It’s a Bull Market

Has Inflation Finally Peaked? Let’s Take a Look…

By Graham Summers, MBA

The markets have reached a new level of stupidity.

Stocks are exploding higher based on inflation coming in at 7.1% Year over Year. This is apparently great news because Wall Street expected the number to be somewhere between 7.2% and 7.6%.

So, according to those buying stocks today,  a 0.1% “beat” on an inflation number that is still north of 7% despite the Fed implementing its most aggressive rate hike cycle in 40 years in is a reason to panic bid stocks higher.

Looking through the numbers, almost the entire drop came courtesy of falling energy prices and used cars. I might add that the drop in energy is not surprising given that the Biden administration drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) by ~180 million barrels of oil. Practically everything outside of energy and used car prices is still rising.

Elsewhere in the report, core inflation, which the Fed looks at closely is still at 6%. Sure, it’s not spiking any higher, but this it’s not coming down much either. Again, this is good in a way, but is it a reason to panic buy stocks like inflation is gone? I don’t think so.

Unfortunately for those who are panic buying stocks today, the bear market is NOT over. With a recession just around the corner, stocks will soon collapse to new lows.

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Something MAJOR Happened In the Markets Yesterday…

By Graham Summers, MBA

Stocks lost their 200-day moving average (DMA) yesterday.

This is a major development, because it indicates that the bulls could not get the S&P 500 to break above its 200-DMA and stay there, despite numerous interventions, manipulations, and performance gaming.

Why does this matter?

The 200-DMA is like a “line in the sand” for long term trends in the market. During bull markets, stocks rarely break below it. And during bear markets, stocks rarely break above it. You can see this relationship clearly in the below chart. The 200-DMA is the red line.

With this latest failure, it’s a clear sign that the bear market is nowhere near over. Take a look at the bear market of 2000-2003 to see what I mean.

Here’s the bear market of 2007-2009.

So again, the bear market is not over. The trend remains down. And it likely won’t end anytime soon (think months, possibly years). Many investors will lose another 50% of their portfoios… if not more as it unfolds.

You don’t need to be one of them!

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

This is Why We Opened Our Crash Trades

By Graham Summers, MBA

As I noted yesterday, the bond market is telling us that a recession is just around the corner.

By quick way of review, the U.S. treasury market is comprised of 12 bonds, with durations ranging from four weeks to 30 years.

When you plot the yield on all of these bonds, you get the “yield curve.” And the difference in yield between the 10-Year U.S. Treasury and the 3-month U.S. Treasury is one of the best predictors of recessions in the world.

Put simply, anytime this difference becomes negative (meaning the 3-month yield is actually higher than the 10-year yield) this indicates a recession is about to hit.

It happened in 1989, 2001, 2007, and 2019 and today.

This alone is bad news, but we get additional confirmation of a recession from oil.

As you know, oil is extremely closely linked to economic growth. And oil is collapsing, having fallen from $120+ per barrel to the mid-$70s per barrel.

There is only one reason for oil to fall like this during a period of high inflation: demand destruction.

Demand destruction is when the economy rolls over and there is less demand for oil. It only happens during recessions.

And what do you think a recession will do to stocks?

It’s called a crash.

This is going to force stocks to new lows. I’ll explain why in Friday’s article. Until then… know this: it is highly likely that a recession is going to trigger a major crash in stocks. It’s not a question of “if,” it’s a question of “when.”

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Forget Stocks, the Bond Market is Signaling Something MAJOR!

By Graham Summers, MBA

It’s all trader games today.

The stock market is closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving. It will also close early on Friday November 25th at 1PM. As one can imagine, most of Wall Street has already left for the holidays.

This means that trading volume will be extremely light. And that means that those few traders/funds who are active will have an easier time moving the market.

As I write this, the S&P 500 is within spitting distance of its 200-day moving average. There’s little doubt in my mind that stocks will make a run for that line sometime over the holiday. 

However, that is a short-term issue. The longer-term issue is that the Treasury market is telling us a severe recession is coming. 

The Treasury is comprised of numerous bonds with different maturation periods. They are:

Treasury Bill Maturation Periods:

4 Weeks

13 Weeks

26 Weeks

52 Weeks

Treasury Note Maturation Periods

2 Years

3 Years

5 Years

7 Years

10 Years

Treasury Bond Maturation Periods

20 Years

30 Years 

When you plot the yield on all of these bonds, you get the “yield curve.” And the difference in yield between various bonds on this curve is one of the most accurate predictors of recession.

Specifically, the difference between the yield on the 10-Year U.S. Treasury and the yield on the 3-month U.S. Treasury. Anytime this difference becomes negative (meaning the 3-month yield is actually higher than the 10-year yield) this indicates a recession is about to hit.

I’ve illustrated this in the chart below.  Anytime the black line falls below the red line, the 10-year 3-month yield curve is “inverted.” This was the case in 1989, 2001, 2007, and 2019: all of those preceded recessions.

It is happening again now. And as you can see, this metric is MORE negative today than it was before the COVID-19 crash as well as the Great Financial Crisis.

Put simply, the yield curve of the Treasury market is predicting a severe recession in the near future, likely the start of 2023.

This is going to force stocks to new lows. I’ll explain why in Friday’s article. Until then… know this: it is highly likely that a recession is going to trigger a major crash in stocks. It’s not a question of “if,” it’s a question of “when.”

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Warning: This is the Most Disturbing Thing I’ve Seen In Years

By Graham Summers, MBA

The consumer is tapping “out.”

Ever since inflation entered the financial system is early 2021, there has been a debate as to when the higher cost of living would hit consumer spending to the point of inducing a recession. 

Sure, consumers can rely on savings or credit to make ends meet in the near-term. However, if inflation remains elevated for a prolonged period, eventually it becomes too much to bear, and the consumer is forced to “tap out” and cut discretionary expenses. That’s when a recession hits.

I mention all of this because the stock market is telling us that the recession has arrived. 

One of the best means of analyzing intra-market developments is ratio work. This consists of comparing the performance of one asset or stock relative to the performance of another.

For example, let’s look at the ratio between the Consumer Discretionary ETF (XLY) and the S&P 500 (SPY). During periods of consumer spending strength, this line rises. And during periods of consumer spending weakness this line falls.

Below is a chart of the ratio over the last four years. As you can see, this ratio is dropping like a stone. It is actually lower today than it was at the lows of the March 2020 Crash! 

This suggests the consumer is “tapping out” right here and now. The question now is if this is just a slight downturn or the start of a major recession. To answer that, let’s step back and look at a longer-term chart.

From an economics perspective, this is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen in years. It suggests the U.S. is entering its first major recession since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. 

I think we all remember what happened to stocks during that time: an extraordinary crash in which stocks lost over 50% of their value. 

A crash is coming. And it’s going to make 2008 look like a joke.

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, we just published a new exclusive special report How to Invest During This Bear Market.

It details the #1 investment to own during the bear market as well as how to invest to potentially generate life changing wealth when it ends.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
Let’s Cut Through the BS About the Economy Right Here and Now!

Let’s Cut Through the BS About the Economy Right Here and Now!

By Graham Summers, MBA

Last week, I warned you not to trust the positive economic data being put out concerning the U.S. economy.

The reasons for my warning were simple: the data was bunk, made up, and of no real value.

By quick review, ALL of the jobs that were supposedly created in October 2022 were not real jobs; they were created in a government spreadsheet via various accounting gimmicks… not in the economy. And yes, I’m talking about all 261,000 of them.

The inflation data that everyone was so excited about last week was also NOT positive.

Month over Month inflation was 0% in July, 0.1% in August, and 0.4% in September. With that in mind, I ask… “how was a month over month reading of 0.4% in October a great thing? Technically the inflation data was BETTER during the summer!!!”

Moreover, the items that DECLINED in price… allowing the beancounters to make inflation look better than it is, were used cars and trucks, medical care, apparel, and airline fare.

By way of contrast, shelter, gas and food prices all increased.

Again… how is any of that good for the economy?

I realize it might be difficult to believe me here. After all, 99% of mainstream economists and financial media talking heads are saying the exact opposite: the economy is doing fine and inflation is coming down.

So, with that in mind, I ask you to take a look at the following data points. What do they tell you about the TRUE status of the U.S. economy?

· Juul lays off ~1/3rd of its workforce.

· Redfin lays off 13% of its staff.

· Meta to fire 13% of its workforce.

· Twitter lays off ~50% of its workforce.

· Snap lays off 20% of its employees.

· Wayfair: lays off 10% of its corporate team.

· Microsoft fires 1,000 workers.

· Disney to begin layoffs, targeted hiring freeze.

· Re/Max to fire 17% of its workforce.

· Compass to layoff 10% of its workforce.

Let’s be blunt here… corporations implement major layoffs like this during only one kind of economic environment: a recession.

And what impact do you think a recession is going to have on the stock market?

I’ll detail in tomorrow’s article. For now, the key item to note is that the Everything Bubble has burst.

On that note, we are putting together an Executive Summary outlining how to invest in this new bearish environment.

It will be available exclusively to our clients. If you’d like to have a copy delivered to your inbox when it’s completed, you can join the wait-list here.

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Warning: the Fed Didn’t Pivot Yesterday… If Anything It Doesn’t Need to Anymore

By Graham Summers, MBA

Yesterday I asked, “is the Fed about to hit the PANIC! button like the Bank of England?” 

The markets certainly acted like it: stocks, Treasuries, oil, and gold erupted higher yesterday, fueled by the announcement that the Fed had scheduled an emergency meeting for 11:30AM EST.

It was only a matter of time before Fed Chair Powell would appear and tell the markets that the Fed was reintroducing Quantitative Easing (QE), just as the Bank of England (BoE) had done last week.

Except… Chair Powell didn’t appear. The Fed didn’t make any announcements of any kind except that it was updating its rule regarding debit card transactions.

Debit. Card. Transactions.

Not the reintroduction of QE. Not a slowing or potential end to rate hikes. And certainly not a Fed pivot of any kind.

This is not to say that Fed officials didn’t refrain from making any public appearances yesterday. John Williams, the President of the New York Fed (the branch in charge of market operations) gave a speech in Phoenix Arizona in which he stated:

1)    Inflation is far too high.

2)    Our job [cooling demand and reducing inflationary pressures] is not yet done.

3)    The drop in commodities prices is “not enough” to “bring down” the “broad-based inflation” caused by goods demand as well as labor and services demand.

So… no sign of a pivot there.

If anything, the market’s action yesterday makes a Fed pivot less likely any time soon. With both Treasuries yields AND the $USD falling yesterday, rate and liquidity pressures are much lower than they were last week.

The $USD reversal in particular is a welcome relief as it allowed the British Pound and other currency that were under pressure to rally hard… But this again erases any need for the Fed to pivot.

Bottomline: the Fed will no doubt pivot at some point… but it’s not doing so now. And the market’s action has made the likelihood of a pivot MUCH lower.

So enjoy the relief rally… but don’t plan on it lasting for long. Because the Great Crisis… the one to which 2008 was a warm-up, has finally arrived. 

In 2008 entire banks went bust. In 2022, entire countries will do so.

And it is inflation that triggered it!

On that note, we published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We made 100 copies available to the public.

Today is the last day this report is available to the general public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Warning: the Fed Didn’t Pivot Yesterday… If Anything It Doesn’t Need to Anymore

By Graham Summers, MBA

Yesterday I asked, “is the Fed about to hit the PANIC! button like the Bank of England?” 

The markets certainly acted like it: stocks, Treasuries, oil, and gold erupted higher yesterday, fueled by the announcement that the Fed had scheduled an emergency meeting for 11:30AM EST.

It was only a matter of time before Fed Chair Powell would appear and tell the markets that the Fed was reintroducing Quantitative Easing (QE), just as the Bank of England (BoE) had done last week.

Except… Chair Powell didn’t appear. The Fed didn’t make any announcements of any kind except that it was updating its rule regarding debit card transactions.

Debit. Card. Transactions.

Not the reintroduction of QE. Not a slowing or potential end to rate hikes. And certainly not a Fed pivot of any kind.

This is not to say that Fed officials didn’t refrain from making any public appearances yesterday. John Williams, the President of the New York Fed (the branch in charge of market operations) gave a speech in Phoenix Arizona in which he stated:

1)    Inflation is far too high.

2)    Our job [cooling demand and reducing inflationary pressures] is not yet done.

3)    The drop in commodities prices is “not enough” to “bring down” the “broad-based inflation” caused by goods demand as well as labor and services demand.

So… no sign of a pivot there.

If anything, the market’s action yesterday makes a Fed pivot less likely any time soon. With both Treasuries yields AND the $USD falling yesterday, rate and liquidity pressures are much lower than they were last week.

The $USD reversal in particular is a welcome relief as it allowed the British Pound and other currency that were under pressure to rally hard… But this again erases any need for the Fed to pivot.

Bottomline: the Fed will no doubt pivot at some point… but it’s not doing so now. And the market’s action has made the likelihood of a pivot MUCH lower.

So enjoy the relief rally… but don’t plan on it lasting for long. Because the Great Crisis… the one to which 2008 was a warm-up, has finally arrived. 

In 2008 entire banks went bust. In 2022, entire countries will do so.

And it is inflation that triggered it!

On that note, we published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We made 100 copies available to the public.

Today is the last day this report is available to the general public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Did the U.K. Just Lose All Credibility With the Markets?

Two weeks ago, the new government in the U.K. introduced a series of major tax cuts aimed at stimulating the economy.

Tax cuts mean less tax revenues, which in turn means less money available to pay the interest on the country’s debt. Bond yields in the U.K. were already rising due to inflation and monetary tightening from the BoE. The announcement of tax cuts triggered a panic.

The yield on the 2-Year U.K. government bond exploded higher from 3.5% to 4.4% in a matter of days.

And the British Pound nosedived.

Chart, waterfall chart

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Remember, we’re not talking about volatility in a stock here… we’re talking about the GOVERNMENT BOND and CURRENCY of the FIFTH LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD!

Pension funds, which invest trillions of pounds’ worth of capital in the U.K. and which were heavily invested in U.K. government bonds, were on the verge of going belly up. So, the Bank of England panicked and announced it would introduce UNLIMITED QE again.

That is not a typo. The Bank of England is the first major central bank to be broken by the markets. And it won’t be the last.

The BoE announced that it will begin “unlimited QE” to support U.K. bonds from September 28th until October 14th.

U.K. sovereign bond yields dropped on the news.


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And the British pound rallied.

Chart, scatter chart

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What happens here is critical. If yields on U.K, bonds begin to rally ,and the British Pound begins to collapse again… it means the BoE has LOST CREDIBILITY.

Yes, we’re talking about a MAJOR central bank for a developed nation losing credibility with the markets.

As I write this, it is too early to tell. But this is THE most important situation in the world right now. If things go south here, the U.K. will go bust.

The British Pound has managed to “close the gap” from the Monday decline, but it’s not out of the woods by any stretch. You would think that a major central bank saying it will do “whatever it takes” to defend its currency would have a bigger impact. But the pound remains in a downtrend.

Chart, scatter chart

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Moreover, the yields on British Gilts have come down from their panic highs but remain at EXTREMELY elevated levels. The crisis here is not over by any stretch.


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What happens here is critical. If the Pound begins to fall again, and yields on Gilts rise, then the great Crisis of our lifetimes, the crisis in which entire countries go bust, is here.

And it is inflation that triggered it!

On that note, we published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We made 100 copies available to the public.

Today is the last day this report is available to the general public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Best Regards,

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
The Everything Bubble Has Burst… Find Out What’s Next Here!

The Everything Bubble Has Burst… Find Out What’s Next Here!

Amazon is currently running a special on my best-selling book, The Everything Bubble…it’s 25% off on paperback and 85% off the Kindle version.

So if you’ve yet to pick up a copy… or would like to gift a copy to family and friends, this is the single best opportunity all year to do so.

To take advantage of these prices… and potentially change someone’s life with the gift of knowledge and understanding of how our financial system truly works… as well as what’s coming down he pike.

Click Here Now!!!

Best Regards

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market
This is the Single Worst Thing That Could Happen to Stocks Right Now!

This is the Single Worst Thing That Could Happen to Stocks Right Now!

By Graham Summers, MBA

Treasury bond yields are rising again. 

And this is really bad news for stocks.


Because these bonds are the bedrock of our current financial system. They are the senior most asset class and the yields on these bonds represent the “risk free” rate of return against which all risk assets (including stocks) are priced.

When Treasury yields are low investors are willing to pay a higher Price to Earnings (P/E) multiple for stocks. For instance, when the yield on the 2-Year Treasury was 0.2% or lower as it was for most of April 2020 through September 2021, investors were willing to pay 20 to 22 times forward earnings for stocks. 

Now, Treasury yields trade based on inflation among other things. So, when inflation became a major problem for the financial system starting in October of 2021, the yield on the 2-Year Treasury began to spike higher. From then until early September of 2022, this yield spiked from 0.2% to over 3.4%

This is the reason stocks collapsed in the first nine months of this year: Treasuries were offering higher yields, so investors were no longer willing to pay 20-22 forward earnings for stocks. Instead they were paying 16 to 18 times earnings.

I mention all of this because the yield on the 2-Year Treasury is once again spiking higher. As I write this, it has just broken north of 4%. Historically, when it has done this, it has opened the door to 4.25% (purple line) and even 5% (pink line).

What does this mean for stocks?

The door is open to a retest of 3,500 on the S&P 500… if not  3,220 or even sub-3,000.

We might not get to any of these this week or next… but they’re coming.

For those looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

Today is the last day this report is available to the public.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Great Currency Wars Have Begun… Time For Currency Confetti!

By Graham Summers, MBA

As I mentioned on Monday, the Great Currency Wars have begun.

Japan is about to intervene directly in their currency markets. And why wouldn’t they… Japan imports most of its energy and food… and its currency is at a 24 year LOW due to inflation (as well as differentials between its monetary policy and that of the U.S. and E.U.).

In simple terms, one of the MAJOR currencies of the world is now trading like an emerging market currency.

The Euro isn’t far behind either. It’s at a 20-year low. Things are so out of control there that the ECB just raised rates by the most in history: a 0.75% rate hike. This barely made a blip in the Euro’s chart as it continues to collapse.

And guess what… all these currency interventions are inevitably going to result in central banks printing more money.

After all, that’s all they can do. They can’t print oil, or workers, or any of the other things that the economy needs.

Which means… inflation is only going to get worse.

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in Inflation, It's a Bull Market

What Happens to Inflation When the U.S. Dollar Begins to Collapse?

By Graham Summers, MBA

As I noted yesterday, Japan has unleashed the next wave of inflation.

By quick way of review:

1) Japan’s central bank, the Bank of Japan or BoJ, is the only major central bank that is still easing monetary conditions: both the Fed and the European Central Bank (ECB) are tightening monetary conditions.

2) As a result of this differential in policy, Japan’s currency, the Yen has hit a 24-year low relative to the $USD.

3) Japan imports almost all its energy and food needs. As a result of this currency collapse, food and energy prices in Japan are skyrocketing.

So last week, the BoJ decided to take matters into its own hands… and intervene directly in the currency markets. This is an actual gamechanger.


Because Japan is now EXPORTING inflation to the U.S. and Europe. How long do you think the U.S. and Europe will tolerate this?

And so… we have entered the currency wars, a time in which major countries use monetary policy as a weapon to defend their own currencies against others.

All of this is HIGHLY inflation.

Consider the U.S.. If inflation hit a 40 year high at a time when the $USD was doing this:

What do you think happens to inflation when the $USD rolls over due to Japan propping up the Yen?

On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

We are making just 100 copies available to the public.

To pick up yours, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Fed’s Worst Nightmare Has Officially Arrived

By Graham Summers, MBA

The Fed’s worst nightmare has arrived.

That nightmare?

Sticky inflation in the form of a wage spiral.

Inflation doesn’t enter the financial system all at once; it arrives in stages. Those stages are:

Stage 1: Price increases in raw materials

Stage 2: Price increases in factory gate prices

Stage 3: Price increases in retail prices/ consumer prices

Stage 4: Employees/workers demand higher wages to meet higher costs of living.

The Fed can deal with stage 1 or stage 2 of inflation relatively easily. However, once we get into stages 3 and 4, inflation becomes a LOT harder for the Fed to kill. 

Indeed, for the Fed, stage 4 is the most dreaded phase of inflation as it usually requires a deep recession to kill it.

And the U.S. economy just entered it.

The ADP national employment report released last Wednesday reveals that private sector employment increased by 132,000 jobs in August.

That’s the good news.

The bad news?

Annual pay increased by 7.6%.

In simple terms, employees/ workers are now demanding higher wages due to inflation. This means the Fed’s worst nightmare has arrived. It will need to raise rates much higher than anyone anyone believes… and trigger a deeper recession than anyone expects in order to bring inflation to heel.

Our downside target for the S&P 500 remains below 3,000 as noted on the chart below.

If you’re looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

Today is the last day this report will be available to the general public.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

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Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Are Stocks About to Crash?

By Graham Summers, MBA

As I warned yesterday, the next crisis is just around the corner.

By quick way of review…

1) The Fed takes its cues on where rates need to be from the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury.

2) Throughout the first half of 2022, the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury has spiked, resulting in the Fed being WAAAAAY behind the curve in terms of inflation.

3) Only once the Fed began raising rates by 0.75% did the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury begin to stabilize.

Why does all of this matter?

Because stocks are priced based on Treasury yields. So, when the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury spiked earlier this year, the stock market took it on the chin.

Indeed, it was the fact that the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury had stabilized that allowed the stock market to rally this summer.

Then came the Fed’s monster screw up.

In July, Fed Chair Jerome Powell claimed the Fed is “in the range of neutral” as far as monetary policy is concerned. This is akin to him stating, “we’re done tightening monetary policy.”

It was arguably the stupidest thing a Fed Chair has said since Ben Bernanke stated that “subprime is contained” in 2007. And the bond market just called the Fed’s bluff.

The yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury has just broken to new highs. This represents the bond market telling us that it no longer believes that the Fed is serious about tackling inflation. The Fed either needs to get WAY more aggressive with monetary policy (bad for stocks) or inflation is going to collapse the economy (even worse for stocks).

Put simply… stocks are on borrowed time. And the markets know it!

If you’re looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

We made 100 copies available to the general public.

As I write this there are 18 left.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Buckle Up, the Fed is Losing Control of the Bond Market Again!

By Graham Summers, MBA

Are you ready for the next crisis?

You better be… because the Fed is losing control of inflation and the bond market… again.

Historically, the Fed has taken its cues on where rates should be based on where the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury is trading. In this context, it is easy to see how badly the Fed screwed up earlier this year. The gap between the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury (blue line in the chart below) and the Effective Federal Funds Rate (red line in the chart below) is massive.

This is why the stock market collapsed earlier this year. Stocks are priced based on Treasury yields, so when the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury spiked earlier this year, the stock market took it on the chin.

The Fed attempted to get this under control this summer, by hiking rates by 0.75%. The history of Fed rate hikes during its most recent monetary tightening up until that point is below

· March 17, 2022: Fed raises rates 0.25%.

· May 5, 2022: Fed raises rates 0.5%.

· June 16, 2022: Fed raises rates 0.75%.

When the bond market saw this, it began to calm down and the yield on the 2-Year U.S. Treasury stabilized.

This stability in bond yields is what allowed the stock market to rally this summer.

But the Fed just screwed this up BIG TIME.

I’ll explain how as well as when the next crisis will hit in tomorrow’s article. In the meantime, if you’re looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

We made 100 copies available to the general public.

As I write this there are 27 left.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

The Bear Market Rally is Over… the Next Leg Down is Here!

By Graham Summers, MBA

Judging from last week, the bear market rally ended right at the 200-day moving average (DMA) for the S&P 500.


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This was right where market leaders such as Tesla (TSLA) had suggested we’d see a top. Indeed, one of the first signs that the market would be topping out was the fact TSLA struggled to remain above its 200-DMA once it initially broke above that line in mid-July.

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So where do we go from here?

High yield credit, which leads stocks, suggests the S&P 500 is going to 4,100 in the near-term.

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It’s a similar story for breadth, which also leads stocks.


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However, if the S&P 500 cannot maintain support (green line in the chart below) around 4,100, things could get UGLY fast.

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For those looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

We are making just 100 copies available to the general public.

As I write this there are 39 left.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

When Will This Bear Market Rally End and the Next Leg Down Begin?

Yesterday we put this recent stock market rally in the context of historical bear market rallies.

By quick way of review.

  1. It is extremely common for stocks to rally, and sometimes by quite a lot and for as long as two months, during a secular bear market.
  • During the Tech Crash, the S&P 500 experienced four rallies, ranging from 10% to 25%, and lasting two weeks up to 2.5 months.
  • During the Housing Crash, the S&P 500 experienced four rallies, ranging from 10% to 15% and lasting one to two months each.

In this context, the current rally in stocks is 9 weeks old (a little over two months) and has seen the S&P 500 rally some 17%.

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This begs the question… if this is indeed a bear market rally… when will it end? Put another way, when does the next leg down begin?

Historically, the 40-week moving average (the same as the 200-day moving average) has been a line of GREAT significance during bear markets. During the Tech Crash, the S&P 500 was never able to break above this and stay there.

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A similar dynamic played out during the Housing Crash. Here again, the S&P 500 was unable to reclaim the 200-DMA/40-WMA.

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So where are stocks trading today in relation to this line?

The S&P 500 is just about to test its 200-DMA/40-WMA. If history is any guide, it won’t be able to reclaim this line and stocks will begin their next leg down in the next few weeks.

Chart, histogram

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For those looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

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Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

This is a Bear Market Rally… Nothing More Pt 2

On Friday I outlined the technical setup for the stock market’s current bear market rally.

By quick way of review…

  1. The price action in 2022 had been extremely bearish with 12 out of the previous 15 weeks closing down as of mid-June.
  • The S&P 500 was extremely extended below its 50-day moving average (DMA)… hitting a low of 11% below that line in early June.

Put simply, the markets were primed for a bear market rally. After all, EVERY major bear market experiences these.

It is not uncommon for stocks to rally quite a lot… and for several weeks if not months, during bear markets. During the first 12 months of the Tech Crash, the stock market experienced two rallies of ~10 each lasting over a month in length, as well as two rallies of ~20+%, both of which lasted two months.

However, despite these significant rallies, stocks continued down another year, finally starting the bottoming process in late 2002.

Similarly, during the Housing Bust, there were four stock market rallies of 10%-15%, each lasting three weeks or more. Again, each of these ended in misery with stocks plunging an additional 50% before the market bottomed in 2009.


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My point with all of this is that bear markets are extremely dangerous because stocks don’t go straight down. Instead, the stock market frequently experiences significant ~10+% rallies that can last as much as two months.

Just like this current rally.

I’ll outline when the next leg down in this secular bear market will begin in tomorrow’s article… in the meantime, if you’re looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market

Why the Market Is Exploding Higher… and What Comes Next

By Graham Summers, MBA

Let’s consider this latest stock market rally.

First and foremost, the price action for stocks in 2022 had been EXTREMELY bearish. The S&P 500 experienced EIGHT consecutive down weeks from late March until mid-May of 2022. Even more striking, from mid-March until early July, only THREE out of the 15 weeks had been up.

Historically, in any given week, stocks rally 56% of the time. So, the stock market’s performance has been extremely unusual in 2022. In this context, the market was overdue for a significant rally when stocks began to form a base in June-July.

Indeed, at the June lows, the S&P 500 was trading a whopping 11% below its 50-day moving average (DMA).  I’ve illustrated this level in the below chart with a blue line. As you can see, this is an extremely rare occurrence having only happened two other times in the last 10 years: the COVID crash and the Fed 2018-policy error which blew up the debt markets.

My point is that stocks were EXTREMELY oversold and stretched to the downside in mid-June of 2022. So, the stage was set for a bear market rally.

However, I have to emphasize that this is a bear market rally. Which means the next leg down is coming. The below chart tells us the story… though it’s not one the bulls want to see.

For those looking to prepare and profit from this mess, our Stock Market Crash Survival Guide can show you how.

Today is the last day this report is available to the public.

We extended our offer by an additional 24 hours due to the holiday weekend, but this is it… no more extensions!

To pick up your FREE copy, swing by:

Best Regards

Posted by Phoenix Capital Research in It's a Bull Market