market funds market.

If these policies sound familiar, it’s because the Fed basically just ran through its entire 2008 playbook. The big difference this time is that instead of taking a year to do this like it did in 2008, the Fed ran through all of these polices in less than a month.

Thus far, none of these policies have worked.

As I write this Friday morning, stocks have yet to stage a meaningful bounce. As a result, we are now seeing calls for the Fed to start buying corporate debt and municipal debt.

We are also now beginning to see talk of helicopter money being implemented as well, including mailing checks to people who cannot work due to the coronavirus. This combined with various stimulus programs will mean TRILLIONS being injected directly into the financial system.

This is all going to unleash inflation.

Bond yields have begun rising, suggesting the bond market is beginning to discount inflation hitting the financial system.

This is telling us that the first round of the crisis, the deflationary collapse, will be ending. But the second round, the INFLATIONARY tidal wave, is only just beginning.

We just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay ou as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation

The Everything Bubble Has Burst… Now Comes the Inflationary Storm

The coronavirus has burst the Everything Bubble.

Regardless of what happens with the economy or the virus, the damage has been done to the massive debt bubble. Across the board, credit and debt markets have ended their bull markets.

To fight this situation, the Fed has gone NUCLEAR with monetary policy. In the last three weeks, the Fed has:

1)    Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.

2)    Launched a $1 5 trillion repo program.

3)    Launched a $700 billion QE program.

4)    Begun buying commercial paper debt instruments.

5)    Opened the discount window to the eight largest banks in the US.

6)    Opened dollar swaps with international central banks.

7)    Opened credit windows to the money market funds market.

If these policies sound familiar, it’s because the Fed basically just ran through its entire 2008 playbook. The big difference this time is that instead of taking a year to do this like it did in 2008, the Fed ran through all of these polices in less than a month.

Thus far, none of these policies have worked.

As I write this Friday morning, stocks have yet to stage a meaningful bounce. As a result, we are now seeing calls for the Fed to start buying corporate debt and municipal debt.

We are also now beginning to see talk of helicopter money being implemented as well, including mailing checks to people who cannot work due to the coronavirus. This combined with various stimulus programs will mean TRILLIONS being injected directly into the financial system.

This is all going to unleash inflation.

Bond yields have begun rising, suggesting the bond market is beginning to discount inflation hitting the financial system.

This is telling us that the first round of the crisis, the deflationary collapse, will be ending. But the second round, the INFLATIONARY tidal wave, is only just beginning.

We just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay ou as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Everything Bubble has burst. The next crisis, the BIG one to which 2008 was the warmup, is fast approaching.

During the 2008 crisis, the Fed did three things:

  1. Cut interest rates to zero making credit all but free for banks.
  • Implemented large Quantitative Easing (QE) programs through which it printed $3.5+ trillion in new money to buy assets from large financial institutions, primarily mortgage backed securities and US government debt, also called Treasuries.
  • Urged the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to abandon “market to market” valuations for the banks, thereby allowing the banks to value the debts on their balance sheet at “make believe” prices.

Combined, these three policies, particularly #s 1 and 2, create a bubble in US Treasuries, forcing yields to extraordinary lows.

Treasuries are the bedrock of the global financial system. Their yields represent the “risk free” rate of return: the rate against which all risk assets (stocks, commodities, real estate, etc.) are priced.

So, when the Fed created a bubble in Treasuries, it created a bubble in EVERYTHING: the entire financial system became mispriced based on a false risk profile.

Every asset class in the world trades based on the pricing of bonds. So the fact that bonds are in a bubble (arguably the biggest bubble in financial history), means that EVERY asset class is in a bubble.

I am focusing on the Fed here, but the same policies played out in every major financial system.

The European Central Bank (ECB) employed the same policies in Europe, the Bank of England (BoE) employed the same policies in the UK, and the Bank of Japan, (BoJ) which had already been doing both ZIRP and QE since 2000, took these polices to even greater extremes.

The end result is central bankers created the BIGGEST, most egregious bubble in financial history. A $250 TRILLION debt bomb… with another $500+ trillion in derivatives trading based on its yields.

To put this into perspective, the Tech Bubble was about $15 trillion in size. The Housing Bubble, which triggered the 2008 Crisis, was about $30 trillion in size.

The bond bubble is over $250 TRILLION in size. Some $50 trillion of this is in sovereign debt, with the rest coming from corporate debt, mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and the like.

This mountain of debt is categorized based its riskiness. Not all debt is equal because of the fact that different borrowers have different levels of risk of default. For instance, an oil shale company that needs oil to trade at $60 per barrel is at much greater risk of default than a sovereign nation like the U.S..

For simplicities sake we’re going to ignore auto-loans, student debt, and credit card debt to focus on the truly systemically important debt.

Corporate, Municipal, and Sovereign/ National.

In the U.S., things rapidly moving up the bond food chain.

The Junk Bond corporate bond market bubble has burst.

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The bubble in less risky corporate debt, called investment grade is about to do the same.

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Further up the food chain, the bubble in high yield municipal bonds (bonds issued by cities, states and the like) has also burst.

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The BAD news is that the bubble in investment grade municipal bonds has ALSO burst.

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This leaves sovereign bonds, or Treasuries. Right now, the bubble in U.S. treasuries remains intact with bond yields within a clearly defined bear market (bond yields fall when bond prices rise, so the bubble is stable).

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This is NOT the case in Europe.

Germany is the largest most dynamic economy in Europe. As such Germany is the ultimate backstop for the EU. And German sovereign bonds are beginning to breakdown.

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Despite a deflationary collapsing, bond yields on the 10-Year German Government bonds is RISING, meaning those bonds are falling in value.

This SHOULD not be happening. German bond yields should be falling based on the deflation in the system right now.

Indeed, just this week Germany experienced a failed bond auction… meaning not enough buyers showed up to buy its bonds.

That kind of thing can happen from time to time… but for it to happen during a flight to safety like the one happening right now is a REAL signal that the EU’s bond market is in serious trouble.

In light of this, we’ve reopened our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide to the general public.

Within its 21 pages we outline which investments will perform best during a market meltdown as well as how to take out “Crash insurance” on your portfolio (these instruments returned TRIPLE digit gains during 2008).

To pick up your copy of this report, FREE, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Debt Bomb
Europe is fast approaching A Systemic Event

The Everything Bubble has burst. The next crisis, the BIG one to which 2008 was the warmup, is fast approaching.

During the 2008 crisis, the Fed did three things:

  1. Cut interest rates to zero making credit all but free for banks.
  • Implemented large Quantitative Easing (QE) programs through which it printed $3.5+ trillion in new money to buy assets from large financial institutions, primarily mortgage backed securities and US government debt, also called Treasuries.
  • Urged the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to abandon “market to market” valuations for the banks, thereby allowing the banks to value the debts on their balance sheet at “make believe” prices.

Combined, these three policies, particularly #s 1 and 2, create a bubble in US Treasuries, forcing yields to extraordinary lows.

Treasuries are the bedrock of the global financial system. Their yields represent the “risk free” rate of return: the rate against which all risk assets (stocks, commodities, real estate, etc.) are priced.

So, when the Fed created a bubble in Treasuries, it created a bubble in EVERYTHING: the entire financial system became mispriced based on a false risk profile.

Every asset class in the world trades based on the pricing of bonds. So the fact that bonds are in a bubble (arguably the biggest bubble in financial history), means that EVERY asset class is in a bubble.

I am focusing on the Fed here, but the same policies played out in every major financial system.

The European Central Bank (ECB) employed the same policies in Europe, the Bank of England (BoE) employed the same policies in the UK, and the Bank of Japan, (BoJ) which had already been doing both ZIRP and QE since 2000, took these polices to even greater extremes.

The end result is central bankers created the BIGGEST, most egregious bubble in financial history. A $250 TRILLION debt bomb… with another $500+ trillion in derivatives trading based on its yields.

To put this into perspective, the Tech Bubble was about $15 trillion in size. The Housing Bubble, which triggered the 2008 Crisis, was about $30 trillion in size.

The bond bubble is over $250 TRILLION in size. Some $50 trillion of this is in sovereign debt, with the rest coming from corporate debt, mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and the like.

This mountain of debt is categorized based its riskiness. Not all debt is equal because of the fact that different borrowers have different levels of risk of default. For instance, an oil shale company that needs oil to trade at $60 per barrel is at much greater risk of default than a sovereign nation like the U.S..

For simplicities sake we’re going to ignore auto-loans, student debt, and credit card debt to focus on the truly systemically important debt.

Corporate, Municipal, and Sovereign/ National.

In the U.S., things rapidly moving up the bond food chain.

The Junk Bond corporate bond market bubble has burst.

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The bubble in less risky corporate debt, called investment grade is about to do the same.

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Further up the food chain, the bubble in high yield municipal bonds (bonds issued by cities, states and the like) has also burst.

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The BAD news is that the bubble in investment grade municipal bonds has ALSO burst.

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This leaves sovereign bonds, or Treasuries. Right now, the bubble in U.S. treasuries remains intact with bond yields within a clearly defined bear market (bond yields fall when bond prices rise, so the bubble is stable).

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This is NOT the case in Europe.

Germany is the largest most dynamic economy in Europe. As such Germany is the ultimate backstop for the EU. And German sovereign bonds are beginning to breakdown.

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Despite a deflationary collapsing, bond yields on the 10-Year German Government bonds is RISING, meaning those bonds are falling in value.

This SHOULD not be happening. German bond yields should be falling based on the deflation in the system right now.

Indeed, just this week Germany experienced a failed bond auction… meaning not enough buyers showed up to buy its bonds.

That kind of thing can happen from time to time… but for it to happen during a flight to safety like the one happening right now is a REAL signal that the EU’s bond market is in serious trouble.

In light of this, we’ve reopened our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide to the general public.

Within its 21 pages we outline which investments will perform best during a market meltdown as well as how to take out “Crash insurance” on your portfolio (these instruments returned TRIPLE digit gains during 2008).

To pick up your copy of this report, FREE, swing by:

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Debt Bomb

Thus far in this crisis, the Fed has:

1)    Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.

2)    Launched over $700 billion in Quantitative Easing (QE).

3)    Launched a $1.5 TRILLION repo program.

4)    Launched another $1 trillion repo program.

5)    Announced it will begin buying commercial paper (short-term corporate debt).

6)    Allowed primary dealers to start parking assets, including stocks, as collateral in exchange for short-term credit.

7)    Opened Euro-Dollar swaps (this implies systemically important banks in Europe are in danger of collapse).

Under any set of circumstances, the above set of policies would be considered the NUCLEAR option. The fact that the Fed has launched ALL of these in the span of three weeks is beyond incredible.

In the simplest of terms, the Fed has effectively used up ALL of its ammo in less than a single month. At this point, there truly is not much else the Fed can do.

And the markets continue to implode. As I write this, the futures markets are once again LIMIT down, meaning they had to be frozen after falling 5%.

Enter former Fed Chairs Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen.

In an opinion editorial piece in the Financial Times this morning the two former Fed Chairs urged the Fed to begin buying corporate debt and stocks. 

Currently the Fed is forbidden from doing either as per the Federal Reserve Act. Put another way, congress would need to authorize the Fed to start buying these assets.

The two former Fed Chairs are providing the political cover to do this. I fully expect the Fed to begin outright buying stocks, corporate debt, and other assets within the next six weeks.

Put another way, the Fed is going to begin going what some call “Weimar-Lite” or effectively buying everything.

This is why bonds are dropping across the board despite the clear signs that the financial system remains under MAJOR duress… bonds realize that the fed and other Central banks are going to opt for INFLATION to stop the crisis (and I’m not talking about the plain vanilla 2% per year kind).

The time to start preparing for this is now. The crisis is not over… if anything it is just beginning.

In light of this, we’ve reopened our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide to the general public.

Within its 21 pages we outline which investments will perform best during a market meltdown as well as how to take out “Crash insurance” on your portfolio (these instruments returned TRIPLE digit gains during 2008).

As I write this there are less than 50 copies left available to the public.

Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market StrategistParagraph

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity