Month: September 2018
Will Rising Bond Yields Crater Stocks?
Our piece on the sovereign bond bubble, which I call “the Everything Bubble,” received a lot of attention last week.
With that in mind, today we’re delving deeper into the issue of rising bond yields.
A large part of the move in stocks from 2008-2016 was based on the fact that bond yields were so low. By cornering the bond market, the Fed made bonds much less attractive to investors… which in turn drove investors to seek out riskier assets (like stocks) to boost returns.
This was called the “TINA” trade as in “There Is No Alternative.”
That trend is now over. The yield on the two-year Treasury is now 2.81%. The current dividend on the S&P 500 is 1.78%. Put another way, you could make more money, with less risk and volatility in Treasuries than stocks.
What does this mean?
Stocks just lost a LOT of appeal as far as yield hungry investors are concerned.
And that’s the GOOD news. The BAD news is that it’s looking more and more as if the bond bubble is bursting.
Around the globe, bond yields are now rising, having broken decade long downtrends.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Why does this matter?
When bond yields rise, bond prices FALL.
If bond prices fall far enough, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
The Search For Yield Now Leads AWAY From Stocks
Our piece on the sovereign bond bubble, which I call “the Everything Bubble,” received a lot of attention last week.
With that in mind, today we’re delving deeper into the issue of rising bond yields.
A large part of the move in stocks from 2008-2016 was based on the fact that bond yields were so low. By cornering the bond market, the Fed made bonds much less attractive to investors… which in turn drove investors to seek out riskier assets (like stocks) to boost returns.
This was called the “TINA” trade as in “There Is No Alternative.”
That trend is now over. The yield on the two-year Treasury is now 2.81%. The current dividend on the S&P 500 is 1.78%. Put another way, you could make more money, with less risk and volatility in Treasuries than stocks.
What does this mean?
Stocks just lost a LOT of appeal as far as yield hungry investors are concerned.
And that’s the GOOD news. The BAD news is that it’s looking more and more as if the bond bubble is bursting.
Around the globe, bond yields are now rising, having broken decade long downtrends.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Why does this matter?
When bond yields rise, bond prices FALL.
If bond prices fall far enough, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
The TINA Trade is Officially Dead…
Our piece on the sovereign bond bubble, which I call “the Everything Bubble,” received a lot of attention last week.
With that in mind, today we’re delving deeper into the issue of rising bond yields.
A large part of the move in stocks from 2008-2016 was based on the fact that bond yields were so low. By cornering the bond market, the Fed made bonds much less attractive to investors… which in turn drove investors to seek out riskier assets (like stocks) to boost returns.
This was called the “TINA” trade as in “There Is No Alternative.”
That trend is now over. The yield on the two-year Treasury is now 2.81%. The current dividend on the S&P 500 is 1.78%. Put another way, you could make more money, with less risk and volatility in Treasuries than stocks.
What does this mean?
Stocks just lost a LOT of appeal as far as yield hungry investors are concerned.
And that’s the GOOD news. The BAD news is that it’s looking more and more as if the bond bubble is bursting.
Around the globe, bond yields are now rising, having broken decade long downtrends.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Why does this matter?
When bond yields rise, bond prices FALL.
If bond prices fall far enough, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Why Rising Yields Are a MASSIVE Problem For Stocks
Our piece on the sovereign bond bubble, which I call “the Everything Bubble,” received a lot of attention last week.
With that in mind, today we’re delving deeper into the issue of rising bond yields.
A large part of the move in stocks from 2008-2016 was based on the fact that bond yields were so low. By cornering the bond market, the Fed made bonds much less attractive to investors… which in turn drove investors to seek out riskier assets (like stocks) to boost returns.
This was called the “TINA” trade as in “There Is No Alternative.”
That trend is now over. The yield on the two-year Treasury is now 2.81%. The current dividend on the S&P 500 is 1.78%. Put another way, you could make more money, with less risk and volatility in Treasuries than stocks.
What does this mean?
Stocks just lost a LOT of appeal as far as yield hungry investors are concerned.
And that’s the GOOD news. The BAD news is that it’s looking more and more as if the bond bubble is bursting.
Around the globe, bond yields are now rising, having broken decade long downtrends.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Why does this matter?
When bond yields rise, bond prices FALL.
If bond prices fall far enough, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Amazon Hasn’t Reclaimed Trendline… Rolling Over? $AMZN
Looks awful.
US Dollar Bouncing to Kiss Former Support $UUP $USD
A Special Invitation From Graham Summers
Dear Reader
Sometimes understanding how things work can be a bit lonely…
especially when it comes to knowledge of our current financial system.
Trust me, I know… if you want to talk about “banks” or
“the US Dollar” or “the Federal Reserve” to those around
you, they typically look at you as though you’re talking
about UFOs or some other crazy subject.
However, these issues affect all of us. There isn’t a person in
the United States (or the world for that matter) who is not
affected by the actions of the Central Bank one way or another.
This is a big reason why I chose to write my book
The Everything Bubble: The
Endgame For Central Bank Policy:
to explain how the financial system was set up and how it truly works…
NOT in complicated terms, but in a language that ANYONE,
even those with ZERO experience in finance, could understand.
On that note, Amazon is currently running a special on The Everything Bubble…
11% off on the
paperback and an astonishing 85% off on the Kindle version.
So if you’ve yet to pick up a copy… or would like to gift a copy
to family and friends, this is the single best opportunity all year to
do so.
To take advantage of these prices… and potentially change someone’s
life with the gift of knowledge and understanding of how our
financial system truly works…
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Reserve One of the Remaining Slots For Our Everything Bubble Special Report
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to be concerned about stocks already, the bond market is blowing up again.
Why does this matter?
Because the entire move in the financial markets since 2008 has been based on Central Banks cornering the bond market. In the simplest of terms, Central Banks dealt with the crash in one major asset class (housing) by creating a bubble in another even more senior asset class (government bonds).
Because these bonds are the backbone of the current financial system, (the senior-most asset class), when they went into a bubble, everything followed.
Which is why the sudden rise in bond yields is a MAJOR problem.
If bond yields rise, bond prices fall.
If bond prices fall, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Will Inflation Burst the Everything Bubble?
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to be concerned about stocks already, the bond market is blowing up again.
Why does this matter?
Because the entire move in the financial markets since 2008 has been based on Central Banks cornering the bond market. In the simplest of terms, Central Banks dealt with the crash in one major asset class (housing) by creating a bubble in another even more senior asset class (government bonds).
Because these bonds are the backbone of the current financial system, (the senior-most asset class), when they went into a bubble, everything followed.
Which is why the sudden rise in bond yields is a MAJOR problem.
If bond yields rise, bond prices fall.
If bond prices fall, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Forget Stocks… the Bond Bubble is In Trouble
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to be concerned about stocks already, the bond market is blowing up again.
Why does this matter?
Because the entire move in the financial markets since 2008 has been based on Central Banks cornering the bond market. In the simplest of terms, Central Banks dealt with the crash in one major asset class (housing) by creating a bubble in another even more senior asset class (government bonds).
Because these bonds are the backbone of the current financial system, (the senior-most asset class), when they went into a bubble, everything followed.
Which is why the sudden rise in bond yields is a MAJOR problem.
If bond yields rise, bond prices fall.
If bond prices fall, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Bond Yields Are Rising in Germany, Japan, and Worst of All, the US
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to be concerned about stocks already, the bond market is blowing up again.
Why does this matter?
Because the entire move in the financial markets since 2008 has been based on Central Banks cornering the bond market. In the simplest of terms, Central Banks dealt with the crash in one major asset class (housing) by creating a bubble in another even more senior asset class (government bonds).
Because these bonds are the backbone of the current financial system, (the senior-most asset class), when they went into a bubble, everything followed.
Which is why the sudden rise in bond yields is a MAJOR problem.
If bond yields rise, bond prices fall.
If bond prices fall, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Bubble Watch: The Sovereign Bond Bubble is Getting Dangerously Close to Its “Needle”
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to be concerned about stocks already, the bond market is blowing up again.
Why does this matter?
Because the entire move in the financial markets since 2008 has been based on Central Banks cornering the bond market. In the simplest of terms, Central Banks dealt with the crash in one major asset class (housing) by creating a bubble in another even more senior asset class (government bonds).
Because these bonds are the backbone of the current financial system, (the senior-most asset class), when they went into a bubble, everything followed.
Which is why the sudden rise in bond yields is a MAJOR problem.
If bond yields rise, bond prices fall.
If bond prices fall, the bond bubble begins to burst.
Germany’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Japan’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
And worst of all, the US’s 10-Year Government Bond Yields:
Let’s be clear here… if the stock market drops, it’s a problem for stock speculators… but if the bond market blows up, ENTIRE countries go bust.
All of the above charts are a MAJOR warning that the next crisis is fast approaching.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
$SPX to $EEM Ratio suggests a shift is coming. $EEM to outperform
S&P 500 Outperforming Russell 2000 Since June. Suggests Growth Slowing $IWM $SPY
Credit Needs to Accelerate to Upside or Danger Ahead $HYG $JNK
The False Breakout Was a Warning… Will This Breakdown Be the One? $AMZN $SPX
The single most important stock in the world is Amazon (AMZN)
AMZN has become a proxy for the entire stock market. If you overlay AMZN’s chart with the S&P 500 (below) AMZN has lead the S&P 500 beautifully during this latest bull run.
Indeed, AMZN’s chart is effectively the same move as the broader market, with less volatility (not surprising given how intense buying has been of this one stock).
Who said getting rich from trading was hard?
Since inception in 2015, this trading system has produced average annual gains of 41%.
And it’s doing this with just one trade once per week.
We are closing the doors on this system to new clients on Friday this week.
To lock in one of the last slots…
With that in mind, what happens to AMZN provides a glimpse into what will happen to the rest of the market. Which is why the failed breakout to the upside in August was a big warning to investors that the market was losing steam.
But what’s REALLY important is the recent breakdown. As you can see in the below chart, AMZN has broken its bull market trendline. It’s now bouncing to “kiss” former support. And if it cannot reclaim that line, the market is in SERIOUS trouble.
How serious?
Something like this.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Will Breakdown Lead the Overall Market Lower? $AMZN $SPX
The single most important stock in the world is Amazon (AMZN)
AMZN has become a proxy for the entire stock market. If you overlay AMZN’s chart with the S&P 500 (below) AMZN has lead the S&P 500 beautifully during this latest bull run.
Indeed, AMZN’s chart is effectively the same move as the broader market, with less volatility (not surprising given how intense buying has been of this one stock).
Who said getting rich from trading was hard?
Since inception in 2015, this trading system has produced average annual gains of 41%.
And it’s doing this with just one trade once per week.
We are closing the doors on this system to new clients on Friday this week.
To lock in one of the last slots…
With that in mind, what happens to AMZN provides a glimpse into what will happen to the rest of the market. Which is why the failed breakout to the upside in August was a big warning to investors that the market was losing steam.
But what’s REALLY important is the recent breakdown. As you can see in the below chart, AMZN has broken its bull market trendline. It’s now bouncing to “kiss” former support. And if it cannot reclaim that line, the market is in SERIOUS trouble.
How serious?
Something like this.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research
Market’s Figuring Out China Deal is Closer Than Most Expect $FXI $UUP $SPX
The Most Important Stock In the World Just Broke Its Trendline
The single most important stock in the world is Amazon (AMZN)
AMZN has become a proxy for the entire stock market. If you overlay AMZN’s chart with the S&P 500 (below) AMZN has lead the S&P 500 beautifully during this latest bull run.
Indeed, AMZN’s chart is effectively the same move as the broader market, with less volatility (not surprising given how intense buying has been of this one stock).
Who said getting rich from trading was hard?
Since inception in 2015, this trading system has produced average annual gains of 41%.
And it’s doing this with just one trade once per week.
We are closing the doors on this system to new clients on Friday this week.
To lock in one of the last slots…
With that in mind, what happens to AMZN provides a glimpse into what will happen to the rest of the market. Which is why the failed breakout to the upside in August was a big warning to investors that the market was losing steam.
But what’s REALLY important is the recent breakdown. As you can see in the below chart, AMZN has broken its bull market trendline. It’s now bouncing to “kiss” former support. And if it cannot reclaim that line, the market is in SERIOUS trouble.
How serious?
Something like this.
Again, the Everything Bubble is bursting. And smart investors who put capital to work here stand to make LITERAL fortunes.
On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining all of these issues as well as what’s coming down the pike when the Everything Bubble bursts.
It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.
Do NOT delay… there are fewer than 9 slots remaining.
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research