Phoenix Capital Research

The Era of Centralization is Ending… and the Elites Are Terrified

The Era of Centralization is Ending… and the Elites Are Terrified

The biggest issue in financial political power structure today is the End of Centralization.

In the post 2008 era, the Globalists made a major push to hold the system together. The multi-billionaire class, particularly those who made fortunes from crony capitalism and bubble economics joined forces with the Keynesian media shills to convince the world that the only way we would survive would be if trillions of Dollars were given to those who were deemed “systemically important.”

Warren Buffett was a prime example of this. Buffett amassed a fortune by being a raging capitalist who prided himself on never losing money on an investment. But by the time 2008 rolled around, he faced the very real prospect of seeing his fortune halved.

Somehow he managed to convince the public that he was still a great guy while pushing for bailouts in the very firms in which he had taken large stakes: Goldman, Wells Fargo, etc.

Buffett was not the only one. He’s just the best known.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

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Let’s be blunt here: the 2008 bailouts and money pumps completely betrayed capitalism. The outcome was precisely what you’d expect from Central Planning:

  • Economic stagnation.
  • The creation of low quality jobs that offer little upward mobility.
  • Concentration of wealth.

Today, eight years later, the elites are terrified that the game is ending.

You can see this in many ways. The architects of this mess (Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers and others) have resurfaced with revisionist narratives in which they are not responsible.

Meanwhile those currently at the helm of the Central Banks have begun abdicating their responsibility for what’s coming.

This is most evident in Central bank Presidents like Draghi and Yellen dropping all pretenses of being able to hit their goals/ targets and instead passing the blame onto political bodies such as Congress.

  • Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has begun implicitly pushing for Congress to step up in terms of policy because the Fed is effectively out of ammunition.

These are very critical “tells” from those at the top of the Central Planning economic structure. These individuals know the game is about up and they know what is coming. They also know that politically the tides are now against them.

BREXIT, Trump, Le Pen, Duterte, are all part of a larger global trend away from Centralization towards Nationalism. Whether you like or despise these people/ issues is irrelevant. Their popularity is the product of the last eight years of Cronyism/ Central Planning.

This terrifies the global elites, particularly those who have been riding the crony capitalist gravy train to $ billions. It also terrifies those who link their power and prestige to the current system (Central Bankers, academic economists, and media shills).

This is why you are seeing Keynesian shilling occur on an unprecedented scale in the media. Those who’ve made fortunes from market bubbles (Mark Cuban for one) as well as the usual Keynesian shills (Krugman, etc) are out in full force claiming that if the system doesn’t maintain the status quo, the world will effectively end.

This is just another version of the Great 2008 Lie, that if we didn’t bailout certain people/ prop up certain institutions, the world would end. It was bogus then and it is bogus now.

The fact is that capitalism operates just fine with failures. There were many firms ready to step up to fill the void created by letting key players who made business ending decisions fail.

Consider that over half of the current Fortune 500 were founded during recessions or bear markets in stocks.

Obviously recessions, bear markets and firm failures don’t stop economic progress. If any thing they promote it much as a forest fire wipes out dead debris to make room for the stage of growth.

The last eight years prove Central Planning doesn’t work. Global Central Banks have spent over $14 trillion, and maintained ZIRP/NIRP for seven years, punishing savers and those relying on interest income…

And what has the world got to show for it? The weakest recovery (if you can call it that) in decades, wealth inequality at extremes, and a record number of individuals relaying on welfare/ entitlements.

Never before in history has so much money been spent, accomplishing so little. And it’s set the stage for another massive financial crisis.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 107 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

107 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research



Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
Europe Has Just Entered the “END GAME”

Europe Has Just Entered the “END GAME”

It’s GAME OVER for the ECB and for Europe.

The ECB has cut interest rates into negative territory four times. It has also spent €1 trillion in QE bringing its balance sheet to a record high.

These are truly extraordinary policies. Keynesian shills usually claim that the reason their policies don’t work is because a Central bank hasn’t done “enough.” At FOUR NIRP cuts in two years and €1 trillion in QE the ECB has most certainly done enough.

And what has it got to show for it?

The ECB is close to exhausting its ammunition and appears increasingly powerless to do more under the legal constraints of its mandate. It has downgraded its growth forecast for the next two years, citing the uncertainties of Brexit, and admitted that it has little chance of meeting its 2pc inflation target this decade, insisting that it is now up to governments to break out of the vicious circle.

We all know the ECB wasn’t going to achieve significant GDP growth. The ECB all but admitted this a few years ago when it suddenly changed its language to ignore growth and instead focused on “inflation” and inflation targets.

But now… the EBC is admitting it won’t hit it inflation target “THIS DECADE.”

It’s GAME OVER for the ECB and for Europe.

What’s coming will not occur quickly. I am in no way suggesting that Europe will break apart tomorrow. But the fact the ECB has admitted that even its extraordinary policies have failed to the point that it won’t achieve its goals for a decade indicates it’s the beginning of the end.

Debt deflation is the end game for Europe. Most EU nations are insolvent as soon as their interest rates spike even into the low single digits. And with EU banks leveraged at 26 to 1 with EU sovereign bonds being used as the senior most assets on their balance sheets, you only need a 4% drop in EU bond levels to render most large EU banks insolvent.

And we’re talking about a banking system that is north of $46 TRILLION IN SIZE.

This is more than TWICE the size of the US banking system, which nearly took down the world in 2008. So it Europe goes, it’s going to be exponentially worse than 2008.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 107 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

107 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Are These Billionaire Bets Ringing Bells at the Top?

The billionaires are coming out of the woodwork.

Carl Icahn paid his way through Princeton playing poker. The man understands risks and has accrued one of the largest fortunes in history playing the markets. Regardless of whether or not you think he’s a shark when it comes to activism, he usually wins and wins big.

Icahn is more bearish now than at any point in his life. He has 149% NET short the market.

Then there is George Soros.

Soros is famous for breaking the Bank of England and banking $1 billion in profits in a single day. However, that is just one trade in a career than spans nearly half a century of making massive returns from the markets. Like Icahn, you may not like Soros as a person, but you cannot deny his ability to play the markets.

Soros recently came out of retirement to place several massive trades betting on a market collapse.

Then there is Stanley Druckenmiller.

Druckenmiller is arguably the greatest money manager alive today. From 1986 onward he maintained average annual returns of 30%. He rarely if ever has had a single down year.

Druckenmiller recently issued a blank statement to investors to get out of the markets.

And finally there is Warren Buffett.

Buffett is the most famous stock market bull of all time. Routinely he is first or second in terms of wealthiest person in the world. And his fortune was built through the financial markets.

Commentators like to point out that Buffett’s largest positions are in Wells Fargo ($23 billion) and Kraft Heinz ($28 billion), but they are wrong.

Buffett has $73 BILLION IN CASH.

This is Buffett’s largest cash position ever. This position has increased from $33 billion in 2008 and has growth virtually every year in the last eight years.

Do you think Buffett is sitting on a record cash position because he’s bullish on stocks right now? His business partner Charlie Munger has admitted that he hasn’t bought a single stock in his personal portfolio in years.

Regardless of how you feel about the economy, Central Banks, or investing in general, the above people are some of the greatest managers of capital in history.

ALL of them are showing signs of being ultra-BEARISH.

And this is happening at a time when stocks hit new all-time highs.


You’ve been warned. They say you don’t ring bells at the top, but these billionaires sure seem to be doing so.

If you, like Icahn, Buffett, Soros, and Druckenmiller are worried about a potential stock market meltdown, you’ll love our daily market analysis at


Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

How I Got Mark Cuban to Concede That Central Banks Have Cornered the Bond Markets

Mark Cuban just conceded to me that Central Banks have cornered the bond market.

Cuban is a billionaire investor, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and reality TV star from Shark Tank.

He’s also begun making a series of strange media appearances in which he claims that if Donald Trump wins the US Presidency in November, “I have no doubt in my mind that the market tanks.”

Professionally speaking, I don’t have a horse in the race regarding the current US election. But regardless of who wins in November, the US and the rest of the world are primed for a massive Crisis (more on this shortly).

The issue is math, not politics.

However, I couldn’t pass up a chance to respond to Cuban’s tweet…



The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…


Seriously, let’s cut the crap. Politics are irrelevant here.

The Central banks have set the stage for a massive market meltdown. Globally over $13 trillion in bonds have negative yields. Some sovereign yields are negative out as far as 5, 10, even 30 years.

This has NEVER happened before in the history of humanity.

Sovereign bonds are the senior most assets in the financial system. If they are in a bubble, EVERYTHING is in a bubble.

In this context, there is literally no such thing as real price discovery anywhere in the markets anymore. There are simply dozens of smaller bubbles all created by investors reacting to the bond bubble.

Let me give you an example…

In Europe, we’re about to see our first corporate bond issuance with negative yields. Yes, companies in Europe can now CHARGE you for the right to lend to them. As a result, there is now a bubble in European corporate bonds.

The bond bubble is the mother of all bubbles created by Central Banks. And billionaires like Cuban must know it. But getting him to concede it?

He did in his response…


Note that Cuban doesn’t even try to debate my claim that Central Banks have cornered the bond market. He completely concedes the point and moves on to assert that he is worried that if Trump wins, Central Banks “may find other bonds” (which I take to mean that they won’t buy US Treasuries anymore).

Folks, we are witnessing the single biggest financial experiment in history.

Central Bankers have literally bet the financial system that their theories are correct. They believe that by cornering the bond market they can prop up asset prices forever.

Market corners never ever end well And billionaires like Cuban know it. He’s right to worry, but it’s a matter of math, not politics.

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Election Year Fix is In… But Can Janet Make It To November?

The election year fix is in… and Janet Yellen is praying the markets hold together until November.

President Obama met privately with Yellen in April of this year. It was their first private meeting together since November 2014 (the Congressional election in which the GOP took both houses of Congress).

President Barack Obama met with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Monday to discuss the U.S. economy amid signs that growth may be slowing as consumers retreat from spending.

Ahead of the afternoon meeting, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest described Obama as “pleased” with Yellen, who he appointed to lead the Fed in 2014. It is the first time since November 2014 that the Fed chair has met with the president on her own. The meeting was closed to the news media.

Source: Bloomberg

The timing of these meetings is not coincidental. And if you think Obama and Yellen were discussing “signs that growth may be slowing” a mere 8 months before the former left office, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. The economy has been weak for EIGHT years. This is not a new issue.

The fact of the matter is Obama most likely gave Yellen her marching orders: hold the markets up until November.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…



Since that time, I and others have noted that a mysterious “someone” steps in and PANIC buys stocks anytime they begin to break down. The manipulation has been so obvious that a child could see it.

This has propped the markets up. But because NO ONE believes this current rally, the market fails to break higher because there is no real buying power.

As a result of this, the markets have essentially flatlined, staging nearly 39 days of flat price action. You have to go back to the ‘60s to find a more boring period for stocks.


Again, the election year fix is in. Janet Yellen got her marching orders from the White House. And she will be doing everything possible to hold the markets up going into November.

However, the financial system is already starting to come apart at the seams. The is now $230 TRILLION in debt in the financial system, up 300% from 2007 levels.

You’ll no doubt remember, 2007 was NOT a time in which debt was irrelevant. And over the next 12 months, the markets staged the worst crash in 80 years.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Because I am usually warning about risks in the market, everyone assumes I’m nothing but a bear who has his clients shorting the heck out of the market all the time.

Pointing out the risks to the stock market is very different from actively shorting it. The editorial I publish here is focused on alerting EVERYONE about the problems the financial system faces.

However, when it comes to active investment strategies… I do see opportunities to short… but I also see opportunities to go long.

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 107 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

107 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Era of Centralization is Ending…

The most critical element of the BREXIT is that it is THE closing bell being rung on the period of Centralization from 2009 to today.

What do I meant by Centralization? I am referring to the era of Central Planning of the global economy by Central Banks.

In the US, we’ve seen the Federal Government/ Federal Reserve become involved in virtually every major industry in the economy including insurance, healthcare, housing/mortgages, banking, financial services, and even energy.

The US is not unique in this regard. Japan and the EU have also been in a period of Centralization, with their respective Central Banks becoming increasingly involved in their respective economies.

The BREXIT has ended this.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…



For certain, things were already becoming fractured due to Central Banks’ reliance on competitive devaluation.

In a world of fiat, all major currencies are priced against a basket of their peers. So when one Central Bank engages in a particular policy with the intent of devaluing its currency, that same policy inevitably puts upwards pressure on other currencies.

From 2008-2013, there was a degree of coordination between Central Bank. The best example would be when the Fed launched QE 3 in 2012, coordinating this policy with the ECB’s OMT program. At that time, the economic data in the US was in fact improving and the Fed should have been tightening. QE 3 was as much a gift to the EU as anything.

However, starting with the Bank of Japan’s massive QE program in 2013, everything changed. At that point, Central Banks began employing more extreme policies… policies that put tremendous pressure on other currencies… policies like QE programs in excess of $1 trillion… or NIRP.

At this point, Centralization began to come apart as Central Banks were now outright damaging each other’s efforts to devalue their currencies. However, it wasn’t until BREXIT that we received a REAL nail in the coffin for Centralization.

Let me explain.

In the world of Central Planning, politics, not economics, drives policy.

Any sensible economist would have realized QE and ZIRP couldn’t generate GDP growth around 2011. However, in the world of Central Planning, the political implications of admitting this (relinquishing control of the financial system and permitting debt defaults/ restructuring to begin) is akin to political suicide.

Put another way, if Janet Yellen or Mario Draghi were to stage a press conference to state “my life’s work is incorrect, I have no idea how to generate growth, it is time for market forces to take hold and price discovery to occur” not only they but EVERY other Central Banking economist/ academic would soon be unemployed.

For this reason, the end of Centralizaton was only going to come through one of two ways:

  1. Politically (if voters finally revolted against the status quo).
  2. Financially if market forces became so intense that even the Central Banks lost control of the system.

With Brexit, we’ve already had #1. We’re now on our way to #2.

Indeed, we believe that by the time the smoke clears on the next Crisis, the S&P 500 will have fallen to new lows.


The Tech bubble was a stock bubble: a bubble focused on stocks as an asset class.

The Housing bubble was a real estate bubble: a bubble focused on houses, and even larger, more significant asset class.

This current bubble is the BOND bubble: a bubble in the senior most asset class in the financial system

We firmly believe the markets are preparing to enter another Crisis. With over 30% of global bonds posting negative yields, the financial system is a powder keg ready to blow.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Because I am usually warning about risks in the market, everyone assumes I’m nothing but a bear who has his clients shorting the heck out of the market all the time.

Pointing out the risks to the stock market is very different from actively shorting it. The editorial I publish here is focused on alerting EVERYONE about the problems the financial system faces.

However, when it comes to active investment strategies… I do see opportunities to short… but I also see opportunities to go long.

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 98 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

98 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research






Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Proof Positive the “Recovery” Is a Myth

For years, I’ve been warning that all claims of economic “recovery” in the US are complete fiction.

We now have definitive proof in the form of tax receipts.

Receipts from the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) have been falling steadily since 2012, according to the Office of Management and Budget, moving counter to the growing number of people employed. The FUTA tax is levied at 6 percent on the first $7,000 of an employee’s wage…

Source: CNBC

There you have it. Since 2012, unemployment tax receipts have been FALLING. If the US economy was indeed creating jobs, this number should be rising.

Why is this number falling… particularly when the unemployment number is supposedly below 5% and job growth is great?

There are a couple of answers to that question and neither is favorable. The BLS numbers are either wrong or the quality of new jobs created must be very poor. The latter response seems the most credible; a combination of an increase in the proportion of part-time workers and full-time jobs that provide lower compensation.

Source: CNBC

As I’ve been saying for years… the recovery narrative is a myth.The unemployment number has become a political propaganda tool and has no reflection on the US’ economic realities.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…



In simple terms, job growth has NOT come back in the US. Those jobs that are being created are low paying.

Meanwhile, the stock market is at al -time highs…


On that note, we firmly believe the markets are preparing to enter another Crisis. With over 30% of global bonds posting negative yields, the financial system is a powder keg ready to blow. And as usual, the Central Banks are clueless about the risks.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Because I am usually warning about risks in the market, everyone assumes I’m nothing but a bear who has his clients shorting the heck out of the market all the time.

Pointing out the risks to the stock market is very different from actively shorting it. The editorial I publish here is focused on alerting EVERYONE about the problems the financial system faces.

However, when it comes to active investment strategies… I do see opportunities to short… but I also see opportunities to go long.

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 98 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

98 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Are Central Banks Secretly Preparing For Another Crisis?

A major crisis warning signal just hit.

It concerns “behind the scenes” liquidity for Central banks.

Here’s how it works.

When “all is well” in the financial system, foreign Central Banks like to park money at the Fed overnight. The reason they do this is because the Fed offers a special program that yields more interest than money markets.

So when things are calm in the financial system, foreign Central Banks don’t need emergency access to capital and so park significant amounts of money with the Fed overnight.

But when things are bad and foreign Central Banks NEED access to capital, this number falls.

As Worth Way notes, this number is falling… in a big way. In fact, any time it’s fallen by this much (5.6% year over year) a crisis hits soon after.



The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 37% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 70% meaning we make money on SEVEN seven out of TEN trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve already produced a return on invested capital of over 240% thus far in 2016.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER…


If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Because I am usually warning about risks in the market, everyone assumes I’m nothing but a bear who has his clients shorting the heck out of the market all the time.

Pointing out the risks to the stock market is very different from actively shorting it. The editorial I publish here is focused on alerting EVERYONE about the problems the financial system faces.

However, when it comes to active investment strategies… I do see opportunities to short… but I also see opportunities to go long.

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 98 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

98 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Two Charts Every Trader Needs to See

Oil is slamming up against resistance.


The odds favor a correction here, probably to the $38-39 area.

This, in turn, would drag on stocks. $38 Oil would pull the S&P 500 to the mid-2000s (probably 2,040).


At that point it’d be time to reassess the markets. The fact is that this rally has come too far too fast. The odds favor at least a 5% if not a 10% correction here.

If you’re looking for investment strategies to profit from this, I can help you…

Because I am usually warning about risks in the market, everyone assumes I’m nothing but a bear who has his clients shorting the heck out of the market all the time.

Pointing out the risks to the stock market is very different from actively shorting it. The editorial I publish here is focused on alerting EVERYONE about the problems the financial system faces.

However, when it comes to active investment strategies… I do see opportunities to short… but I also see opportunities to go long.

Case in point, thus far in 2016 Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have made a killing shorting European banks while also being long various mining companies.

As a result of this, we’re now at 98 STRAIGHT WINNING TRADES.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

98 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

We take a careful and calculated approach to investing… which is how we’ve been able to maintain this incredible streak of winners… despite market conditions that can be described as “challenging” at best.

You can join us today by taking out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98.

If you find Private Wealth Advisory is not what you’re looking for just drop us a line and you won’t be charged another cent.

To take out a 30 day trial subscription to Private Wealth Advisory for just $0.98…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research


Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Bank of England Just Issued a Massive Warning… Few Are Listening…

The Bank of England cut rates by 0.25% today and expanded its QE program to 60 billion pounds (including the purchase of corporate bonds).

This is the first rate cut for the BoE since 2009. And it, combined with the launch of QE, is an implicit indicator that Central Banks are losing control.

The British pound collapsed on the news, forcing the $USD higher.

And this is a HUGE problem.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Over 40% of S&P 500 revenues come from abroad. Anytime the $USD strengthens, it crushes corporate sales, which in turn crush corporate profits.

Which is how you get divergences like this:


Moreover, the S&P 500 is fast losing momentum. Oil, which lead the rally from the February lows has entered a free-fall.


In short, the BoE’s decision is just yet another indicator that the Central Banks are losing control.

We are heading for a crisis that will be exponentially worse than 2008. The global Central Banks have literally bet the financial system that their theories will work.  They haven’t. All they’ve done is set the stage for an even worse crisis in which entire countries will go bankrupt.

Indeed, subscribers of my Private Wealth Advisory newsletter just closed out ANOTHER winner last week.

This brings our winning trade streak to an incredible 98 straight winning trades.

Indeed, we haven’t closed a single loser since November 2014.

98 straight winners… and not one closed loser… in 20 months.

However, I cannot maintain this kind of track record with thousands of investors following our recommendations.

So tonight at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings.

To lock in one of the remaining slots…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Market Is Now Set Up For a Monster Crash

Yesterday, I pointed out that the markets were severely overvalued relative to earnings.

Today, I’m going to show you just how extended the S&P 500 is.

This is a chart showing the S&P 500 (black), compared to Japan (blue), China (red), and Europe (green).


As you can see, the S&P 500 has completely disconnected, not just from earnings, but from every other major stock index in the world.

For the S&P 500 to be in line with the rest of the world, it needs to fall to at least 1975 (a 9% drop).

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


And if you go back to the 2009 lows, the divergence is even more extreme.


A Crash is coming.

Imagine if you’d prepared for the 2008 Crash several months ahead of time. Imagine the returns you could have seen if you had started prepping in July 2008 instead of waiting for the disaster to unfold.

I can show you how.

Since NOVEMBER 2014, Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have locked in 98 winning investments.

In fact, we just closed another double digit winner (11%) yesterday. And that one had only been open for FOUR DAYS.

Indeed, the last time we closed a losing trade was……. NOVEMBER 2014.

However, I cannot continue this incredible track record with thousands of investors following our strategies.

Based on what’s happening in the markets, we’ve extended the deadline for our current offer.

However, this is it…

TONIGHT (TUESDAY) at midnight, we are raising the price on a subscription to Private Wealth Advisory from $179 to $200.

If you have any interest in locking in one of the remaining lower cost slots… you need to move NOW!

To lock in one of the remaining $179 slots…

To lock in one of the remaining $179 slots…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Stocks Could Easily Fall 40% From Here

The US is in a recession.

Quarterly earnings by publicly traded corporations have fallen for SIX straight quarters. That covers a time of 18 months.

This has never happened outside of a recession.

Against this economic backdrop, stocks are in “la la land” rallying to new all-time highs.


The more earnings fall while stocks move higher, the BIGGER the bubble gets.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Beyond this, the world’s second largest economy (China) is rapidly devaluing the Yuan. Back in August 20

Stock bubbles are formed when stocks detach from fundamentals. By the look of things, this hit in 2015. And is has gotten significantly worse since then.

At current levels, the S&P 500 needs to fall almost 40% to catch up with earnings.


A Crash is coming… we all know it. And smart investors are preparing their portfolios for it NOW before it hits.

Imagine if you’d prepared for the 2008 Crash several months ahead of time. Imagine the returns you could have seen.

I can show you how. We’re currently on an all-time record winning streak with our investments.

Since NOVEMBER 2014, Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have locked in 97 straight winning investments.

That’s correct. We’re at 97 winners… all in a row.

This is not cherry picking or ignoring losers… the last time we closed a losing trade was NOVEMBER 2014.

However, I cannot continue this incredible track record with thousands of investors following our strategies.

Tonight (MONDAY) at midnight, we are raising the price on a subscription to Private Wealth Advisory from $179 to $200.

If you have any interest in locking in one of the remaining lower cost slots… you need to move NOW!

To lock in one of the remaining $179 slots…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

A BIG Money Making Move Just Appeared on the Horizon

Let’s take a step back and look at the world from a 30,000 foot perspective.

First of all, the US is moving into if not already in recession. I know that the media tells us that we have unemployment below 5% and that things are great.

That is a lie.

The unemployment number in the US is a political propaganda tool and nothing more. This is especially true during election years.

We can debate about economic cycles and services economies all we like. But at the end of the day it is factually impossible that 46 million Americans are on food stamps and unemployment is sub-5%. One of those numbers is a total lie and I’m willing to bet it’s not the one that is in the millions.

If you look at economic data that is NOT used for political purposes (boring manager based items like ISM, inventory to sales ratios, etc.) it is clear the US is in recession.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Beyond this, the world’s second largest economy (China) is rapidly devaluing the Yuan. Back in August 2015, this triggered a market meltdown. Today the Yuan is significantly lower (exporting even more deflation to the US and West) but somehow this doesn’t matter. The markets have yet to even catch a whiff of this.


And then there’s Europe, where the officials think they can sweep everything under the rug, while the Italian banking system (which is €2.5 trillion in size) is imploding.

The ECB can’t fix Greece, which is less than 20% of this.

A Crash is coming… we all know it. And smart investors are preparing their portfolios for it NOW before it hits.

Imagine if you’d prepared for the 2008 Crash several months ahead of time. Imagine the returns you could have seen.

I can show you how. We’re currently on an all-time record winning streak with our investments.

Since NOVEMBER 2014, Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have locked in 97 straight winning investments.

That’s correct. We’re at 97 winners… all in a row.

This is not cherry picking or ignoring losers… the last time we closed a losing trade was NOVEMBER 2014.

However, I cannot continue this incredible track record with thousands of investors following our strategies.

Tonight (FRIDAY) at midnight, we are raising the price on a subscription to Private Wealth Advisory from $179 to $200.

If you have any interest in locking in one of the remaining lower cost slots… you need to move NOW!

To lock in one of the remaining $179 slots…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research




Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
The Entire Move Higher Was Based on a Lie

The Entire Move Higher Was Based on a Lie

The Bank of Japan came out this morning and admitted that helicopter money is not on the agenda.

The yen pared an advance against the dollar as it emerged that an interview in which Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda dismissed the idea of so-called helicopter money was conducted in June.

The Japanese currency earlier jumped more than 1 percent after, in comments broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Thursday, Kuroda said there was no need or possibility for such a strategy. The interview was conducted on June 17, a BBC spokeswoman said.

Source: Bloomberg

This is not a surprise to anyone who does actual analysis. Kuroda said back in April 2016 that the Bank of Japan CANNOT implement helicopter money because it is ILLEGAL under Japan’s constitution.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


The fact is that the market broke out to new all time highs based on a complete lie. Helicopter money is not coming to Japan… at least not any time soon. The entire market move from the BREXIT lows has been a desperate manipulation by Central Banks as they begin to lose control of the financial system.

We saw the same thing happen in 2007: a final push to new all-time highs in October. What followed wasn’t pretty.

A Crash is coming… and the time to prepare is NOW, before it hits.

Private Wealth Advisory subscribers have now closed their 97th STRAIGHT winner.

That’s correct. We’re at 97 winners… all in a row.

This is not cherry picking or ignoring losers… the last time we closed a losing trade was NOVEMBER 2014.

However, I cannot continue this incredible track record with thousands of investors following our strategies.

So we are raising the price on a subscription to Private Wealth Advisory from $179 to $200 tomorrow at Midnight.

So if you want to lock in one of the remaining slots you need to move fast. Because we might close the doors early based on subscribers pouring

To lock in one of the remaining $179 slots…


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Read This Before Investing Another Cent….

While CNBC and other perma-bulls claim that the stock market is a great investment today, the smart money is already prepping for a disaster.

Goldman Sachs has told its clients to “sell at the new high.”

Credit Suisse just told its clients stocks “haven’t looked this worrisome since the tech bubble.”

They’re correct. Stocks are in a bubble by virtually every reasonable metric.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


According to CAPE, stocks have only been more expensive relative to earnings TWICE in history. Both of those situations were also massive bubbles.


The media Price to Sales (P/S) ratio for the S&P 500 is at an all-time high.


And finally, stocks, as priced in Enterprise Value to Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EV/EBITDA) is at levels not seen since 2000.


H/T the Euchre

A Crash is coming…and the time to prepare for it is NOW before it hits.

I can show you how.

With our latest winner closed on Tuesday, we are now up to 97 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 97 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

97 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (THURSDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Fed is Terrified… Are You Ready For What’s Coming?

Central Bankers are absolutely terrified.

Case in point, yesterday Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester suggested that the “next step” in monetary policy is “Helicopter money.”

Here are the key quotes:

However, Dr Mester signalled that in the event of another shock or economic downturn that most likely option would be more quantitative easing-style money printing.

“In the US we’ve done quantitative easing and I think that’s proven to be useful,” she observed.

   So it’s my view that would be sort of the next step [helicopter money] if we ever found ourselves in a situation where we wanted to be more accommodative.

Source: ABC news

Let’s assess the progression closely…

  • The Fed kept rates at ZERO for seven years.
  • The Fed spent over $3 trillion in QE.
  • The Fed raised rates just ONCE in the last 10 years.
  • The Fed is now talking about implementing “helicopter money.”

This proves to us that the Fed knows the economy is not growing and the recovery is a false narrative.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Why else would the Fed be calling for the most extraordinary monetary policy in history? Because the recovery is great and the Fed isn’t worried about anything?

Helicopter money is the “nuclear option”… the monetary policy that makes even QE look sane by comparison. It represents crossing the Rubicon and embarking on a trip towards Weimar.

Central Bankers are absolutely terrified. They know the whole recovery is one big lie. They know the system is on the verge of collapse. They know that the only thing propping the market higher is outright manipulation.

Smart investors, however, are preparing for what’s to come.

If you are not preparing for a bear market in stocks, you NEED to do so NOW.

I can show you how.

With our latest winner closed on Tuesday, we are now up to 97 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 97 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

97 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (THURSDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Good Luck Getting Your Money Out When the Next Crisis Hits

Behind the veneer of “all is well” being promoted by both world Governments and the Mainstream Media, the political elite have begun implementing legislation that will permit them to stop you from getting your money out of the system during the next crisis.

This strategy has already been employed in the UK where over 50% of all funds devoted to commercial property are currently LOCKED… meaning you cannot get your money out.

Three more fund managers have stopped investors from leaving their UK property funds, trapping an additional £5.5bn and bringing to six the funds unable to meet withdrawal requests after the Brexit vote.

More than half of the £25bn of funds committed to commercial property by retail investors is now locked down by managers, who are under pressure to sell buildings to raise cash.

Henderson Global Investors said on Wednesday that it had suspended redemptions from its £3.9bn UK property fund.

Source: Business Day Live

In the US, the SEC has implemented similar regulations.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


The regulation is called Rules Provide Structural and Operational Reform to Address Run Risks in Money Market Funds. It sounds relatively innocuous until you get to the below quote:

Redemption Gates – Under the rules, if a money market fund’s level of weekly liquid assets falls below 30 percent, a money market fund’s board could in its discretion temporarily suspend redemptions (gate). To impose a gate, the board of directors would find that imposing a gate is in the money market fund’s best interests. A money market fund that imposes a gate would be required to lift that gate within 10 business days, although the board of directors could determine to lift the gate earlier. Money market funds would not be able to impose a gate for more than 10 business days in any 90-day period…

Also see…

Government Money Market Funds – Government money market funds would not be subject to the new fees and gates provisions.  However, under the proposed rules, these funds could voluntarily opt into them, if previously disclosed to investors.

In simple terms, if the system is ever under duress again, Money market funds can lock in capital (meaning you can’t get your money out) for up to 10 days. If the financial system was healthy and stable, there is no reason the regulators would be implementing this kind of reform.

ore and more the financial system feels like it did in late 2007/ early 2008: the obvious cracks have emerged, but 99% of investors are ignoring them.

Smart investors, however, are preparing for what’s to come.

If you are not preparing for a bear market in stocks, you NEED to do so NOW.

I can show you how.

To wit… in the last 19 months we’ve closed out 96 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 96 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

96 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (MONDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research



Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Europe Wasn’t “SAVED” in 2012… and It’s In Even MORE Trouble Now

So the world has woken up and realized what we’ve been pointing out for four years now… that Europe wasn’t fixed in 2012.

European Financials have fallen back to levels not seen since the Crisis was raging to the point that France and Germany floated the idea of imposing capital and border controls.

The whole mess was “saved” based on a lie. Mario Draghi claimed he’d do “whatever it takes… and believe me it will be enough” and the markets took him at his word.

Unfortunately the math doesn’t support this. The EU banking system is leveraged at 26 to 1. Many banks are leveraged far above this. Lehman was leveraged at 30 to 1 when it imploded. People laugh that somehow that was allowed to happen in 2007… without realizing that Europe’s entire €46 trillion banking system is just below that.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Since Draghi “saved” Europe in 2012, he’s cut interest rates to negative FOUR times and has implemented over €1 trillion in QE expanding the ECB’s balance sheet well above its previous record high set at the depth of the crisis.


Meanwhile, EU GDP has remained below its pre-crisis highs (both 2008 and 2011).


Meanwhile, Debt to GDP has risen to 90% for the whole of the union, with problem countries like Italy and Spain seeing their Debt to GDP ratios soar to new record highs.


The whole mess is one giant house of cards. Bankrupt nations whose debt is owned by insolvent banks which use said debt to backstop trillions of Euros worth of derivatives trades.

If Lehman was an obvious disaster waiting to happen what are the EU banks? And with the ECB itself now leveraged at over 36 to 1… who’s going to bailout this mess out?

More and more the financial system feels like it did in late 2007/ early 2008: the obvious cracks have emerged, but 99% of investors are ignoring them.

Smart investors, however, are preparing for what’s to come.

If you are not preparing for a bear market in stocks, you NEED to do so NOW.

I can show you how.

To wit… in the last 19 months we’ve closed out 96 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 96 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

96 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (FRIDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

A Big Money Making Move is Right Around the Corner… Are You Ready?

The rally last week was likely end of the quarter performance gaming and little else.

Fund managers have to report their returns every quarter. With the markets gyrating throughout 2Q16, fund managers were highly incentivized to gun the markets higher in order to redeem the quarter.

However, bonds (the smart money) weren’t buying it at all. Indeed, bonds really haven’t been buying any of this rally since March.


The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


Neither was the USD/JPY pair, which has lead the markets for over a year now.


More and more this mess is beginning to feel like late 2007/ early 2008: major warning signs abound, but investors continue to move into stocks believing that Central Banks will be able to maintain the bubble.

Smart investors are preparing now for what’s coming.

If you are not preparing for a bear market in stocks, you NEED to do so NOW.

I can show you how.

To wit… in the last 19 months we’ve closed out 93 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 84 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

93 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (THURSDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Two MAJOR Warnings Not to Trust This Rally

The market has exploded higher based on verbal intervention.

The verbal intervention came from Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble. Yesterday Schauble announced that, “measures to avoid market chaos have been successful.”

Traders took this to mean that Central Banks were coordinated a massive intervention. So everyone on the planet bought stocks.

The Single Best Options Trading Service on the Planet

THE CRISIS TRADER has produced an astounding 145% return on invested capital thus far in 2016.

We have a success rate of 72% meaning we make money on more than seven out of 10 trades. And thanks to careful risk management we’ve seen triple digit returns on invested capital every year since inception.

Our next trade goes out this morning… you can get it and THREE others for just 99 cents.

To take out a $0.99, 30-day trial subscription to THE CRISIS TRADER...


The reality however is that this is the usual end of the month performance gaming, combined with short covering. Volume has been ABYSMAL on this rally because no one actually believes it.

And why would they?

EU banks are imploding, trading at levels not seen since the depths of the 2011-2012 crisis.


In the US, the Russell 2000, which tends to lead the S&P 500, has failed to confirm the move higher. If anything, it suggests we’re going to new lows.


This whole situation is feeling just like late 2007/ early 2008. Once again stocks are holding up because investors believe Central Banks can save the world… despite the obvious warning signs that a major crisis is coming.

If you are not preparing for a bear market in stocks, you NEED to do so NOW.

I can show you how.

To wit… in the last 19 months we’ve closed out 93 straight winning trades.

That’s correct…

For 19 months, not only have Private Wealth Advisory subscribers locked in 84 CONSECUTIVE winners including gains of 18%, 36%, 69%, even 119%...

But more importantly, throughout that ENTIRE TIME we’ve not closed a SINGLE loser.

93 closed winners… and not one closed loser… in 19 months.

Based on what’s happening in the markets today, we’ve decided to extend our deadline on our current offer to try Private Wealth Advisory by another 24 hours.

So tonight (THURSDAY) at midnight, we are closing the doors on our offer to try Private Wealth Advisory for 30 days for just $0.98.

This is it… no more extensions… no more openings,


Best Regards

Graham Summers

Chief Market Strategist

Phoenix Capital Research



Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market