Central Bank Insanity

Watch This Stock For Signs of a Market Turn

The markets are preparing for a monster move.

It’s been an exciting couple of months, but despite all the action the S&P 500 has effectively gone nowhere since late August.

Whenever we break out of this range, the move will be explosive. 

The one stock I’m watching closely for signs of the move is Shopify (SHOP).

SHOP bottomed March 18th (blue square) a full FIVE days before the broader market did on March 23rd (purple square).

Put simply, SHOP lead the market by a wide margin out of the March bottom. Similarly, it peaked hours before the broader market did in early September.

Put simply, SHOP has been leading the market at every major turn for months.

So, what’s it saying now?

Despite the recent correction in stocks, SHOP is holding up well and remains close to the top of its consolidation range. If it can finally break that range with conviction, we’ll see a MAJOR bull run start in the broader market.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

This Might Be the One Stock You Need to Watch to Time the Market

The markets are preparing for a monster move.

It’s been an exciting couple of months, but despite all the action the S&P 500 has effectively gone nowhere since late August.

Whenever we break out of this range, the move will be explosive. 

The one stock I’m watching closely for signs of the move is Shopify (SHOP).

SHOP bottomed March 18th (blue square) a full FIVE days before the broader market did on March 23rd (purple square).

Put simply, SHOP lead the market by a wide margin out of the March bottom. Similarly, it peaked hours before the broader market did in early September.

Put simply, SHOP has been leading the market at every major turn for months.

So, what’s it saying now?

Despite the recent correction in stocks, SHOP is holding up well and remains close to the top of its consolidation range. If it can finally break that range with conviction, we’ll see a MAJOR bull run start in the broader market.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

The Fed Has No Choice But to Create Another Even Larger Bubble

The market will likely hit new all-time highs this week.

Stocks held support last week (green line in the chart below). We now have a bull flag forming on the 4-hour chart for the S&P 500 (blue lines in the chart below).

It’s incredible to be writing this: stocks roaring to new all-time highs multiple times after one of the sharpest most violent sell-offs in history hitting in March of this year.

Indeed, by the look of things, we’re going to see a massive stock bubble in the coming months.

And why not? The economy appears to be coming back strongly from the COVID-19 shutdowns. Last week we found out that retail sales rose 1.9% month over month (only 0.3% was expected).

And against this backdrop of growth, central banks and policymakers have unleashed a TSUNAMI of money printing.

Remember, to combat the economic fallout from the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 central banks printed $12 trillion between 2008 and 2016.

Well. they’ve printed more than HALF of this ($7 trillion) in the six months from April to September alone. Throw in stimulus programs from governments and the number balloons over $15 TRILLION.

Put another way, it previously took policymakers EIGHT years for to spend $12 trillion. They’ve already committed to spending MORE than this in less than EIGHT months.

Also, and this is key…between stimulus payments and central bank lending facilities directly to small businesses/ Main Street, much of this money is actually going straight into the economy.

In the U.S., we’ve already seen one stimulus program of $3 trillion. On top of this, the Fed has put over $1.6 TRILLION in actual real money into the U.S. economy in the form of credit facilities. Add that up are you’re talking about $5+ trillion in new money entering the economy this year.

And now Congress is talking about another stimulus program somewhere between $500 million and $1.8 trillion being funneled into the economy sometime in the next three months. That would put the total money printing for 2020 in the ballpark of $7 trillion.

Let’s put this into perspective. The U.S. economy is roughly $22 trillion in size. So, in the span of a single year, policymakers will have funneled an amount of money equal to nearly 33% of U.S. GDP directly into the economy.

This is how you get a MASSIVE bubble. As in the S&P 500 goes to 6,000 or higher in the next 12 months.

I realize that sounds insane. But remember, we’re talking about an amount of liquidity equal to 33% of the U.S. GDP being funneled into the economy in nine months.

As investors, our job is NOT to argue about what the market should do, it’s to make MONEY from what the market IS doing.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Stocks Are About to Reclaim Their Bull Channel

Stocks will break above resistance (red line) today. 

The bullish falling wedge formation (blue lines) now has a confirmed breakout.

This increasingly looks like the next major leg up. Stocks will be reclaiming their bull market channel that has guided the markets since early April. 

This opens the door to a run to 3,600+ on the S&P 500.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Stocks Are About to Explode… Here’s How We’re Playing It

Stocks will break above resistance (red line) today. 

The bullish falling wedge formation (blue lines) now has a confirmed breakout.

This increasingly looks like the next major leg up. Stocks will be reclaiming their bull market channel that has guided the markets since early April. 

This opens the door to a run to 3,600+ on the S&P 500.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Two Charts Every Trader Needs To Watch This Week

Stocks are up slightly this morning, most likely due to President Trump’s rapid recovery from COVID-19. Remember, futures first plunged on Thursday night/ Friday morning when he announced he and the first lady had tested positive for COVID-19.

Despite all of the excitement, the market remains in a kind of “no man’s land” between resistance (red line) and support (green line). Until we break one of these lines with conviction, stocks are in a chop fest.


Stepping back from the day to day, the S&P 500 looks to be forming an inverse Head and Shoulders pattern. If we break above that neckline, the upside target is not all-time highs. By the look of things, we’ll know if this will be the case by the end of the week.


Why would this happen?

Because the Fed and other major central banks have gone “all in” on their efforts to create a stock market bubble.

Forget politics, forget social issues, forget all of that stuff. The one thing that matters to central banks is keeping the markets elevated.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Will the Next Major Move be UP?

Stocks ripped higher yesterday. However, they ended the session near the lows at support (green line in the chart below). The overnight futures session is signaling another rally this morning, but until we take out overhead resistance (red line in the chart below) we’re stuck in no man’s land.

For certain a BIG move is coming. Momentum stocks suggest it will be UP.

Shopify (SHOP), one of the biggest momentum stocks in the market, has broken above one line of resistance already (lower red line in the chart below). It will be testing and possibly breaking a second line of resistance this morning (upper red line in the chart below).

This suggests the next move will be higher.

Tesla (TSLA) another Wall Street momentum darling will likely break above out of its triangle formation (blue lines in the chart below).

This too suggests the next move will be higher.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
Warning: Momentum Stocks Suggest a Face-Ripper is Coming

Warning: Momentum Stocks Suggest a Face-Ripper is Coming

Stocks ripped higher yesterday. However, they ended the session near the lows at support (green line in the chart below). The overnight futures session is signaling another rally this morning, but until we take out overhead resistance (red line in the chart below) we’re stuck in no man’s land.

For certain a BIG move is coming. Momentum stocks suggest it will be UP.

Shopify (SHOP), one of the biggest momentum stocks in the market, has broken above one line of resistance already (lower red line in the chart below). It will be testing and possibly breaking a second line of resistance this morning (upper red line in the chart below).

This suggests the next move will be higher.

Tesla (TSLA) another Wall Street momentum darling will likely break above out of its triangle formation (blue lines in the chart below).

This too suggests the next move will be higher.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Corporate Bonds Are Breaking Down, the Fed Is About to Step In Again

The Fed is about to intervene in the markets.

The corporate bond market is once again coming under duress. The last two times this happened, the Fed announced a new monetary policy within days.

Junk bonds have broken below support.

Investment grade bonds are about to do the same.

This indicates that the $10 trillion corporate bond market is coming under duress.

The Fed has spent trillions of dollars propping up this market and other more senior debt instruments. Why would it suddenly decide to let them implode? 

So we can expect the Fed to announce a new monetary policy, or at the very least, stage a verbal intervention shortly.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and US government are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

The Next Major Market Move Might Not Be in Tech

Leadership has changed in the markets.

Since the March lows, tech, specifically cloud-based tech has lead the markets higher. Companies like Square (SQ) have more than tripled in share price while the S&P 500 is up 40%.


However, in the last few weeks this has changed. Former market leaders like SQ or Shopify (SHOP) have been trading sideways.


Meanwhile, industrial plays like Freeport McMoran (FCX) and John Deere (DE) have barely corrected at all, soaring to new highs.


Why is this?

The market is sensing that the next major move will be driven by fiscal spending and the Trump administration’s coming infrastructure program.

Put another way, the COVID-19 lockdowns are ending, the rush into cloud/ remote working plays is ending, and the next major market move will be driven by government spending.

Those who get into this trend early could stand to make literal fortunes.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and US government are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

This is Where the Next Major Market Move Will Hit

Leadership has changed in the markets.

Since the March lows, tech, specifically cloud-based tech has lead the markets higher. Companies like Square (SQ) have more than tripled in share price while the S&P 500 is up 40%.


However, in the last few weeks this has changed. Former market leaders like SQ or Shopify (SHOP) have been trading sideways.


Meanwhile, industrial plays like Freeport McMoran (FCX) and John Deere (DE) have barely corrected at all, soaring to new highs.


Why is this?

The market is sensing that the next major move will be driven by fiscal spending and the Trump administration’s coming infrastructure program.

Put another way, the COVID-19 lockdowns are ending, the rush into cloud/ remote working plays is ending, and the next major market move will be driven by government spending.

Those who get into this trend early could stand to make literal fortunes.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and US government are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Here’s the Likely Roadmap For Stocks Moving Into October

Stocks held their 50-DMA as expected last week. As I write this Monday morning, they are bouncing hard.

However, this doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods by any means. The technical damage from last week’s sell offs was significant. We’ve broken below support (green line). And the bulls have failed to mount any significant energy to get stocks back into an uptrend.

What does this mean?

That we’re likely to see more chopping/ sideways action for some time. The S&P 500 has had two such periods since the March bottom. I’ve highlighted them in blue rectangles in the chart below.

In terms of price, I wouldn’t expect stocks to break down a lot lower than where they are… but similarly I wouldn’t expect us to see a sustained rally either. Instead we’re like to see a lot of ups and downs for the next few weeks into October.

However, if things begin to get ugly I expect the Fed to intervene aggressively.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity

Here’s My Blueprint For the Markets This Week

Stocks held their 50-DMA as expected last week. As I write this Monday morning, they are bouncing hard.

However, this doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods by any means. The technical damage from last week’s sell offs was significant. We’ve broken below support (green line). And the bulls have failed to mount any significant energy to get stocks back into an uptrend.

What does this mean?

That we’re likely to see more chopping/ sideways action for some time. The S&P 500 has had two such periods since the March bottom. I’ve highlighted them in blue rectangles in the chart below.

In terms of price, I wouldn’t expect stocks to break down a lot lower than where they are… but similarly I wouldn’t expect us to see a sustained rally either. Instead we’re like to see a lot of ups and downs for the next few weeks into October.

However, if things begin to get ugly I expect the Fed to intervene aggressively.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
Are Central Banks Rigging the Markets Using the FANGs?

Are Central Banks Rigging the Markets Using the FANGs?

Stocks exploded higher yesterday with a massive intervention coming around 11:30AM.

As impressive as this intervention was, it was NOTHING compared to the one that hit FANG stocks. The FANG index soared over 3% when the intervention hit at 11:30AM.

This has been the overall theme since the market bottom in March. The big FANG stocks continue to rally higher and higher, driven by “someone” who wants to drive the markets higher no matter what the real economy is doing.

Take a look at the difference in performance between the FANGs and the S&P 500.

This begs the questions….

Why are these same companies outperforming so much? 

And why is it that every time the market starts to breakdown, the FANGs explode higher?

Because these are the companies that central banks are buying.

Together these companies account for over 20% of the stock market. So if central banks can get them to rally,the rest of the market will follow.

As a result of this, front-running central bank actions, is the #1 trading strategy going forward. 

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
Is this How Central Banks Are Rigging the Market?

Is this How Central Banks Are Rigging the Market?

Stocks exploded higher yesterday with a massive intervention coming around 11:30AM.

As impressive as this intervention was, it was NOTHING compared to the one that hit FANG stocks. The FANG index soared over 3% when the intervention hit at 11:30AM.

This has been the overall theme since the market bottom in March. The big FANG stocks continue to rally higher and higher, driven by “someone” who wants to drive the markets higher no matter what the real economy is doing.

Take a look at the difference in performance between the FANGs and the S&P 500.

This begs the questions….

Why are these same companies outperforming so much? 

And why is it that every time the market starts to breakdown, the FANGs explode higher?

Because these are the companies that central banks are buying.

Together these companies account for over 20% of the stock market. So if central banks can get them to rally,the rest of the market will follow.

As a result of this, front-running central bank actions, is the #1 trading strategy going forward. 

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
How High Will Gold Go Before the Bull Market Ends?

How High Will Gold Go Before the Bull Market Ends?

Do you have exposure to gold?

The precious metal has broken to new all-time highs, rising above $2,000 for the first time in history. What’s truly striking however, is that even after such a massive move, gold’s correction was relatively shallow. Indeed, it looks increasingly as if it has put in a base and is ready for is next leg higher.

If history is any guide, we’re just getting started here.

During the last Gold bull market in the 1970s, Gold rose 585% during its first leg up from 1970 to 1975. It then corrected roughly 50% before beginning its next leg up. However, it was the SECOND move higher than was the BIG one= a 740% increase in value.

This time around, we’re following a similar pattern. Gold first rallied about 630% from 2003-2011. It then corrected about 43% before bottoming in 2015 at $1,060. If it follows a similar second leg up this time around, it’s going to ~$8,000 per ounce before it peaks.

Literal fortunes will be made by this bull market. And if you don’t have exposure to it, you need to start doing so. 

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE contrarian investments you can use to make precious metals pay you as inflation rips through the financial system in the months ahead.Paragraph

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU through care investing in the precious metals sector and precious metals mining.

Today is the last day this report will be available to the general public.

To pick up yours, swing by:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity, Inflation
Multiple Central Banks Are Buying Stocks… Will the Fed Soon Join Them?

Multiple Central Banks Are Buying Stocks… Will the Fed Soon Join Them?

Both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ hit new all-time highs yesterday.

And why wouldn’t they? After all, the market now realizes what I’ve been saying for months…

The Fed will soon be buying stocks. 

After all, the Fed is already intervening in:

  • The Treasury markets (US sovereign debt)
  • The municipal bond markets (debt issued by states and cities)
  • The corporate bond markets by index (debt issued by corporations)
  • The corporate bond markets by individual corporate bonds (debt issued specifically by corporations)
  • The commercial paper markets (short-term corporate debt market)
  • And the asset-backed security markets (everything from student loans to certificates of deposit and more).

It won’t be the first central bank to do so…

The central bank of Switzerland, called the Swiss National Bank has been buying stocks for years. Yes. It literally prints money and buys stocks in the U.S. stock markets.

Then there’s Japan’s central bank, called the Bank of Japan. It also prints money and buys stocks outright. As of March 2019, it owned 80% of Japan’s ETFs. 

Yes, 80%. 

The BoJ is also a top-10 shareholder in over 50% of the companies that trade on the Japanese stock market.

If you think this can’t happen in the US, think again. The Fed told us in 2019 that it would be forced to engage in EXTREME monetary policies during the next downturn.

Fast forward to today, and the Fed is doing precisely this. Heck, it can’t even handle a 10% correction without introducing a new monetary scheme back in June… and that was AFTER one of the sharpest rallies in years!

Put another way…

We are now entering the greatest bubble of all time: a situation in which the Fed will spend trillions and trillions of dollars to corner all risk in an effort to reflate the financial system.

As I write this, the Fed has already spent over $3 trillion in the last three months. I expect this will soon be $5 trillion or even $6 trillion before the end of 2021.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
The Fed is Preparing to Buy Stocks… We’re Going to See a MAJOR Bubble

The Fed is Preparing to Buy Stocks… We’re Going to See a MAJOR Bubble

Both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ hit new all-time highs yesterday.

And why wouldn’t they? After all, the market now realizes what I’ve been saying for months…

The Fed will soon be buying stocks. 

After all, the Fed is already intervening in:

  • The Treasury markets (US sovereign debt)
  • The municipal bond markets (debt issued by states and cities)
  • The corporate bond markets by index (debt issued by corporations)
  • The corporate bond markets by individual corporate bonds (debt issued specifically by corporations)
  • The commercial paper markets (short-term corporate debt market)
  • And the asset-backed security markets (everything from student loans to certificates of deposit and more).

It won’t be the first central bank to do so…

The central bank of Switzerland, called the Swiss National Bank has been buying stocks for years. Yes. It literally prints money and buys stocks in the U.S. stock markets.

Then there’s Japan’s central bank, called the Bank of Japan. It also prints money and buys stocks outright. As of March 2019, it owned 80% of Japan’s ETFs. 

Yes, 80%. 

The BoJ is also a top-10 shareholder in over 50% of the companies that trade on the Japanese stock market.

If you think this can’t happen in the US, think again. The Fed told us in 2019 that it would be forced to engage in EXTREME monetary policies during the next downturn.

Fast forward to today, and the Fed is doing precisely this. Heck, it can’t even handle a 10% correction without introducing a new monetary scheme back in June… and that was AFTER one of the sharpest rallies in years!

Put another way…

We are now entering the greatest bubble of all time: a situation in which the Fed will spend trillions and trillions of dollars to corner all risk in an effort to reflate the financial system.

As I write this, the Fed has already spent over $3 trillion in the last three months. I expect this will soon be $5 trillion or even $6 trillion before the end of 2021.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what I’ve been saying since 2017… that the Fed and other central banks are trapped in a vicious cycle through which it INTENTIONALLY creates bubbles to deal with each successive bust.

We had the Tech Bubble in the ’90s.

The Housing Bubble in the mid-00s.

And now the Everything Bubble in 2020.

On that note, we’re putting together an Executive Summary on how to play this move.

It will identify which investments will perform best during the Fed’s next bubble, including a unique play that could more than double the performance of the S&P 500.

This Executive Summary will be available exclusively to subscribers of our Gains Pains & Capital e-letter. To insure you receive a copy when it’s sent out, you can join here:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
The Fed is Now PRO-Inflation… What’s Next?

The Fed is Now PRO-Inflation… What’s Next?

The Fed has finally made up its mind… it wants inflation.

Ever since the great financial crisis of 2008, the big question has been:

What will be the ultimate outcome from all this money printing/ Fed intervention… another deflationary collapse or an inflationary storm?

Some 12 years later… we finally have our answer… it will be an inflationary storm.

Last week the Fed announced:

1)     It is changing its inflationary target from 2% to an average of 2% (meaning inflation could overshoot to the upside).

2)    That it was comfortable with inflation as high as 3% as long as it does so at a manageable rate.

Remember, this is the Fed we are talking about, not some gold bug. So, the mere fact the Fed is even suggesting that it is OK with higher rates of inflation has systemic implications.

The Fed has long averred that inflation was nowhere to be found… that it if ever did show up that the Fed could easily contain it… and that truthfully none of us need to worry about inflation ever getting out of control.

So, the fact the Fed is suddenly OK with inflation running hot is akin to a structural engineer saying, “I’m fine with this massive dam leaking, possibly even a lot… provided the leaks occur in a way that is manageable.”

You get where I’m going with this.

And so do the markets.

Take a look at Lumber.

How about Copper?

And then there’s gold and silver… which have already begun their next legs up.

The Fed is not just talking about wanting inflation either.

In response to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, the Fed printed $3 trillion in new money from 2008 to 2016.

It’s already printed MORE that that in the last six months.

And its current QE programs mean AT LEAST an additional $1.8 trillion in new money being printed every year going forward.

This is going to unleash an inflationary storm that will send inflation hedges like gold and silver (and their miners) THROUGH THE ROOF.

Indeed, gold has already exploded higher to over $2,000 per ounce. Imagine where it and other inflation hedges will go by the time the Fed has REALLY turned on the printing presses.

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE contrarian investments you can use to make precious metals pay you as inflation rips through the financial system in the months ahead.Paragraph

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU through care investing in the precious metals sector and precious metals mining.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

There are just 17 left.

To pick up yours, swing by:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity
The Fed Just Printed More in Six Months Than It Did From 2008-2016

The Fed Just Printed More in Six Months Than It Did From 2008-2016

The Fed has finally made up its mind… it wants inflation.

Ever since the great financial crisis of 2008, the big question has been:

What will be the ultimate outcome from all this money printing/ Fed intervention… another deflationary collapse or an inflationary storm?

Some 12 years later… we finally have our answer… it will be an inflationary storm.

Last week the Fed announced:

1)     It is changing its inflationary target from 2% to an average of 2% (meaning inflation could overshoot to the upside).

2)    That it was comfortable with inflation as high as 3% as long as it does so at a manageable rate.

Remember, this is the Fed we are talking about, not some gold bug. So, the mere fact the Fed is even suggesting that it is OK with higher rates of inflation has systemic implications.

The Fed has long averred that inflation was nowhere to be found… that it if ever did show up that the Fed could easily contain it… and that truthfully none of us need to worry about inflation ever getting out of control.

So, the fact the Fed is suddenly OK with inflation running hot is akin to a structural engineer saying, “I’m fine with this massive dam leaking, possibly even a lot… provided the leaks occur in a way that is manageable.”

You get where I’m going with this.

And so do the markets.

Take a look at Lumber.

How about Copper?

And then there’s gold and silver… which have already begun their next legs up.

The Fed is not just talking about wanting inflation either.

In response to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, the Fed printed $3 trillion in new money from 2008 to 2016.

It’s already printed MORE that that in the last six months.

And its current QE programs mean AT LEAST an additional $1.8 trillion in new money being printed every year going forward.

This is going to unleash an inflationary storm that will send inflation hedges like gold and silver (and their miners) THROUGH THE ROOF.

Indeed, gold has already exploded higher to over $2,000 per ounce. Imagine where it and other inflation hedges will go by the time the Fed has REALLY turned on the printing presses.

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE contrarian investments you can use to make precious metals pay you as inflation rips through the financial system in the months ahead.Paragraph

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU through care investing in the precious metals sector and precious metals mining.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

There are just 17 left.

To pick up yours, swing by:


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Central Bank Insanity